James Cameron - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, Films 2021



James Francis Cameron is a legendary director and screenwriter, the Hollywood revolutionary, the stack of stars and the "Father of the Terminator". The first 2 parts of this franchise are coupled with the "Titanic" and "Avatar" became the most cash paintings in the history of cinema, they brought $ 5.5 billion creators, and personally Cameron - more than two dozen most famous filmmakers.Embed from getty images

James does not hide that there is no banal curiosity or thirst for adrenaline on the shooting of another film, and much of what is called a masterpiece on the screen, humanity has already learned.

Childhood and youth

James was born on August 16, 1954 in the Canadian town of Kapusing, located in the province of Ontario. The boy's father Philip Cameron was an electrician engineer, Mother Shirley Lowe worked as a nurse, and also engaged in visual art.

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James became the firstborn of his parents, four more children were later born in the family. The childhood of the future director passed in the town of Chippy, from where the boy went to the city of Niagara Falls to visit the Stamford school.

When Cameron turned 17, the family moved to the USA, to the California city of Brea, where he received secondary education. Then James became a student of Fullerton College and specialized in the study of physics. After studying one course, I turned to the Faculty of British Literature, who also threw in 1974.

The young man got a job as a truck driver, and in his spare time I tried to write a script for the film. In 1977, seeing the first part of the famous blockbuster "Star Wars" in the cinema, Cameron came to the thought that the art and science was more than real on the screen.

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In 1978, together with two school friends, William Visher and Jason Fessy, he graduated from work on the script and removed the short fantastic film "Xenogenezis", which as a portfolio became the passage of young producers to the New World Pictures film studio.

At first, James worked as an assistant director, in parallel continuing to study the technique of filming and develop its own methods, and then decided on an independent work.


The first full-information project in which James Cameron acted as a professional director, was the 1981 horror film "Piranha-2. Spawning". By itself, he would not leave the trace in the history of cinema and the creative biography of the director, if it were not for one circumstance. While working on this picture of Cameron, there was a slight with food poisoning, and in feverish forget, he dreamed of a human-like robot, flewing from the future to kill Cameron.

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This nightmare was embodied in a full-fledged "Terminator", which was liked by many film companies, but no one wanted to risk, hiring a novice director, and make a picture of Cameron wanted independently. As a result, the scenario was sold to the producer of Gale Ann Hurd for a ridiculous amount of $ 1, but with the condition that James will be the director of the project. He was allocated a rather modest budget of $ 6 million, so he refused an expensive operator truck and removed, sitting in a wheelchair.

James walked on cunning and in other points. Impressive viewers Car chase were filmed at the usual speed, and then under installation were overwritten at an accelerated pace. For the final scene, the death of a robot under the press was made of a foil mannequin, the "eye" of which a small red light was made, and the "press" himself was slices of foam, painted in steel color.

Nevertheless, the director managed to create a film that is still considered the standard of genre. Work on the Terminator ended in 1984. Young performers of the main roles Arnold Schwarzenegger and Linda Hamilton received the status of Hollywood stars.

"Arni was not at all looked at the lazutchik from the future, which should be quiet and inconspicuous. But he extremely cool looked in these mirror glasses and a leather jacket. He was spectacular, the role was sitting on it as washed. He did not play the Terminator, he was! "," Said Cameron later in an interview.
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During the break between the 1st and 2nd parts, James began to work on the sequel of the fantastic film Ridley Scott 1979 "Alien". The director invited the actress from the first part of Sigurnie Weaver. Canadian skillfully continued the plot line of the original version of history, but at the same time created a classic Hollywood action. At the same time, Cameron writes a script for international hits - Rambo militant.

With "Rambo: First Blood, Part II" was happening to puncture: Sylvester Stallone, who played a major role, and Gems were awarded the Golden Rasina as the worst representatives in their categories.

In 1989, the filmography of the filmmaker is replenished with a fantastic thriller "the abyss", in which we were talking about the salvation of a flooded underwater ship with a nuclear installation and his collision at a depth with an unknown intelligent world. For the first time, Cameron approached his own dream - hit the bottom of the ocean. The film crew and the cast was prepared for work at sea depth. Despite the grace of ideas, the film failed at the box office, but managed to recoup the budget.

