Roman Popov - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, Comedy Club, Actor 2021



Roman Popov is a resident "Comedy Club", a member of the humorous duet "20:14. Sochi City, Winner "Comedy Battle - 3", Performer of the leading role in the comedy TV series "Policeman from Rublevka".

Childhood and youth

Roman was born on February 9, 1985 in the Ukrainian town of Konotop. But the homeland did not have time to remember, since the parents Svetlana Eduardovna and Alexey Ivanovich moved to Yoshkar-Ollow, when the son turned 2 years old. They were offered work in the state reserve.

In the capital of the Republic of Mari El, childhood and youth Roman Popova passed. After graduation, I decided to act simultaneously in Gitis and the Mari Pedagogical Institute, to the Department of Psychology. On the last exam in the capital, the guy, who dreamed about the actor, did not go - thought that they would not miss due to a speech defect (molding).

In the pedigree, the novel first went to the scene as a player of the KVN student team. This occupation is so fascinated by a young man that psychology has moved far to the background. Not only Popov, but also the audience, and the teams on the team immediately understood: the present calling is to mix people.

In 2003, the Popov family moved from Yoshkar-Ola to Sochi. In the Krasnodar Territory and started the creative biography of Roman Popov. In the resort town, the novice artist was able to realize and develop talent and start making money. In the south of Russia in 2004, the novel met the future partner on the funny sketch of Oganes Grigoryan.

Humor and television

Humorous duet "20:14. Sochi city "did not form immediately. At first, Roman Popov and Oganenes Grigoryan talked in a friendly. After 5 years of dating, young people ripe for a common cause. At that time, the novel was 25 years old. Popov and Grigoryan successfully passed the casting and received an invitation to participate in the project "Comedy Battle". Duet managed to take a leader's place in the 3rd Tele Show.

Sergey Svetlakov, Semen Slepakov, Garik Martirosyan, Garik Harlamov and Mikhail Galustyan entered the jury. The second and third places were taken by Sergei Sergeich Kurtegin, respectively, from Ufa (humorist with cerebral palsy) and Victor Komarov from Moscow, the future participant of the Stand Up project. In 2013, partners become residents of "Comedy Club". The debut performance of the novel Popov with a colleague, the audience saw on the TNT channel on the eve of 2014.

To the question of how long he is in the profession, Popov invariably responds that on stage from 6 years old, and from 15 - with a microphone. Speeches in "Comedy Club" is a job, and a favorite hobby, and a lifestyle for the artist of the humorous genre. Popov's show-program lovers are famous under the scenic name Roman Martvay. In the Krasnodar Territory, he rightly won the title of the best showman of the south of Russia.

Humanist - winner of the 2nd International Festival of Masters of the Holiday Golden Microphone. Now the artist is busy not only in the "Comedy Club": Roman Shopping participates in the transfer "Do not sleep!" On the TNT channel, performs the leading and co-author of the humorous program "Skudney Show". This is a weekly final program on "Radio Gum".

"Comedy Radio is an opportunity to be yourself in front of the largest audience and receive money and pleasure at the same time." Although material wealth, according to Popov, for him in the 3rd place, after a family and comfortable worldview.

Duet "20:14. Sochi city "is gaining popularity. The guys appear on the screen more often. Their humor is characterized by intelligence and intelligence. It is no coincidence that Roman Popova and the Oganes of Grigoryan, besides teleadia, thousands of "living" customers. These are the various Event agencies of large cities of Russia, clubs, restaurants and even government organizations.

In 2016, a humorist in the company with another former Cavencen, Irina Chesnokova participated in the quiz "Where is the logic?". In the role of Vizavi, members of the group "A-Studio" of Keti Topuria and Baigali Serkubaev were performed. Musicians played once.

Excessive fullness and moldability became the subject of ridicule from the leading show "Money or Shame" in August 2018. However, uncle Viti's tough jokes did not confuse Popov, which turned the shortcomings in the "chips". As the guest of the program admitted himself, there is little information about it on the Internet about it, "to hide" something and hit will not work more.


The series "Policeman from Rublevka" was the starting point of the filmography of Roman, invented by Ilya Kulikov, the "Plukhary" director, "Pyatnitsky", "Karpov" and the scenarios of the Sitters "Law of Stone Jungle" and "Chernobyl. Exclusion Zone".

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The main character of the story is a wealthy young man Grigory Izmailov (Alexander Petrov), who decided to devote the life of the capture of criminals, setting up at the police station of the Odintsovo district. The sense of humor and amarism made Gregory by the unlawful leader of the department, which did not like the head of Vladimir Yakovlev at all (Sergey Burunov).

Roman Popov received in the film The role of a charming police officer Igor Mukhich, who is not lucky in love. The operative is unrequited in love with the girl of Easy Behavior Christina (Sophia Kashtanova). The role of the beloved Grigory - Alena - performs actress Tatyana Babenkova, Alexander Bortich plays Sister Izmailov.

