Jessica Bil - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, Films 2021



Jessica Bil is a Hollywood actress, which has not appeared in popular TV series and full-length blockbusters. Today, the performer successfully combines the acting career with the role of loving spouse and mom. Her family, the head of which was the star of show business Justin Timberlake, is considered exemplary among creative couples. Proof of Tom serve endless recognition in love, which spouses are addressing each other through social networks.

Childhood and youth

Jessica Bill was born in the US state of Minnesota, in the town or, in March 1982. Early childhood has passed in moving family from one state to another. Dad girl was an entrepreneur and for a long time looking for the most favorable place for the development of his business. Therefore, Spouses Edward Beel and Kimberly Connoi, together with the children, first moved from Minnesota to Texas, then in Connecticut and Illinois. Stopped in the city of Boulder, where Jessica and went to school. In addition to her, the younger son Justin smasted in the family.

In Boulder, the girl managed to reveal his creative talents. Noticing that the daughter had good hearing and voice, parents recorded it on the lessons of vocal. There, Jessica was noticed and invited to theatrical scene. Young vocalist spoke in several musicals, which were put on the stage of the local theater.

In 12 years, the most promising small actress was sent to participate in the conference of the International Talent Association and Models. There, young beauty noted the manager of one of the large model agencies. Jessica Beil offered to sign a long-term contract. Girl's life has changed cool. Since then, it is constantly filming in advertising.

Fame came to Jessica Bal early. At the age of 14, the girl played the heroine named Mary Cadman in the popular family TV series "Seventh Sky", which was removed by Aaron Spelling. It was then that the creators of the film and criticism first noticed the congenital acting talent of Jessica.

Next year, she has already played a new role in the sensational project "Gold Hall". For this work, young artist received the first award - the YOUNG ARTIST AWARD Award. This year was really generous for gifts for Bil. She was offered a contract with the famous brand L'Oreal. Soon she becomes the face of this company.

In 2000, when the actress was 18 years old, Jessica appeared on the pages of the Gear's glossy magazine in a frank photo shoot, where the fans were able to see the bare chest of young actress. Subsequently, the girl has repeatedly appeared on the pages of magazines in the underwear and swimsuits, and also did not hesitate his own figure on the set and did not refuse to appear in bed scenes. After graduating from a private school, Beil entered the university. But she failed to finish the university: the acting career was selected all the time.


The cinematic biography of Jessica Bill continued in a turning distance of 2006. The actress played a stellar role in the film "Illusionist" Neil Burger. She appeared in the image of Sophie's heroine, which was in love with the main hero of the ribbon, played by Edward Norton. For this brilliant work, the artist was awarded at once with two prizes.

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Next year, Jessica Bail was invited to the role of the "Prophet" project, where he received a wonderful opportunity to work on the set along with Hollywood Stars Nicholas Cage and Julian Moore. In the center of the plot, Hero Nicholas Cage - Chris. It is endowed with an unusual gift of Providza, who uses to earn through guessing winning combinations and gambling results. But he is destined to make a high mission, having worked on the country and preventing a bloody terrorist act.

In the same 2007, the screens came out with a comedy with the participation of Jessica Bil "Chuck and Larry. Fire wedding. " Already for the first weekend, she collected $ 34 million at all. Soon, this film ranked the first steps of the list of projects, which are leading on cash collecting.

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In 2009, the audience saw the comedy "Easy Behavior", which the director Stefan Elliot was removed. Partners of the actress along the shooting area were Colin Firth and Ben Barnes. This is a lightweight and witty film, in which there is a lot of English humor and sparkling jokes. Apparently, this work becomes a decisive factor in entering actresses in the list of the sexiest representatives of the beautiful planet, published by American magazines.

A year later, the filmography of the performer was decorated with a romantic comedy "Valentine's Day", in which Bill appeared in a brilliant acting company, which entered Ashton Kutcher, Jennifer Garner, Ann Hathaway, Julia Roberts, Bradley Cooper. The plot of the film fell to the public in taste, so the cash charges were impressive for the film of this genre - $ 216 million.

Jessica BIL (frame from the movie "Valentine's Day")

During this period, the fans of the talent of Jessica Beel saw the favorite movie star as not only the actress, but also the producer of the "hole in the paper heaven" picture. Soon the list of production works was replenished with two more projects: her tapes "Verliil" and "Devil and Deep Blue Sea" came to the screens. The last film appeared in 2013.

