Sergey Chirkov - biography, personal life, photo, news, movies, actor, filmography, wife, main roles 2021



Sergey Chirkov - Actor Theater and Cinema. Artistic nature and perseverance allowed the guy from a small town not only to get acting education, but also to win a reputation as a talented and diverse artist.

Childhood and youth

Sergey Chirkov was born in Novokuibyshevsk Samara region. Soon after the birth of the son, the parents moved to the desnogorsk, located in the vicinity of Smolensk. In this city, the actor spent his childhood and left him only after graduating from high school in 2000.

After the death of the father, Sergey's mother married again, and the daughter of Katya appeared in the family. The age difference at the brother and sisters is 20 years old, and for the girl he tries to be not just a friend, but an assistant and an example.

In school, Chirkov learned poorly, but played in KVN and professionally engaged in darts. This sport helped in the future to prepare for shooting in a detective "Day of Angel", where his character speaks German. The actor hanged next to the target leaflets with phrases and during the approach behind the darts studied words.

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In a small town, Sergey could only receive a technical specialty in the local technical school, and it was drawn to a completely different profession. He went to the capital and from the first attempt to go into the most prestigious Russian university - Moscow State University at the Faculty of Fine Arts. As the artist himself admitted, he did it called the teacher who dismissively responded about his knowledge of the Russian language. But after the end of the 1st year of Chirkov, he decided to pay more attention to cinematography. He took the documents from Moscow State University and moved to Vgik, where he got into the workshop of Andrei Panin.

There, the young man also did not lie down and moved to study in Rati (Gityis), where his teacher was the honored artist of the arts of the Russian Federation Sergey Vasilyevich Zeep. And here it was not without nuances: Chirkov's purely acting branch changed to the acting group of the Director of the Faculty.

"This allowed me to approach the chosen case not only with the acting, but also from a director's point of view, it is better to understand and correctly disassemble the material. In addition, permanent existence with the maximum load gives resistance to the profession and the ability to work for 18 hours on the site. "

Sergey graduated from the Academy in 2009. As examination and diploma works, the graduate played Nikolai Rostov in the play "Lion Tolstoy. Scenes "and Nikolai Stavrogina in the formulation of the novel Fyodor Dostoevsky" Demons ".


Chirkova's cinematic biography began in 2002, when he played a major role in the Black Ball sports drama. The film did not get visual recognition, but the critics celebrated the actor game as "charming".

All-Russian fame came to the actor in 2008, after entering the screens of youth action "On the game", in which Sergey fulfilled the lead role of the gamer with a nickname vampire. In the film that took 1st place at the Cascader Film Festival in America, Pavel Priluchny and Marina Petrenko starred. The filtered material got more than one film, so a sequel came out in a year "on the game - 2. A new level", and in 2012, the audience saw the television series "Gamers", continuing the history of the first two parts.

After such a deafening success, Sergey participated in a large number of diverse projects, mainly focusing on television format. The next major work was the role of Pasha Volzhhansky - a teenager pretended by an autistic, in the adventure tape "Island of unnecessary people." Working on the way, the artist communicated with special children as possible with such a diagnosis.

In a mystical action "Angelillademon", the adaptation of the Spanish TV series of the same name, chirkov embodied the supporter of the dark forces - a young devil, easily rubbing in trust. Part of the filming was performed in Malta, where the artists liked local dolphins. One of the scenes, where Felix (Chirkov) Topit Masha (Anna Andrónko), filmed many times, because the animals tried to save the actress and did not give her to plunge into the water, pushing it into the surface.

In 2015, the actor receives a major role in the comedy TV series "How I became Russian" about the adventures of the American journalist in Russia. The tape won rabid popularity in China and on the ratings approached the Middle Kingdom to the "Game of Thrones". Chinese media called the ribbon "trailer of the daily life of Russians."

In the sports drama "Hammer" Sergey got a character of Alik, a friend and manager of the main character. In the film about a former professional fighter, who is forced to leave the ring after the accident, and then return, despite the threat to life and for the sake of rescue a friend, Alexey Chadov and Oksana Akinshina are involved. The role, according to the artist, was not easy. However, Chirkov was convinced of the image, because after the premiere, a sports manager approached him and said that in some points it was absolutely clearly clearly saw himself.

