Aziz Abdulwhabov - biography, personal life, photo, news, "instagram", fighting, nationality, record, mma, sambo 2021



The fighter Abdul-Aziz Abdulwhabov fully justifies his nickname Lion - like a predator, he attacks the opponents, without leaving the chance of victory. Professional MMA fighter, European champion in Pankration, the Russian Cup medalist in Sambo and the world champion on universal battle for his career lost only twice and declared the strongest lightness outside the UFC.

Childhood and youth

Abdul Asiza Biography originates on January 16, 1989 in the village of Serenovodsky (Chechen Republic), located almost on the border with Ingushetia. By nationality he is Chechen. The future fighter grew in a big friendly family surrounded by brothers. As a child, a little Aziz was fond of football - like the rest of the rural boys, gladly chased the ball.

The desire to become a fighter appeared from Abdulwahabov in adolescence. A big role was played by the elder brother who took the younger way to play sports and box. At that time, military actions took place in Chechnya, so, despite the desire of Abdul Aziz to fight, he had no opportunity for this.

Aziz Abdulwhabov and Ali Bugov

When the situation was improving, the checkpoints were removed in the region and the border with Ingushetia opened. It was there, in the neighboring republic, there was the first section of the Greco-Roman struggle in which Aziz was engaged. Each time a purposeful guy had to cross the border for the sake of dreams.

After graduation, the young man went to receive a higher education in Moscow. Abdulwhabov entered the Faculty of Law and combined his studies with workouts in freestyle wrestling. A year later, Abdul-Aziz, following his brother's advice, began to engage in hand-to-hand fight. After a month, the coach put a young athlete at the Moscow Region Championship, where Chechen won.

Abdulwhabov successfully pointed itself in amateur MMA. In each tournament, the fighter became the winner or occupied prizes. Then the coach decided that it was time to start a professional sports career.

Mixed martial arts

In 2011, the Profc Grand Prix started, in which Abdul-Aziz was first announced as a professional fighter. He managed to win over the first opponent, but Magomed Alkhasova could not overcome. Despite the defeat in the debut professional tournament, Aziz did not lower his arms and a few months later he went into octave and won the battle. From this point on, a series of victories began: in the next two years, the fighter spent five fights in which he was stronger than opponents.

Aziz Abdulwhabov and Eduard Vartanyan

On April 6, 2014, it became for Abdul Aziz a special date. On this day, his first fight took place in the ACB promotion (since 2018 - ACA). The fighter refused to participate in the first round, since he received a serious injury on the eve. But Abdulwahabov, after all, was destined to get there: the fighter dropped out of the second round of the tournament, and Aziz was repaired by the time and replaced. The opponent became Islam Makoev, who did not have a single defeat on the account. The battle was heavy for both athletes, but the judges unanimously gave the victory to Aziz, who came out in the semifinals.

During this time it became clear that the injury of a fighter is heavy and requires operation. Despite this, the athlete continued participation in the competition. In the final match, Abdulwhabov came up with an experienced militia of Ali Bugov. In the third round, Aziz knocked out the opponent and got an ACB belt in lightweight. After that, the lion took a pause for a year to fix health and rehabilitate.

The return of an athlete happened brightly victory over Vadim Rasul. The following fell of Zulfikar Usmanov and Julio Cesar de Almeida. These fights were not titled, so the belt still remained in Aziz.

The first protection of the title champion in the lightweight category was held in Moscow. The rival of Chechen Lion became Edward Vartanyan, who was defeated in the first round.

In 2016, within the framework of the ACB-48, Revenge was held: bugs against Abdulwhabov. From the first minutes in battle, Ali was leading, but he did not come out on the second round for health. During this, the fight made himself felt and the old Injury of Aziz. The knee of the fighter was operated on, and for a long time he was on rehabilitation.

Aziz Abdulwhabov and Alexander Sarnavsky

A year later, the main event of the ACB tournament was a fight between Abdulwahabov and Vartanyan. For the first time at the Aziz career, an exhausting fight continued all the laid five rounds. The victory was awarded the current champion, and he retained the title.

In 2018, the third meeting of Abdul-Aziza and Ali Baghov took place within the framework of the ACB-89 competition. In the title battle, the champion gave way to the opponent, and the belt moved to the bug. Next year, the athlete held two victory fights: with Brian Foster and Imanali Gamzathanov.

In 2020, Abdulwahabov managed to return the belt. In a duel with Alexander Sarnavsky at the ACA-111 competitions, the Chechen won. So Abdulwhabov again became a champion in lightweight (the athlete weighs 70 kg with a height of 177 cm), losing only 2 fights out of 20. This indicator has become a personal fighter record.

Personal life

Abdul-Aziz does not comment on a personal life, so there is no reliable information about his wife or the girl. The athlete actively leads a profile in "Instagram", where it shares with fans a photo from training and fighting.

Free time Aziz spends with friends with whom it is often found. Do not forget about the family, which, as an athlete admits, now for him the main support in life.

Abdul-Aziz Abdulwhabov now

After the fight with Alexander Sarnavsky in 2020, Abdulwhabov received serious injuries. He recovered for a long time and did not participate in competitions. Aziz planned to return to competitions in August-September 2021.

Aziz Abdulwhabov and Artem Reznikov

In the same year, the news about the fight between Abdulwhabov and Artem Reznikov appeared. Opponent Abdul-Aziz said that he did not want to participate in battle, as it was not planning to extend the contract with the ACA. Reznikov was agreed to speak in the rating match, but the contest with the current champion became title. In case of winning, Artem's contract would be automatically extended.

As Aziz admitted, his plans for 2021 included a complete restoration of the body and the protection of the title of champion in lightweight weight.


  • 2016-2017 - ACB Champion in Light Weight
  • 2020 - Champion ACA in lightweight weight

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