Anna Kazychitz - biography, personal life, photos, news, Tatyana Kazychits, movies, husband, sister, "DNA" 2021



On the screen, the Belarusian and Russian actress Anna Kazyukitz is an impregnable, cold, wayward to cruelty. In life, according to the testimony of those who communicate with her, romantic and wounded. With the positive qualities of the artist, the audience met when Anna became a TV presenter and opened to fans from the new side.

Childhood and youth

The year of birth Anna Kazyuchits - 1983. The future star appeared in the summer in Cold Norilsk, there from Belarus came to earnings grandmother with grandfather. Yuri Nikolayevich's father studied at the Schukinsky Theater School with Evgeny Leonov-Gladyshev and Lyudmila Nielskaya, starred in "Comedy about the Lisuctor" and the TV series "White Clothes" on the novel by Vladimir Dudintsev.

Mother Nadezhda worked as a physician. The younger sister Tatyana Kazychits in the future also became an actress and was a participant of the TV project "People's Artist 2". The family moved several times - first in Krasnoyarsk, then to Moscow, where Yuri Kazychitz played in the Drama Theater on the Small Bronnaya. Finally, parents with schoolgirls settled in Minsk, so that her daughters could grow in a more favorable climate.

When Ana was 10 years old, and Tanya - 8, the father died suddenly from terrible disease. Cancer "Ate" Yuri Nikolayevich 3 months after diagnosis. In the program "The Fate of Man" Kazychitz admitted to Boris Korchevnikov, which dreamed of being like dad.

Mother with children stayed in Belarus. "Apocalypse came, survived in the 90s on a small mother's salary. There were some tights on three. And the father's shirt was put on school discos, tapping it with a node. The sewing machine mastered, "said Kazychitz childhood.

Anna graduated from the music school in the Piano's class, seriously engaged in rhythmic gymnastics, served great hopes, but the acting career attracted much more.

Already at the age of 13 years old, the girl began to go to the scene of the Belarusian National Drama Theater named after Gorky, and also played in the studio-studio of the film actor. Ophelia in Shakespeare's "Gamlet" and Marie in the "Nutcracker" are considered its best images of that period.

After graduating from school, Kazyuchitsa went to Moscow and entered the Schukin school. The artistic director of the girl was Yevgeny Knyazev. Having received a diploma, the young actress replenished the theater's troupe. V. Mayakovsky, but worked there a little over a year. The roles that I wanted to play did not give, so why take a place that does not have the prospects.

"I saw all the intrigues, so the impression from the stationary theater was not too beautiful. I do not know how in this body you can fully exist. When the circle of envy, negative aura, the unscrew conversations behind the back ... "- Reeded Anna.


Cinematic biography Kazychitz began when light-eyed beauty still studied at school. Anya starred in the dramatic tape of the Minsk studio "Belarusfilm" "Burn", the script of which is written on the reasons of Valery Soroki "Save our souls."

After moving to Moscow, he continued to film from episodes in popular television series "Kamenskaya" and "in August 44th", "Lily Silver" and "Code of Honor". Among the partners of the beginner actress were Lidia Vellezhev, Andrei Sokolov, Irina Rosanova, Andrei Tolubeev.

Faminess came to Anna after entering the screens of melodrama-epic "My Prechistenka". The centenary story of one Moscow courtyard and its inhabitants really liked TV viewers. The picture had a high rating, and the game of actors, including Kazychitsi, earned the praise and approval of critics. Anna played Beloshwear Anastasia, in love with young prince Alex Repinnin.

At the beginning of the project, the heroine is 18 years old, and by the end it is an elderly lady, having two grandchildren. The actress recalled that when I first saw myself with gray hair, latex wrinkles in the eye, lips and forehead, I decided that in the future turns into a fairly pleasant old woman.

Satisfied with Anna and the role of Natalia in the youth musical drama "Doomed to become a star." The celebrity considers luck that for one film fell a chance to portray such a changeable person, because the scenario was constructed in such a way that the glamorous and surface heroine is subsequently in psychiatric hospital.

Another curious experience in creative plan for Anna Kazychitz was immediately 2 characters - Gemini Christina and Zhenya - in the detective melodraman "Fire", devoted to the problems of people, and AIDS patients. To play at the same time alone and similar externally, but still different people turned out to be not so simple and at the same time, from a professional point of view.

