Lion Schreiber (Liv Schreiber) - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, Films 2021



Lion Schreiber - American film actor, who became famous thanks to the films in the style of action and horror, including the "Creek" and "X-People: the beginning. Wolverine". Also became famous for both theatrical performer. Thanks to the participation in the creation of the film "And all covered" Schreiber has become the owner of several prestigious film chases. Today, the actor in a good account, and films with his participation are popular all over the world. The image of the main character in the detective drama Ray Donovan remains the last noticeable role.

Childhood and youth

Lion Schreiber was born in San Francisco in the family of creative people. Tella Schreiber, father of the boy, was actor theater, as well as a director of performances. Mother Heger Milgram is an artist who says that he called Son in honor of the writer Lion Tolstoy.

Celebrity ancestors were representatives of many nationalities - Irish, Austrians, Swiss, Scots and Jews. A year after the birth of the baby, Shreibers moved to Canada, where they lived together for 3 years, after which the parents decided to part. Heather, together with the child moved to New York, worked as a taxi driver, made dolls and sold them.

The mother who was a very eccentric woman was jealously followed the cultural education of the lion. The woman insisted that the son listened to classical music and read a lot. In addition, young Schreibero was forbidden to watch color movies.

In 12 years, the lion fell on the theft, as a result of which the mother sent a boy to the Hindu school Sri Ganapati Satchidananda, who was located in Connecticut. After returning to New York Liv studied in the municipal secondary school, where there was an outcast because of the rumored hearing about the past of theft, and also because of the opinion of his family as "strange."

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In the senior classes, Lion Schreiber went to the private educational institution "Academy of Friendship", where for the first time came to the scene in the school play and found a predisposition to the actor profession.

After graduating from school, the young man entered the Massachusetts College of Hampscher, and then studied at Yale University, where he specialized in dramatic art. In his youth, Schreiber visited the classes of drama in the Royal Academy of Dramatic Art of the capital of England, as I decided to become a writer and screenwriter. But the thrust for the actor won, and he returned to the scene.

Theater and films

As an actor Lion Schreiber, first took place on theatrical stage. In 1993, the American debuted at Broadway in the play "in the summer house", later involved in many tragedies of Shakespeare, including in the play "Hamlet", "Heinrich V", "Cymbelin", Macbeth.

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In 2005, the artist played Richard Roma in the popular play "Glengarry Glen Ross", for participation in which the main Theater Prize "Tony" was awarded. Another award "The Award League of Drama" brought Schreiber's production "Radio fores". In addition, he, together with Sigurnie Weaver played in the successful Broadway performance "The Throne of the Lord".

In the cinema, the actor started with small roles in television films and serials. In addition, the Lion shot a lot in non-profit and independent paintings. He drew closer attention in 1996, after entering the screens of the teenage film of the horror "Creek", whose success led to the continuation of the tape.

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The actor played the role of rapist and killer Cotton Wiri. It is curious that the working title of this picture was "very scary movies". In the future, it was not used, but the scenarios were subsequently called a whole series of parody movies.

In the future, Schreiber was invited to the pictures of a similar genre. From the most popular, you can select "phantoms" and "Boman", which went to the symbolic date - 06.06.06. It was specially adjusted by director John Murom, so that the release date symbolizes the monstrous number on which the plot of the film is based.

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The lion was filmed in films of other genres. In his account, the Military Drama "Challenge", telling about World War II. The actor plays the zosho Belsky - one of the brothers, organized in 1941 in Belarus, a Jewish partisan detachment. The film is based on real events.

It is also worth noting 2 political film projects. The drama "The project" Yeltsin "talks about how during the elections of the President of Russia in 1996, American political technologists invited by Anatoly Chubais affected the voting results. Lion Schreiber plays one of these experts - Joe Shumeit. The Times newspaper claims that the painting scenario is not a fantasy, and in the publishing house there are "irrefutable evidence" of this fact.

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The second project is the Canadian mini-series "Hitler: the ascent of the devil", which talks about the coming to power in Germany Adolf Hitler. In this film, the actor plays a successful entrepreneur Ernst Hanfshtens, who is the initiator of creating an image of the leader of fascist Germany - short mustache, swastiki, etc.

Lion Schreiber in 2005 tried himself as a screenwriter and director in tragicomedy "and all covered." The touching filmtin, shot in the style of Road Mugi, was warmly accepted at the Venice Film Festival, and Schreiber was awarded the Laterna Magica Prize award.

In 2009, the film "People X: the beginning. Wolverine "in the lead role with Hugh Jackman. In this tape, the American actor had the role of saber-toothed (Victor Creed). The superhero fighter tells about the two brothers who pass through the fire of many wars of the XIX-XX centuries, protecting and covering each other.

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In the future, they are involved in the Vietnamese War. Military operation in Vietnam ends with the murder of an officer, and the brothers sentenced to shooting. Regeneration abilities help them survive, and soon Colonel William Stryker (the role of Danny Houston) offers brothers to join the ranks of a special group that performs secret tasks.

