Robert Shihen - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, Films 2021



Even at the beginning of the acting path, Robert Shihen admitted that he had changed in his blood, he was not able to stay in place if he feels that the logical finale was close or it was impossible to squeeze anything new from the character. The ability to change the situation around and change himself promotes it through a career ladder.Embed from getty images

Of course, a good half, if not most of the fans of Robert - a wonderful half of humanity, sometimes not controlling itself in the manifestations of delight. But it is not important. Shihen is convinced that it is impossible to limit the penetration of others in their inner world, and for a person recognizable, is inevitable. If you try to resist - it is possible to tangle, and who will benefit from it.

Childhood and youth

Robert Michael Adam Shihen was born on January 7, 1988 at the Irish town of Port Lyash and became the youngest of three children of police officer Joe Shien and his wife Mary, who led a household.

In the elementary school of St. Paul, the boy played various folk instruments - Banjo, Bowran, wooden spoons, thanks to which he took part in the traditional Irish competitions of Fleadh Cheoil School Orchestras. Also in junior grades, Shihen not only came out in the amateur play "Oliver Twist", but also thought about the acting career as an informed choice of life path.

For the first time, Robert came to casting at the age of 14, his mother brought there, giving way to the endless requests of the Son. Subsequently, Shihen said that at the beginning of the career, the mother was replaced by the manager, and a personal chauffeur, and a psychologist. Saita, the actor is infinitely grateful to her, and the whole friendly family who supported him in the endeavor.

At the age of 17, Robert Shihen entered the Galway Meio Technological University, but only one course was engaged there, leaving his studies for the continuation of the creative career. He claims that it was specially not chosen the theatrical university, since it does not want to study acting skills. The young man liked the very fact of presence on the set, reincarnation in characters, but education would like to get in some other sphere in order not to depend on one profession.

"People can talk all day about how the theater schools visited. But when the time comes to act, they are too conceived about each tiny movement. They forgot what naturalness is. Instinct must be in the first place. If you need to show emotions, then you will do it instinctively. I am an adherent of the opinion that in order for you something came out, you must first feel it. "


The acting biography began for Robert Shien in 2003, when a 15-year-old teenager starred as a student of a closed school of the period of World War II in the Psychological Drama "Song for Exchange". The picture is completed in just 3 months, but the young actors managed to come together, according to Robert, he still communicates with many of them. To the very process of shooting a teenager treated as an adventure game.

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Since 2004, the actor participated in the filming of the Irish TV series, the "clinic", the "mysterious portal", then followed the work in the films "Young Musketeers" and "Ghost Forest".

In 2008, Robert came to the casting of the TV series "Tudora", which was created by order of the American TV channel "Showtime". In the drama on the time of the reign of King Heinrich VIII (Jonathan Reese Meierc), the 20-year-old young man got an episodic role. But Robert was happy to receive invaluable work experience, appearing on one workplace with actors Sam Nill, Callum Blue, Natalie Dormer, Maria Doyle-Kennedy.

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The actor did a breakthrough in 2009. First, Shihen in a duet with Rupert Greent played in the youth drama "Cherry Bomb", where he got the role of Luke, an inadequate son of a drug addict, who is ready to achieve a personal goal. Then Robert starred in 3 parts of the criminal film about the corrupt police "Red Riding", created on the basis of real events.

And at the end of the same year on television screens, the showing of the tragic comedic fantastic series "Drops" was started, which was also shown in the Russian box office called "bad". Shihen played a self-confident guy Neytan Yang, a member of the company of offenders, in which lightning falls and gives superconductances. Hero Robert becomes the owner of immortality and the ability to communicate with spirits.

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Suddenly, for the director, after an ads for the shooting of the 3rd part of the multi-sized film, the actor refuses to act further, so the screenwriters had to introduce an additional short-term series "Vegas Baby!", Which explains where the main character was used. For work in the series Robert Shihen nominated to the Irish television award in the category "Rising Star", and was also named the best television actor of the British Film Academy.

In 2010, the guy got into the Hollywood project - the medieval thriller director of Dominica Seine "Time witches" with Nicholas Cage and Rhon Perlman starring. In the film Shihen reincarnates in Kage Kay, who is the only one stays alive and becomes the fiance of Anna girl (Claire Foy), freed from the strength of evil spirits. In the same year, Robert's filmography was replenished with a comedy "Kill Bono" about losers who prevent the glory of a friend and his rock band "U2".

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In October 2010, Irishman began to act in a criminal television series, this time in the gangster saga "Love / Hate". When the actor received a proposal to participate in this picture, he did not even find out what she was about. Robert Shiana was enough to know that the film director is David Caffrey, whose works he admires. Therefore, there has been consent, without reading the scenario and not asking about the nuances of the image.

In 2013, Shihen was able to overtake such actors as Logan Lerman, Aaron Taylor-Johnson, Asher Beech and Carter Jenkins, and get the role of Simon Lewis in the adventure fantasy "tool death. City of bones". Partners of Robert on the film were young colleagues Lily Collins and Jamie Campbell Bauer.

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In 2014, Robert Shihen received an invitation to the main role in the Drama "Anita" about the life of the girl (Elin Powell), who survived the horrors of Auschwitz. In the same year, the actor starred in the comedy "TRONTY", where he played the role of Vincent, who, together with the heroes, Zoe Kravitz and Deva Patel runs away from a psychiatric hospital to see the sea.