Jessica Bil is rightfully considered one of the most beautiful and wealthy Hollywood stars. It is very in demand in the profession and continues to be removed immediately in several new projects that go on the screens every year. In 2016, the actress played a major role in the trap thriller. In the same year, the display of the drama "Book of Love" started, in the main acting composition of which also turned out to be Bil.

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In 2017, Jessica played a major role in the series "Sinnia". Her heroine is a woman named Cora, which is in an inexplicable reason and in the presence of a husband, son and still a dozen witnesses in the attack of sudden rage cruelly kills a stranger man. In the personality of the killer there is no doubt, but the motives of the crime remain a mystery and for the investigation, and even for the bark.

Another kinocartine, in which Jessica was busy - a biographical thriller "Dangerous Investigation", where we were talking about the group of journalists who expose the statement of the authorities to create weapons of mass defeat. The film also starred Woody Harrelson, James Marsden, Rob Railner, Tommy Lee Jones.

Personal life

The actress had many novels with famous men whose hearing names. Until 2006, Jessica had a relationship with actor Chris Evans. The couple was taken out in several paintings, among which London and Cellular. But this novel was destined to end. A new hobby has come to a change: Bil began to meet with a colleague in the "Seventh Heaven" picture by Adam Lavorn. Then there was a short romance with the athlete Derek Jetter.Embed from getty images

Jessica's personal life has changed a lot in 2007, after meeting the actress with Justin Timberlake. The actor and popular singer turned out to be with whom she decided to tie the life with marriage bonds. In 2012, this star couple played a wedding. The actress added Timberlake's own surname, which is a big rarity for the stars of show business.

Today, the couple lives in Los Angeles. In 2015, their son was born, whom the spouses called Silas Randall Timberlake. According to the star of the screen, the birth was hard, had to resort to the Caesarean section procedure, although earlier the spouses planned the appearance of a baby at home and even invited two midwives. This situation was oppressed by mom for a long time, but she soon calmed his spouse. Bill and Timberlake said they were not going to delay the advent of other heirs for a long time.

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First time after the birth of the son, the star family was hiding from the cameras of journalists, not wanting to let alone else's in the life of a newborn. But when Silasu turned 2 years old, happy parents began to go out with a boy for walking around the city, without fearing again to get under the sights of photo lens.

In June 2017, the number of subscribers Jessica beat in "Instagram" reached a mark of 3 million. Actress thanked fans with a nontrivial way: removed the video where the side flip flies. Subscribers rated appearance and sports training of idols. She regularly trains and leads a healthy lifestyle to maintain itself in such a form (weight 58 kg with growth of 173 cm).

In addition to admiration, the appearance of celebrities also generates rumors: Justin Timberlake's wife is called the actress, which has repeatedly resorted to plastic. According to the Internet community, Bil did Botox injections, the nose and lip correction, corrected the figure. But Jessica does not comment on these rumors. The secrets of their own beauty, the performer calls healthy diet and sports. Thanks to the individual diet, the appearance of the actress remains impeccable, so the personal photos of Bill are not shy to appear without makeup.

Jessica and Justin family call one of the strongest in the American show business. Spouses do not cease to post on personal pages in social networks romantic photos. So, on the 38th anniversary of her husband, Bil published in his "instagram" together with a Timberlask shot, which was made under water and on which Jessica appeared in a charming bathing suit.

In his interview, Jessica mentioned that her relationship with his spouse was built on a common interest, honesty, loyalty and sense of humor. A married couple can often be found on joint walks and various events.

Now the family owns several real estate objects, one of which is a spacious penthouse in New York, which they purchased for $ 20 million in 2017 instead of the previous apartment in the Soho area.

Jessica Bil now

Now the participation of actresses is stated in two projects, preparations for shooting in which began in 2019. This is the American criminal film Limetown, in which Omar Elba will also appear, and the British insvisible drama, where Bill's partner will become Clive Owen.


  • 1997 - "Gold Uli"
  • 1998 - "I will be home to Christmas"
  • 2003 - "Texas Chainsaw Massacre"
  • 2004 - "Blade. Trinity"
  • 2004 - "Cellular"
  • 2005 - "London"
  • 2005 - Elizabettown
  • 2005 - "Stealth"
  • 2006 - "Illusionist"
  • 2007 - "Prophet"
  • 2007 - "Chuck and Larry. Fire Wedding »
  • 2008 - "Easy Behavior"
  • 2016 - "Trap"
  • 2016 - "Devil and Deep Blue Sea"
  • 2017 - "Sinny"

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