In 2009, at the First International Czech Festival, the actress received a prize for the best female role in the "Forgiveness, Dr. Chekhov", telling about the life of the Great Russian Writer. Anna convincingly recreated the image of the singer Face Mysine, which was a close friend of Anton Pavlovich and became the prototype of Nina Zarechny in the "Seagull" play.

In 2011, Anna appealed to the classics again and played a "open" drama, the film by the famous novel Ivan Goncharov. The artist was embodied into the image of faith, honest, correct and externally discovered nobility, in the soul of which passions are raging. This is a heroine and attracts the attention of the hero of Stanislav Belyaeva.

In 2012, the actress was invited to be filmed in the Delta's multi-seater militant. Kazyuchitsy reincarnated in Tatyana Lobanov, wife of the Inspector of Fisheweds, killed by Igor Mafia for excessive principle. Son of the married couple played Egor Klinayev. After 2 years, Kazychitsa returned to the role in the series "Delta. Continuation".

In 2013, the Joint project Anna and director Egor Grammatikova "I leave you love". The historic tape is devoted to the romantic relations between Liepaja residents and German officers on the eve of the Second World War. In the foreground, Alina Sergeyev, Victoria Maslov, Petar Zekavitsa and Anatoly Rudenko played.

Anna's character in the picture "Smile of the Middle", a rocky beauty, daughter of a rich businessman, leads her husband from the naive provincial government performed by Elena Arosnieva. In the melodrama "Holiday of broken hearts" without the second half the character in the execution of Kazychitsa remains. But in this case, the main character is not going to lower his hands, but wants to force the former one to look at her with different eyes.

In 2015, the YSUP of Speakers involved Anna in the Melodrame "Domrabotan". Kazyuchitsy played a woman who deceived the spouse, to achieve a divorce and leaving anything. Olga is arranged to work by the housekeeper and by coincidence will find out the details of this and other Machinations of her husband.

A rarely encountered positive role is executed by the actress in the criminal film "Pennsylvania". Nina Sergeyevna Tumanova is a resident of a small village, in love with the city investigator engaged in the abduction of the child and the murder of nanny.

In 2016, Anna Kazychits played a major role in the 4-serial melodrame "Cunning Games". Heroine actresses - the owner of the Eco Katya clinic, which, in addition to help on artificial fertilization, is also looking for surrogate mothers with hopeless couples. From the provincial town comes a niece of Luba (Anastasia Richie). The girl in front of the wedding betrayed the groom, and Lyuba tries to hide from the shame.

Anna Kazychitz - biography, personal life, photos, news, Tatyana Kazychits, movies, husband, sister,

The actress was filmed on the second plan in the crime drama "embroided." The main action unfolded around the characters of Dmitry Mariananov, Anastasia Panina and Geli Meshi. With the last two, Anna worked in a detective guardian, talking about the investigation of criminal cases in which historical artifacts appear.

The next major role got Kazychits in the melodrama "Third Life Daria Kirillovna". So call the heroine of artists who grew up in the provincial city and moved to the capital, which he dreamed of from childhood. Anna as Dasha managed to make a career and head the fashion architectural bureau. The well-established life flows as a woman until Daria suddenly disappears. When she is barely alive, it turns out that she does not remember anything from the past.

Magnificent, albeit the repeating image of the "bitch", according to the evaluation of the audience, turned out from the actress in the film "By whining omen." Anna plays a simple pension accountant Elena Bykov, which jealousy torments: husband (Igor Sigov) pays too much attention to a new patient (Eugene Nochlin).

In the film "The price of the past" Kazychitsy starred as a happy wife and mother. However, stability brings boredom, and the heroine of Maria Golovin turns a novel with a classmate, not suspecting that he puts the most valuable. And the lover is not the man for whom he gives out. Anna's company in this project amounted to Denis Sailors, Elena Papanova and Daria Feklenko.

According to the plot of the Pictures of 2018, the actress played the lady at first a positive. But then its true nature is manifested, and comments fell in social networks on Kazychitz, allegedly negative images approach her more. In the foreground worked Ivan Oganesyan and Natalia Antonov.

The same team shot a detective melodrama, called "Say something good." According to Anna, there she is a bandita marina, which runs with a weapon in his hands and travels around steep cars.

In 2019, the TV series "Labyrinth of Illusions" came out on the "home" channel. Here Kazychitsy again a unprincipled villain, but with the good goal - to save the child. "At first, I tried to somehow soften Margot, make a little bit, add positive emotions. Still, in every negative character you are always trying to find something that can justify it. But the director asked to play tougher - it requires a genre of psychological thriller, "the actress told in an interview about the film.