In 2016, Popov starred in the comedy detective "Last video on YouTube", in the center of the plot of which is a popular blogger Denis Kukoyaka. The guy on behalf of the Hero of the novel is looking for the same as he, the stars of the Internet space, abducted by unknown people. The director of the painting was Alexei necessary, the author of the comedy "Trekka New", "Olga" and "I lose weight." Bright representatives of the Russian Bogging Katya Clap, Valery Lubarskaya, Ruslan Usachev, Sergey Mezentsev and Mikhail Krsichtovsky played themselves.

In the spring of 2017, the premiere of the 2nd season of the series about the ruble guards of the order called "Policeman from Rublenki in Beskudnikovo" took place. This time the main heroes, despite the increase, had to change Barvihu on the poor criminal area of ​​the capital of Bescordnikovo.

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The third part of the film "Policeman from the ruble. Again at home "in 2018 claimed Thafi. In it, Popova's character investigated the cases of ghosts and robbery of collectors, went hostage to the bandits and met the new employee of the department.

In the same year, the creators of the series were pleased with fans with a full-length ribbon "Policeman from Rublevka. New Year's chaos. " In it, hero Alexander Petrova consciously goes to the Bank's robbery in the hope that colleagues will quickly find the guilty and prove the need for the existence of a department that threatens the closure.

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In 2017, the director Ilya Schestobites began working on the comedy "President's Vacation", which tells about the summer journey of the head of state (Dmitry Grachev) by car on the road from Moscow to Crimea.

During the trip, passing without security and incognito, the President of Russia meets the inhabitants of the country. At this time, his post takes a twin-marginal. Anna Tsukanov-Cott is also involved in the role of a fellow villagers, Nastasya Sambursk and Evgeny Sidichein - in the images of bodyguards. Gosha Kutsenko and Dmitry Dibrov lit up as Kameo: the president of the traveler tried on the script under them. Roman Popova is still an image of a policeman.

In the spring of 2019, the premiere of the Comedy "Policeman from the ruble took place on the TNT channel. We will find you. " In the 4th season of the popular series, Popova, Petrova and Burunova appeared an anonymous enemy who was given to the nickname of Moriarty, by analogy with the hero of the novels Arthur Conan Doyle.

In April, the novel became the guest of YouTube-show Actress Yulia Topolnitskaya "Having friends." The essence of the program is to check the friends and relatives of celebrities at the rate of reaction, a sense of humor, willingness to recover. Popov lost to glasses comic battle Colleague-show Denis Kosyakov, nevertheless earned 100 rubles.

Personal life

Personal life of Roman Popova has been happily. He has a favorite spouse of Julia and three children, but the actor is trying not to devote curious in details."The wife is my main adviser, and I was very lucky that she had such a wise. Without her opinion, I almost never accept important decisions. "

Senior - Fedor and Lisa, the name of the youngest daughter born in April 2019, the parents have not yet voiced.

The novel leads personal pages in Facebook and in Vkontakte, as well as the site dedicated to the work of the duet "20:14". In the personal account in the "Instagram" often places family photos. Interestingly, in one joint picture with Yulia Popov looks like a breathtaking.

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Over the years, a man with an increase of 178 cm scored 95 kg. Experiment with weight for the sake of the role as Alexander Bortich in the picture "I'm losing weight", the novel is not going to, "unless millions of dollars". But it is necessary to drop an excess one because it is experiencing problems with the knees.

In a circle of loved ones, the actor acts as a singer. Musical compositions of their own performance, the artist lay out in "Instagram". The passion does not go beyond the hobby, but the fans hope that the novel of Popov will soon take a couple of rooms for a large scene.

Roman Popov now

2020 quarantine restrictions inspired Leonid Margolin the plot of the comedy series "Love in the non-working week." Popov reincarnated in one of the main characters.

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In 2021, the actor was involved in the adventurous tape "Boomerang", Project Peter Buslova, familiar to the audience on the films "Home arrest" and "Vysotsky. Thank you for being alive". The main roles were allocated by Vladimir Sychev and Dmitry Nagiyev. In the center of the plot - the owner of the pharmaceutical business and the unemployed artist who in an attempt to end the life of suicide breaks the car of a businessman. There is no money for repairs to repairs. To work out the debt, the unfortunate is hired to the rich "in slavery."

TV project

  • 2014 - "Comedy Club"
  • 2014 - Skudny Show
  • 2014 - "Do not sleep!"
  • 2016 - "Where is the logic?"
  • 2018 - "Money or Shame"
  • 2019 - "Have friends"


  • 2016 - "Last video on YouTube"
  • 2016-2019 - "Policeman from Rublevka"

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