Veniamin Lochov - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, Films, News 2021



Now, I am sure that Veniamin Laughov, everything is bought and for sale, including awards. It was necessary to give "Tsatski" yet in the youth, and at once the entire theater's troupe on Taganka. But Soviet officials went on politics, not art. Because those who share the point of view of the stars of the screen, were not surprised when he refused to take the title of people's artist of Russia in the 70th anniversary.

Childhood and youth

Veniamin Borisovich was born in August 1940, by the nationality of the Jew. Father - Doctor of Economic Sciences, mother headed by a branch in the Moscow clinic.

In the younger class of laughter, he began to attend the dramatic circle of the Palace of Pioneers, who opened Roland Bulls. At the end of the school he entered the theater school named after Schukin. The head of the course Vladimir Etush in a year translated too timid Veniamine to the Walnutrians with a trial period, but soon he enrolled back with the highest assessment for acting skills.

The creative biography of Lekhova began in the Kuibyshev theater. There, the artist managed to play 6 performances and returned to Moscow. For some time he could not find a job and thought about the change of profession until he fell into the theater on Taganka. After 21, Veniamin, together with Leonid Filatov, left the scene in protest against the expulsion of the director Yuri Lyubimov.

He played a few roles in the "contemporary", and in 1987 returned to Taganka.


The first item in the filmography of Smekhova appeared in the distant 1968th - the cult war drama "served two comrades." All-Union glory, crowds of fans and letters of letters to the actor provided "Three Musketeers" and the role of the sad philosopher of Athos.

To this image, Veniamin Borisovich returned in 1992, starring in the continuation called "Musketeers 20 years later." This film was also removed by George Jungwald Hilkevich, with the same star composition - Mikhail Boyarsky, Igor, Older, Valentin Smirnitsky, Alice Freundlich. In the "Return of Musketeers", Anton Makarsky and Lyanka Gryu joined them.

Lochi spoke with a screenwriter of the musical fairy tale "Ali-Baba and forty robbers". Oleg Tabakov, Sergey Yursky, Armen Dzhigarkhanyan played the main roles. In the 21st century, the picture received a second life with the help of Maxim Leonidov, Egor Druzhinin and Stas Kostyushkin.

It is successful to the embodiment of the Veniamin's heroes of "Seven Screams in the Ocean", the detective "Trap for a lonely man", the series "Montecristo" and "Fursheva", comedy "Seller of Toys". The actor flashed in the melodrama "Balzakovsky age, or all the men of his ...", in which the daughter of Alika Stakhova shone.

In "Marriage in Russian", Alisa Khazanova became his screen daughter. In the criminal tape of "bones", the Russian adaptation of the American series of the American series with Emily Deschanel and David Borianaz, Luxers played the head of the research laboratory. Father and son Victor and Ivan Merezhko entrusted to his friend to play a negative role in the film "Princess Lyakushkin".

However, the acting did not satisfy all the ambitions of the Veniamine, and in the 90s he began the director and teaching career. His dramatic performances, operas know not only in Russia, but also in Israel, the Czech Republic, Germany and France. Arriving to his homeland, Lekhov goes to the scene of the native theater, but only in performances, to the creation of which he himself put her hand.

Veniamin Borisovich writes books. The first - "Music ministry does not suffer a fuss" was published in 1976. Followed several collections of poetry, prose, memoirs. The artist realized the dream of parents to see his writer and journalist. Among the works there are memories of each other by Vladimir Vysotsky. From the Golden Taganka Taganka, they made a series of documentaries.

In 2015, laughing participated in the online readings of the works of Chekhov "Chekhov alive" and a fat "war and peace. We read the novel ", in 2016 he became a member of Google-reading Roman Bulgakov" Master and Margarita. I was there".

Personal life

For the first time, the actor married when he was a little for 20. The wife Alla studied in the food institute, but he did not work in the specialty, settled by the editor on the radio. In this marriage, Veniamin was born two children. Elena and Alik - Creative Persons: First - Writer, Second - Actress and Singer.

Leonid, Son Lena and Senior Grandson, - Candidate of Philological Sciences, teaches at the State Humanitarian University. Sons of Aliki, Artyom and Makar, wear the surname of the grandfather. The youngest, according to the mother, no patronymic. The word "dad" is a senior, understanding how it can injure his brother, does not say, even when it meets with his own parent.

Father honors happiness to go out with Alika for one scene. At the family duet behind the back many theatrical ideas, including the Music and Poetic Program "Twelve Months Tango", the play "Lebel to Injury".

The personal life of the laughter has changed in 1980. Then, after the painful divorce with his wife, Galina Aksenova became his wife. ONA Candidate of Art History and Associate Professor of the MCAT School Studio.

A representative man (height of 186 cm, the weight of 90 kg) does not intend to surrender over the years. Although Veniamin Borisovich believes that as an actor already said everything from working with outstanding directors of modernity would not refuse. Nikita Mikhalkov, Alexey Teacher and Valery Todorovsky hit this row.

Schuchi collects photos on which he seems to be scented with colleagues on the theater or film crew. The collection of pictures was called "Company of sincere friends."

Veniamin Stukhov Now.

News On Cinematographic Projects with the participation of Veniamin Borisovich appears infrequently. One of the latest films with his participation, fantastic anti-nightopia "Mafia: a game for survival", went out on the screens in 2015. The plot is based on a popular game that in the gloomy future of fun at parties turned into an intriguing deadly television show with a fabulous win. Survive at the end of the heroes of Lekhova and Andrei Chidov survive.

Now the actor is preparing to please fans by the series "Kazanova in Russia". An adventurous adventure drama on the scenario of Alexei Timma, the author of Monday Children and the "Sagittarius of Nearby", is removed in the spirit of these paintings and tells about the love of the legendary Venetian and the Russian fortress peasant. The film operator is also a stellar - the owner of the Golden Eagle and Teffi Ilya Demin.

Veniamin Borisovich plays a hero on the name Brugadine, other roles are performed by Natalia Gromushkina, Valery Barinov, Emilia Spivak. The project started on the first day of the summer of 2019, the premiere is scheduled for the second half of next year.


  • 1968 - "served two comrades"
  • 1976 - "Smok and Baby"
  • 1979 - "D'Artagnan and Three Musketeers"
  • 1979 - "In my death, I ask to blame Klava K."
  • 1983 - "Fairy Tale Strangers"
  • 1988 - "Puppy"
  • 1990 - "Trap for a lonely man"
  • 1992 - "Musketeers twenty years later"
  • 1993 - "The Mystery of Queen Anna, or Musketeers thirty years later"
  • 2008 - "Suddenly the wizard will arrive"
  • 2008 - "Monte Cristo"
  • 2009 - "Return of Musketeers, or Treasures Cardinal Mazarini"
  • 2011 - "Furtseva"
  • 2016 - "Mafia: Survival game"

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