In 2015, the work on the French comedy "Moonfire" was followed, which described the falsification of the landing of Americans to the moon. Roberta got the role of Scherist Leon, who issued himself for the director Stanley Kubrick. In the same year, in the thriller "Messenger" Shihen reincarnates to the young man Jack, who is able to communicate with the otherworldly world.

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In 2017, Robert appeared in the cast of the 2nd season of the detective TV series "Fortyud" about a series of killings taking place in the provincial town for the polar circle. Together with Antonio Banderas, he starred in Teleantology "Genius" dedicated to the outstanding minds of mankind. Schiena's partner played the artist Pablo Picasso, and Robert is his friend Carlos Casaagemos, whose suicide is considered to marked the beginning of the "blue period" in the work of the famous Spaniard.

In the American film-catastrophe "Geoshtorm" it was about the possibilities of regulating climate change on Earth. The actor appeared in the crew member of the Space Station, which participates in a political conspiracy and causing weather cataclysms. In the struggle for the world domination, he is opposed by Gerard Butler, Jim Strozess and Alexander Maria Lara.

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Another fantastic project, which involves Schihen-thriller "Mute", filmed by Duncan Jones, the author of "Varcraft" and "source code" and part-time - the son of David Bowie. In the center of the plot - Bartender of the Berlin Club, because of the children's injury deprived of the opportunity to speak. This image embodied the representative of another creative dynasty Alexander Scarsgord. Robert has a small role of a friend of the waitress, the search for which is engaged in the main character.

The actor starred in the Monster Lair Tiller. Restaurant Parkman robs clients' homes, falls into the dwelling of the serial killer, finds a hostage and has time to inform the police. Before the final film, Schien's character has to save the captive and hide from the owner of the house, which set the goal of destroying a casual witness.

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The comedy "Young criminals" ("Hooligan") was positioned as the best Irish Comedy of the Decade. The creators of the picture made a peculiar gift to the audience, inviting Robert Shien as Kameo in a single series released to the Christmas holidays.

The name of the scientific fiction tape "Chronicles of Pain Cities" reflects the essence of the postpocalyptic future: after the general war, giant monsters settlements appeared, absorbing those that smaller and weaken. On this antagonism and built plot. The actor received a star "Oath" and "Davinki Demons" by Gera Hillmar in the partner. Together, the characters fight with a crazy engineer who wants to destroy a kind of resistance camp.

Personal life

Robert Shihen is an open, sociable and cheerful man. He loves noisy parties, surrounded by many friends and acquaintances, travels a lot to their company. The actor also finds a common language and girls. He had a lot of romantic relationship, but personal life was improved only in 2014. Robert began to meet with a French-based French descent, actress Sophia Butella, who is 6 years older than him.Embed from getty images

Shihen generous for gifts for lovers, but believes that these gestures apply only for that period while there are couples together. After parting, his girls are forced to return dear presents.

Little known is the fact that in childhood and youth, Robert did not like his lush curly hair, so he briefly haughtily and especially straightened them to get rid of the chapels, which later became his business card.

Tighted figure (height 183 cm, weight 72 kg) The artist is obliged to exercise in the gym and the pool.

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The creators of the series "Drops", who made the star not only Shiena, but also his partner Ivan Reon (the guy later starred in the cult "game of thrones"), started the leading page in social networks for each artist. There, fans could get acquainted with the actors, leave a comment and get the answer. In 2018, the "immortal neutan" without false modesty announced:

"All fetishists and friends of Robert Shien, prepare napkins, because I just launched my" instagram "."

Here are just new photos in this "non-servicing" account appear rarely, but they are in incredible quantities with pleasure publish fans.

Robert Shihen now

In 2019, the American entertainment company Netflix presented the series "Academy of Ambrell", shot on the same comics of Gerard Waye. The former vocalist of the rock band My Chemical Romance, in addition to the achievements on a music field, is known for the fact that he discovered the self-identification with the female sex.

"Academy" is an educational institution of superheroes, which has released 7 young people born in the late 80s. At the same time, mothers did not have a pregnancy. Addict Klaus Hargrivz, played by Robert Schien, can communicate with ghosts. David Castaneda Character - a failed policeman, an unusually owned weapon.

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Another of the former classmates is or a person, or a monkey. The other moves in time. Friends who have ceased to communicate, unites the news that in the future there will be an apocalypse in the future, and superheroes arise to protect humanity.

A nominee for Oscar was invited to the role of the murderer of Mary Ja Blyj. Critics noted the successful selection of soundtracks: The Doors, Hooverphonic, Queen and Morcheeba sound in the film. The first season of the series was created on the first two books.


  • 2003 - "Song for Exchange"
  • 2008 - "Tudora"
  • 2009 - "Red Riding: 1974"
  • 2009 - "Cherry Bomb"
  • 2011 - "Witch Time"
  • 2010 - "Kill Bono"
  • 2013 - "Tools of death. Kostya"
  • 2014 - "Touched"
  • 2015 - "Moonfire"
  • 2017 - "Fortyud"
  • 2017 - "Geoshtorm"
  • 2018 - Monster Lair
  • 2018 - "Chronicles of Pain Cities"
  • 2019 - "Academy of Ambrell"

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