Spectators and film crimits, calling the film "X-people: the beginning of this tape. Wolverine "The best in the cinematic biography of Schreiber. The actor himself in an interview with media representatives noted that he had to spend a lot of time in the gym to improve his physical form (lion growth - 191 cm, weight - 83 kg) to participate in a popular franchise.

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The image of an invincible Tafgia Leo embodied in the Canadian comedy "raised". In the film, we were talking about the confrontation of the participants of two hockey teams that are responsible for protecting their comrades during the match. Schreiber Hero's rival in the plot was the character performed by Shonna William Scott. In 2017, the 2nd part of the franchise called "Rained: Epic Zames" was published.

The lion expands the boundaries of its role. In 2013, with his participation, the displacement of the scientific fiction painting "Recent Days on Mars" started, where Schreiber performed the role of the only expedition astronaut, which survives after the attack of an unknown virus during the stay of the researchers on the red planet.

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In the biographic drama "Butler", the artist reincarnated in the President of the United States Lyndon Johnson. The Lion also appeared in a no less fascinating project "sacrificing a pawn", in which he played a pair with Toby Maguire. Schreiber performed the role of the Soviet chess player Boris Spassky.

Soon the screens started a sign film with Schreiber - "5th Wave". In this picture, the artist played Colonel Vosh. This is a negative character that acts in the interests of aliens enslaved the Earth. The main roles performed young actors - Chloe Grace Market and Nick Robinson. In July 2017, a list of candidates for the film "Emmy" was published. The list was Schreiber for participating in the series Ray Donovan.

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In addition, Kevin Spacei, Matthew Reese, Anthony Hopkins, Bean, and Milo Vyencins, were overcome for the title "Best Actor Drama". The award got the actor Sterling Brown, the artist of the lead role in the series "This is we". Later, the lion was twice nominated for the "Golden Globe", but also did not receive a reward.

Increasingly, the actor pays attention to work at the auditching studio. He became a member of the dubbing of paintings "Creed: Rocky's heritage", "My little pony." In 2018, heroes of the animation tapes "Island of dogs" and "Spiderman: through the universes" spoke his voice.

Personal life

At different times, Schreiber had a relationship with the actress Christine Davis and the Kate Driver film generator.Embed from getty images

At the filming of the drama "Praised Veil", he met the actress Naomi Watts, with which since 2006 lived in a civil marriage. Personal life of artists has been happy. In July 2007, Naomy and Leo had a son Alexander Peit, who is called in the family to Russian manner - Sasha.

After a year and a half, the pair had a second child Samuel Kai. Lion and Naomi have repeatedly spoke in an interview, which would have decided on the third child if they could be sure that it would be a girl.

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In the fall of 2016, the American press reported that Watts and Schreiber broke up after 11 years of relationship. Celebrities told in an interview with Reuters, which intend to preserve friendly relations in the future.

"With great love, friendship and respect in our hearts, we are going to continue to raise children together, going to the new phase of our relationship," the press said and his former civilian wife.

Many couple fans did not hide their disappointment. In Stagram service, users actively discussed this news. Judging by the official Screiber account, the actor did not interrupt communication with his children after parting with their mother. Photos of sons and today regularly appear on the personal profile of the artist in this social network.

Already in May 2017, media representatives reported that Schreiber started a novel with Morgan Brown, ex-beloved Scottish film actor Gerard Batler. But soon, the Lion was published in the company of Beauty Taylor Naysen, which in 2012 became the owner of the Miss South Dakota title. The artist does not forget about the father's duties: the former family couple with sons is often suited by joint picnics.

Schreiber is fond of sports, especially football, basketball, fencing and cycling. The actor is superbly swimming, sometimes surfing.

Lion Schreiber now

Now Schreiber is working to create new series about the life of a specialist to address issues. In the 6th season of Ray Donovan, whose show ended in early 2019, a police officer from New York helped the chief hero of the narration.

After 2 months, shooting episodes for the 7th part of the gangster drama began. The company on the stage court, the artist of the lead role made up John Light, Paul Malcomson, Eddie Marsan. The show of the new season took place in the fall.

Also in 2019, a new comedy Woody Allen "Rainy Day in New York" was published, in which Schreibero got a small role. He appeared in the acting ensemble, where Timothy Shalam was entered, Jude Lowe, El Fanning, Selena Gomez and others.


  • 1996 - "Creek"
  • 1998 - "Phantom"
  • 1999 - "Hurricane"
  • 2001 - "Kate and Leo"
  • 2003 - "Project" Yeltsin "
  • 2003 - "Hitler: climbing the devil"
  • 2004 - "Manchurian Candidate"
  • 2006 - "OMEN"
  • 2006 - "Painted Veil"
  • 2007 - "Love during cholera"
  • 2009 - "Xu People: Beginning. Wolverine"
  • 2013 - "Recent days on Mars"
  • 2013-2019 - Ray Donovan
  • 2013 - "Butler"
  • 2015 - "sacrificing a pawn"
  • 2016 - "5th wave"
  • 2019 - "Rainy Day in New York"

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