Lyudmila Shenchina - biography, personal life, cause of death, songs, son, Vyacheslav Timin, photo



This performer was considered the most sexy singer of the Soviet pop, her velvet voice penetrated into the soul of every listener. Directors celebrated her acting talent, men were guarded for beauty, and women tried to be like. Lyudmila Shenchina - a legend woman without exaggeration. The actress was often called the Cinderella of Soviet pop, which was able to surprise their delicate vocals the whole country.

Childhood and youth

Future celebrity was born on December 13, 1950 in the Ukrainian village of Kudryavtsy, but in the documents of Lyudmila Petrovna Senchina, the 1948 year of birth was indicated. The singer claims that his father tried to change the data so that in perspective the daughter was able to receive a pension before.

The girl grew in a private Soviet family. Mother worked as a teacher at school, father first a cultural worker, and then director of the village house of culture. Thanks to the father of Lyudmila, Stengin first went on stage. That were roles in amateur performances and speeches on the occasion of celebrations.

Lyudmila saw the "Sherburg umbrellas" on the screen of the village club. Michelle Music Legna conquered her, but then the girl could not dream that in the future he would sleep with him.

When the Senchina turned 10 years old, the family moved to Krivoy Rog. In this city, the girl was engaged in music and singing circles, and also graduated from school. After school, Lyudmila went to the music school to Leningrad, but was late for the main tour.

In the school, Lyudmila Stengin came across a happy accident. In the corridor, the girl met the chairman of the examination committee and persuaded listening to the compositions in his performance. Shenchina performed Serenad Schubert and received admission to the following exams.

In 1966, the Eateurient became a student to the nizuchili. Roman Corsakov. She, a non-resident girl, had difficulty. But punching character and innate perseverance helped Lyudmila successfully complete the educational process.


In the Soviet cinema, Lyudmila Stengin appeared rarely, but in every film actress played the main roles. These roles were close and loved by the audience. The popularity of the artist brought pictures "Magic Power of Art", "Shelmenko-Denk" and others.

In 1977, the film "Armed and is very dangerous", which in a matter of weeks became the leader of the rental. Thus, it came in the biography of the artist. Men hurried to the cinemas to see the erotic scene with Lyudmila Sechina. The actress revealed the chest in the frame that according to Soviet standards was more than bold. In the scenario, nothing of the kind was - the scene turned out unintentionally, when Leonid Armored was accidentally jerked by Lyudmila for the strap. The camera took off this moment, and the director did not cut a successful frame.


The popular singer Shenchina could not become, but fate ordered otherwise. In the theater, where the Soviet film actrix played tens of roles, a new main director came. Relationships did not work out, and Lyudmila quit his job.

On the stage, Lyudmila performed the songs of Matrov, from which the famous singers refused. She was noticed after the song "Miracle Horses", but the real popularity came after the composition called "Cinderella". "Cinderella" became a truncine's business card. True, the singer did not want to sing this single - forced Anatoly Badhya, the conductor of the orchestra in which the artist worked.

In 1975, Lyudmila Senchin received the Grand Prix at the festival in Sopot, in the same year the actress became the laureate of the "Song of the Year". After a few years, he received the title of Honored Artist of the Ukrainian SSR and RSFSR.

In the 80-90s, Stenchina became megapopular. Her romance of "White Acacia bunches of fragrant ..." the country sneaked softly, and every concert collected thousands of fans.

Such success was waiting for the song "Pebbles". Chorus "And in pebbles, and in pebbles, and on pebbles River runs" was heard on all radio stations of the Soviet Union.

The Romance "Love and Glinding" of the composer Isaac Schwartz on the poems of Bulat Okudzhava lay down at Ludmila's houses for a whole year, until he was noticed by the author of the musical work.

The song "Field Flowers" is another popular composition in the repertoire of the Soviet and Russian performer. Recording from "Blue Light" when Shenchina first sang this single, and today is gaining thousands of views on the network.

Once at a concert in Moscow, Michelle saw Michelle and invited her to sing a duet. Soon, the "Melody" studio released their joint album with melodies from Sherburg umbrellas.

In 2002, Senchin was awarded the title of People's Artist of Russia, began to appear again on the screens and return to the former popularity.

Personal life

The singer was married three times. The first spouse Lyudmila Senchina - Artist Operetta Vyacheslav Timin. In this marriage, the only son of Lyudmila Vyacheslav was born. Spouses seemed perfect pair, their relationship lasted 10 years.

When the son of the actress turned 19 years old, he went to America. In an interview with press representatives, the performer once said that today Vyacheslav is engaged in insurance and firmly on the legs, and she herself tries to keep in touch with him by telephone. For her, the main thing is that the son felt happy.

It is assumed that the artist decided to divorce with Timoshin, when he met Stas Namina. At that time, the musician was the leader of the group "Flowers". The years spent with Namina, Lyudmila Shenchina considers the most interesting. Stas was painfully jealous, forbade a tour of his wife. They often quarreled and eventually broke up.

After the divorce with Nim, the singer has not met anyone, although fans grabbed. Only after 6 years, the woman decided on new relations with the producer Vladimir Andreev. Senchin said that she was behind him as a stone wall.

It is known that the singer tied a strong friendship with the legendary musician Igor Talkov. They spent a lot of time together, Igor confessed Lyudmila in love, but there was no novel between them.

In March 2017, Lyudmila Senchin visited the program "Tonight." The singer told the leading Andrei Malakhov about the beginning of his star journey.

According to Lyudmila, 45 years ago, the country rented when a young artist with a voice and appearance of the princess starred in the first erotic scene of the Soviet cinema. Nevertheless, despite the reproaches of the public, Senchin was still called the Cinderella of Soviet pop.

Also in April 2017 visited Lyudmila Petrovna visiting Julia Little on the program "Alone with everyone". The celebrity told about his personal life. The actress stated that he regrets the gap with Vyacheslav Timoshin, his first spouse than surprised by the viewers and those present in the studio. A woman cannot forgive this decision, believing that everything could be changed.

"I read that in vain divorced with my first husband. I have a few sins, which I will never forgive. One of them lies in the fact that I divorced Vyacheslav. Do not seek goodness from goodness, "the actress believes.

Lyudmila noted that parting with his beloved man became a catastrophe for her, because at that time she was very worried about the future of his family. Nevertheless, as the singer argued, the situation was gradually settled, and her personal life stabilized.


January 25, 2018 it became known that People's Artist Lyudmila Shenchina died in St. Petersburg. This was reported by her spouse and producer Vladimir Andreev. According to him, the actress died in the hospital.

Few people knew that Lyudmila Petrovna, which in December 2017 turned 67 years old, was sick for the last year and a half.


  • 1974 - "I give you a song"
  • 1974 - "Sings Lyudmila Shenchina"
  • 1984 - "Love and separation"
  • 2001 - "And love laughs and sings"


  • 1970 - "Magic Force"
  • 1971 - "Shelmenko-Rent"
  • 1972 - "After the Fair"
  • 1977 - "Armed and very dangerous"
  • 1985 - "Blue Cities"

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