Winston Churchill - biography, politics, journalism, achievements, personal life, children, death, photo, growth and latest news



Winston Churchill is one of the greatest and contrasting political figures of the XX century. His activities for both Britain and all world politics were of great importance, but in modern society it is estimated ambiguous: some admire personal courage and acts of politics, and others have disgust because of the position, according to which it was to rule the world only White race.

Winston Churchill

Despite the fact that Churchill was openly fought with a dictatorship on the battlefields, he did not hide his sympathy for the activities of Benito Mussolini and Joseph Stalin, speaking during the years of his reign, the founders of the totalitarian and personal regime of the Board in Italy and the USSR.

Winston Leonard Spencer Churchill was born on November 30, 1874 in the genital estate of the Herzov Malboro, in the Blenheim Palace. His parents became wealthy and influential people - Father, Lord Randolph Henry Spencer, was a famous politician and chancellor of the Treasury of Britain, and Jenny's mother was a daughter of a rich American businessman.

Winston Churchill in childhood

The future politician became the firstborn in the family, but was deprived of parental attention, as his father was constantly engaged in a political career, and his mother dedicted secular life all his time. Therefore, the education of Young Winston was engaged in Nanny Elizabeth Ann Everest, which became the closest to Churchill man.

Immediately after the birth, the future Prime Minister of Britain became a member of the "Higher Caste" of a privileged class, which could overlap him the path to a brilliant political career, as the noblemen did not have the right to enter the House of Communities and the Government of the country. But, as it turned out, Winston became a representative of Churchill's side line, which allowed him to become a great politician.

Winston Churchill in youth

At the seven age, he was sent to the closed Saint George school, where more attention paid attention than schoolchildren's training. In an educational institution, Winston showed all its reluctance to learn and reckon with the stringent rules of the indoor regulations, for which it was repeatedly subjected to damning rogues. After regularly visiting his nanny noticed the body of a boy traces of tough beatings, she insisted on the transfer of Churchill to another school.

But in the Brighton School of Sisters Thomson, he also did not love her studies and was the most recent student in the classroom. At the age of 12, young Winston began serious health problems - he had sled into the inflammation of the lungs, which weakened his entire body. In this regard, he did not go to the traditional higher educational institution for men of the genus Malboro in Iton, and he entered a no less prestigious college located in Harrow. Such a choice was made due to the geographical location of universities.

Winston Churchill in youth

But here Churchill continued to show full indifference to the educational subjects - he studied only that he was wondering, and everything else had completely ignored with his inherent persistence. Therefore, in 1889, he was translated into the Army Class, in whose training program was focused on a military case.

It was here that from the challenge student Winston turned into a diligent student. He managed to become one of the 12 graduates of this school who were able to pass the final exams in all subjects, which allowed Churchill to enter the most prestigious United Kingdom Military School, which he graduated from the rank of younger Lieutenant.

Military Career

In 1895, at the end of the military school, he was enrolled in the 4th Gusar Regiment of Royal Majesty, but after a short time I realized that the military career did not attract him. Thanks to the relationships of their mother, by the time Cherchilla's widow, Winston received a distribution to Cuba, where he was appointed a military correspondent, continuing to be listed on the actual military service. The debut in journalism brought the future policy of fame and the vocation of society, and also allowed earning the first very significant fee in the amount of 25 gini.

Winston Churchill in the army

In addition to the glory and earnings with Cuba Churchill brought two lifelong habits - smoking of Cuban cigars and compulsory compliance with the Seside, providing for afternoon rest. In 1896, he continued his journalistic journey and was sent to India, and then to Egypt. Here Churchill showed all his combat courage - in addition to the lighting of events, he personally took part in the battles, conscientiously belonging to his officer duties.


In 1899, Winston Churchill decided to resign and devote himself to politics. By the time he was already a well-known journalist, so he was counting on the support of society. The first attempt to enter parliament as part of the conservative party turned out to be a failure - voters chose liberals.

Politician Winston Churchill

Having pulled off at the time of politics, Churchill again went to the journalistic journey. This time he was sent to South Africa, on the expanses of which the Anglo-Board War unfolded.

There he was captured towards opponents, from where a bold escape was made, which became the starry hour of Churchill as a policy: voters promised him to give their votes regardless of "political addictions". At the same time, he decided to return to the battlefield, where he took part in many battles for the rescue of compatriots from his ex-prison.

Portrait of Winston Churchill

The courageous adventures of Churchillus allowed him to return to his homeland a real hero - he could easily won the parliamentary elections in 1900 and joined the community chambers where the place for the next 50 years reliably secured. In the same year, he published his only literary work, the novel "Savrol", in which, according to historians, politician in the role of the main character portrays himself.

From the first days in Parliament, Winston Churchill spoke with a sharp criticism against the conservatives, expressing a complete disagreement with the program of the main ideologist of Joseph Chamberlain. That is why the future Prime Minister of Great Britain left the conservative party in 4 years and moved to the liberals - this step allowed him to take a rapidly to take off the political stairs.

At first, he became a deputy minister of the colonies, then he was appointed to the post of Minister of Commerce, after he received the post of Minister of the Interior, and after a year Churchill became Minister of Naval Forces, thus becoming the most young politician who occupies the most influential posts in Britain.