The artist also paid the time of the theater career. Megamarsh, which organizes touring entrepreneurship performances in Russia, allocated Anna comedy role in the production of "Three Wishes of Antiquary, or Flowing Rich Goat". Together with Kazychitsi on stage, Alexey Buldakov, Lyudmila Nilskaya, Vadim Andreev and Peter Belykov, shone.

Personal life

The first love for which Anne Kazychitz had to compete, - a boy from the pioneer camp. The celebrity recalled in an interview: "He liked another Anya. He invited her to dances, and I sobbed into the pillow at night. But it helped the case. For long hair, I was appointed by Kupavinka for the day of Ivan Klapala. In the white sheet and with the awesome wreath on the head to a deep night went around the fire as the main symbol of the holiday. Then, Egor and began to look in my direction. "

In his youth in the theater school, a guy was discouraged by a friend and the future colleague Valeria Sizova. Now Anna warmly recalls the time spent with Vladimir Jaglyz, a classmate in Schukinsky. Armed feelings broke out on the soil of collaboration on student productions, but together students did not live. And at the same time, the actress realized that it was impossible to be carried away as bright and charismatic men: "Handsome man is always someone else."

In 2001, the star met the star with the actor and director Yegor Grammatikov, the Son of Vladimir Grammatikov, the creator of the "Used Nanny". The novel, who hid the lovers, because Egor was married. In 2014, Anna gave birth to the son of Daniel, and Officly, Egor became her husband's husband only after the death of the wife of Dobryansky.

From the face of grammatkova, the son of Ilya, to which the actress belongs to the native. With the senior Nikita and Fedor, who appeared from the director in previous relations, she also found a common language.

Daniel immediately decided to go in the footsteps of the parents, so insisted that he was not determined not to a secondary school, but with theatrical bias. Ilya initially wanted to devote life to medicine and also signed up in a specialized class. In 2014, he starred in the criminal film of the Father "Forgive me Mom". From the same time in the cinema plays the stepper Nikita grammar.

Spouses love to travel. From the trips Anna, as the media writes, brings pretty professionally performed photos. True, appreciate this facet of the talent of Kazyukitz fans can hardly be able, since the personal life of the actress protects. In "Instagram" there are both family pictures, but more often there are scenic images or joking selfie.

See a slim celebrity (growth - 170 cm with weight 52 kg) in a swimsuit in the films of movies. And in the mystical tape of Alexander Strizhenova "Yulia" at the heroes of Anna and Marat Basharov, there were so candled bed scenes that they had to be cut with the final montage.

Anna Kazychitsa now

At the end of 2020, it became known that Anna will appear in front of the audience in the new status - the artist was approved to the TV presenter of the DNA program. Kazychitz replaced Alexander Kolovoy, who died in a plane crash. The actress has already participated in this show, but as a star expert.

At the beginning of 2021, the premiere of the 2nd season of the 4-serial melodrama "sometime tomorrow" took place on the TVC channel. The main role was given to the hope of Azelkina. Anna fans considered that she would be better to reveal the heroine. But critics spoke in general negatively about the ribbon. One of the reasons is implausfully attractive prisoners of a correctional colony.

In February, a picture of the Khaki Resort was published on the first channel, which was filmed in Gelendzhik. Here Kazyuchits appeared again in the image of the fatal blonde. According to the plot, the charming "bitch" Svetlana makes a disorder in the family idyll chief of the border detachment Alexei Streltsov (Daniel of Strakhov).


  • 2005-2007 - "Doomed Become Star"
  • 2006 - "My Prechistenka"
  • 2008 - "Blue Nights"
  • 2009 - "Yulia"
  • 2010 - "Tukhachevsky. Conspiracy Marshal »
  • 2012 - "Inadequate joy"
  • 2012 - "Delta"
  • 2013 - "Curve of the soul mirror"
  • 2014 - "Mock Smile"
  • 2014 - "Lord-comrades"
  • 2015 - "Housekeeper"
  • 2016 - "Cunning Games"
  • 2017 - "Third Life Daria Kirillovna"
  • 2018 - "In someone else's edge"
  • 2018 - "Price of the Past"
  • 2019 - "Labyrinth of Illusions"
  • 2019 - "Say something good"
  • 2019 - "Passion for Zinaida"
  • 2020 - "Each tomorrow will come"
  • 2021 - "Khaki Color Resort"

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