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In the criminal drama "Fourth Change" (2018), the actor appeared in the image of a hired killer. The film tells about the secret life of Chinese communities living in the Russian capital, about the work of Chinese migrants and the crimes who hide the diasporas and who are investigating a former register register. The role of Chinese Yong, who is looking for his missing daughter in Russia, invited the real master of martial arts Shi Yanbin. The current master monk of Shaolinsky Monastery for several years was in Russia with a teaching mission.

In the "houses", which appeared in the actor filmography in 2019, he played a house boron offended by people. The script of the film attracted Sergey with a large number of kindness and tenderness. And the complexity of the work was that a small girl and a cat appeared partners in the frame. Children and animals, considers chirkov, talented, honest and more organic, so you have to reach their level, connecting all the accumulated experience.

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The director tried that the character came out truly by the Russian, familiar viewers from childhood, who was not copied from foreign otherworldly creatures, did not resemble the Kuzu from the cartoon.

The picture used computer graphics, the artist of the lead role every day for 3 hours superimposed makeup. Pointed ears of the fairy-tale hero are the idea of ​​Chirkova. The on-screen cat played 5 different animals from the Cat Theater Yuri Kuklachev.

In the 2020th, the drama "Path to the island of the platform" was released on the screen - this is a realized dream of Sergei about the classics, since it is removed by the works of Anton Chekhov. The actor appeared in the image unfairly convicted, but did not respen with the fate of the exile. By the way, Chirkov, like Kirill Kyaro, Vladislav Winds and Mikhail Growe, agreed to work without a fee. The Bi-2 group also did not ask for payment for the composition provided as a soundtrack.

Personal life

Details of the personal life of the chirkov thoroughly hides. They rumored that he met with a partner on the film "On the game" - actress Marina Petrenko. The fans talked even about the wedding, but this information was false."We have never had a novel with Marina, only business and friendly relations, nothing more. Similar on the set I do not welcome, we come there to work, and not to twist love. If someone gets to combine this - excellent, and I don't need it, "the actor explained.

Solva attributed Sergey relations with a colleague Anastasia Stitch, who also did not receive confirmation.

Now the artist is carefully hiding their chief from journalists. But in January, the actor focused on the media, because he attacked his wife with a knife into a state of intoxication. The fifth canal reported that the fact of the call of a woman's outfit police officers confirmed. Sergey himself explained his behavior to the fact that he moved with alcohol and, cutting a salad, cut into negligence.

According to MK, Anastasia's wife caused an ambulance brigade, which delivered Sergey to the trauma, where he was put on one seam on the hip.

The artist leads a page in "Instagram", where posts photos from projects.

Sergey Chirkov now

In 2021, the artist's filmography was replenished with a tape of the "Shruhba", where Zoya Berber, Sergey Marin, Alexander Samoilenko, were also starred in the lead roles. The relevant events are based on the retreative: the plot tells about the maniac-soul, which is in the top three of the most brutal serial killers of the USSR after Andrei Chikatilo and Anatoly Onophenko.

When preparing for shooting, the actors familiarized themselves with the documents, interviews with relatives and investigative experiments with Gennady Mikhasevich himself, who killed girls in the Belarusian SSR for 14 years.


  • 2006 - "Young Wolfhound"
  • 2007 - "Day of Anger"
  • 2009 - "On the game"
  • 2010 - "On the game 2. New level"
  • 2011 - "Gamers"
  • 2013 - "Angel or Demon"
  • 2013 - "Evil Flowers"
  • 2014 - "Secret City 2"
  • 2016 - "Two Father and Two Sons"
  • 2016 - "Shelest"
  • 2017 - "Fourth Change"
  • 2018 - "So does not happen"
  • 2019 - "House"
  • 2020 - "Let's find each other"
  • 2020 - "Roots"
  • 2021 - "Sunshub"
  • 2021 - "Heart and how to use it"

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