Having headed the Ministry of Naval Forces, Winston Churchill suffered a loud fiasco: according to his fault in the First World War, a military operation in Dordanellah was ends for Britain, in which 250 thousand English soldiers were unreasonably died.

Winston Churchill with factory workers

Then, trying to upline his guilt, the politician resigned and signed up by a volunteer to the front. In a few years, when the "passion" around Dordanhell was soothe, Churchill returned to the government, where he took the post of Minister of Military Supplies, which was also not able to pronounce himself, so it was forced to take a "political break" for several years, completely departing from politicians.

British Prime Minister

The return to Winston Churchill's policy was marked with the beginning of World War II, when Germany invaded Poland, after which the United Kingdom declared war Adolf Hitler. He was proposed to become the first Lord of Admiralty, with the right to vote in the military council, as he never promised the eternal world in his country and was one of the few people, according to the authorities, able to bring a nation to victory.

Winston Churchill with a rifle

Focusing in his hands all the main levers of the country's mobilization, aimed at a decisive fight against Hitler's Germany, Churchill managed to climb the top of power and become the British Prime Minister, however, in the most difficult period for England. But decisiveness, perseverance and sober assessment of the situation allowed the British Premiere to successfully lead the war to victory by creating a victorious coalition with the United States and the USSR.

Winston Churchill during World War II

Being a bright opponent of Bolshevism, Churchill between Hitler and Stalin chose the latter, since he had no other exit. In May 1942, he with the American and Russian leaders of Franklin Roosevelt and Joseph Stalin Churchill signed an important document on the creation of the anti-Hitler coalition, which had the name "Atlantic Charter", which determines the economic and political world orders in the allies after victory in World War II.

Winston Churchill, Franklin Roosevelt, Joseph Stalin at the Yalta Conference

After her in 1945, the leaders of Great Britain, the United States and the USSR conducted the Yalta conference, which determined the world's political map in the post-war time. Then the leaders of the "big troika" decided that Germany should be divided into 4 occupied zones, after which the Baltic States, Western Ukraine, Belarus, Bessarabia, Bukovina and Karelia returned to the USSR. At the same time, the Soviet Union pledged to participate in the war with Japan, for which South Sakhalin and Kuril Islands should have been received.

Winston Churchill in helmet

Immediately at the end of the Second World War, the whole world split into two political systems, and Churchill began to call on the West to unite against the entire Communist East for the purpose of complete "suffocation" of Bolshevism. But at that time he had to leave a big policy, since in the post-war years in the UK, serious economic problems began, the foreign debt of the country has grown and the relationship with neighboring colonies has deteriorated. This led to the defeat of Winston Churchill in the parliamentary elections, and he resigned.

At that time, he headed the government opposition, but practically did not appear in the House of Commons, devoting himself to literary activities. In 1951, at the age of 76, Winston Churchill again became British Prime Minister and the following 4 years of rules of the country. For the last years of his political activity, he devoted foreign policy with an emphasis on the development of the country's nuclear potential, hoping to return the military power of Britain with it. As a state of health, the British politician was forced to deliver in the bet and go from the post of premiere with all the honors.

Personal life

The personal life of Winston Churchill is compared with many historians with a "beautiful love romance." The great British politician met the love of his life in 1908 and immediately married the elect. She became Clementine Hozier, daughter of London aristocrats. With his wife, the British Prime Minister lived a happy 57 years old - she became his best friend and the main politically adviser, since only after her approval Churchill took important decisions.

Winston Churchill and Clementina Hozier

Despite the fact that the wife's wife was henger for 11 years, which was considered a big difference in those times, she was able to preserve love in their family, and also become the only person able to cope with the sharp and violent character of Churchill. Clementine gave birth to Winston five children, each of whom was desirable and hotly beloved from her parents. After the death of the British premiere of the spouse continued to call him an ideal husband, despite the fact that he was an avid smokers and a player, nights spent in a casino.

Winston Churchill with his wife

Burrying Winston Churchill, Clementine lost its meaning in life and was ready to follow him, but she was stopped by the winged phrase of her husband, uttered during the Second World War, when he called on Britain "under no circumstances." It was this speech of Churchill that helped her to survive the loss and for the next 12 years to continue his literary activities, publishing the unknown memoirs of the British leader.


Winston Churchill's death came on January 24, 1965. The greatest Briton in the entire history of the country died at the age of 90. The cause of the death of the former British prime minister was a stroke, which was not attacked by the policy for the first time. Churchill's funeral was held in a state format under the leadership of Queen Elizabeth II - only 10 people were awarded such an honor in the history of Great Britain.

Winston Churchill funeral

The funeral ceremony policy has become the most large-scale in the history of the country, as representatives of 112 countries and all members of the royal family participated in it. Winston Churchill's funeral was broadcast by many television channels around the world live, which allowed almost 350 million people through TV screens to say goodbye to an outstanding British.

Togil Winston Churchill

At the request of Churchill himself, he was buried at the Bleidon Cemetery of the Church of St. Martin, located near his generic estate. The burial was committed in the presence of only family members and close friends Churchill.

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