The second part of the "Terminator" James was offered to shoot immediately. But Cameron was not in a hurry, waiting for the special effects to reach such a level to realize the idea. During the filming of the first picture, the master came the idea of ​​making a robot from a liquid metal, but then it was impossible to recreate such an effect.

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It is curious to compare the budgets of the "Terminator" parts: $ 6 million, which cost the 1st part, in the second film "Terminator-2. The Day of the Day "was able to recoup only the morphing of a new robot. And those frames that the audience observes 3 minutes, demanded 8 months of work of specialists. This time, 4 studios, including Cameron Lightstorm Entertainment, were fully discharged by $ 102 million. Costs returned in fivefold, an additional bonus - 4 "Oscar".

The director refused to remove the subsequent part of the Terminator, explaining that new scenarios are too commercial and soulless. For a similar reason, Cameron rejected the proposals of the heads of projects "Spiderman" and "Transformers".

Subsequently, the Orion Studio, which was engaged in the production of the 1st part of the franchise, went bankrupt. The rights to the "Terminator" were bought by Andrew Vaine and Mario Kassar, the Savior and Rise of the Machines will come. Then a few more owners changed, and the latest company David Ellison Skydance became the latter, under the flag of which "Genesis" was removed.

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In 1994, James Cameron invited Arnold Schwarzenegger to Harry Tasker's major role in the comedy fighter "Truthful Lie". The seller of computers and office equipment in fact turns out to be a secret agent of the government service. The wife of the main character Helen (Jamie Lee Curtis) with her husband hits hostages. When shooting from captivity, a woman learns a lot about Harry, with whom he lived for 15 years.

Another triumph was awaited by the director in 1997, when James removed the Titanic Drama. At that time, the picture became the highest budget, as it took to its creation $ 200 million. The filming of the film cost 25% more expensive than the construction of a real gigantic vessel in 1912.

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James Cameron himself worried that the picture would not attract the attention of the audience, as it lasts 3 hours and not ends with a happy endome. As a result, Titanic is nominated for Oscar in 14 categories and received 11 figurines. Actors Leonardo Di Caprio and Kate Winslet, whose place was originally offered to Matthew McConaja and Gwyneth Paltrow, after the premiere woke up by Hollywood stars.

In the cinema of the film collected $ 2 billion, setting the world record, which was breaking only after 13 years, and this was done by Cameron himself using a fantastic blockbuster "Avatar".

Before the next masterpiece, Cameron turned to the genre of the series and at the beginning of the millennium created two seasons of a detective militant with Jessica Alboy in the lead role - "Dark Angel". The star reincarnated to the Heroine Max - an American girl undergoing genetic changes that helped her to preserve after the electromagnetic impulse arranged by terrorists who destroyed the intelligence of most fellow citizens.

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In 2002, a new film director was released on the TV channel "Discovery" - the scientific and popular tape "Expedition" Bismarck ", where Cameron once again resorted to the topic of oceanic depths. Together with the prepared film crew, the director goes to 4700 meters for water to explore the linear flagship of fascist Germany "Bismarck" during World War II.

Scenario "Avatar" James wrote back in 1994 and wanted to start the project immediately after the Titanic triumph. But as a result, the director decided to postpone work, as many ideas could not be implemented due to the lack of technical capabilities. When the computer graphic reached such a level that the drawn characters looked no less realistic than lively adjusted actors, James returned to this project.

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Especially for Avatar, a new video technology has been developed that allowed simultaneously to shoot in two projections: in a specific virtual environment and real-time. A film about the fate of the people of Na'vi had a grandiose success, and the director caught fire to the desire to create new parts of the franchise.

In 2009, Cameron was awarded his own star on the "Alley of Glory" Hollywood.

In 2014, the shooting of another significant project for James was completed. The scientific and popular film "Challenge the abdomen of 3D" about the traveling of a single Batiscopa to the bottom of the Mariana depression. Moreover, only Cameron was in this underwater ship.

Immersion at the bottom of the deepest oceanic depression was the dream of childhood director, he was still a boy with research activities. And only in the 60th year of life managed to make a fully intended fully. The film is striking the audience with high-quality 3D-personnel, as well as exclusive photos made at a depth of 11 thousand meters. The film premiere took place on the TV channel "Discovery".

In the asset of Cameron - dozens of books based on the scenarios of cash projects. In 2018, the AMC channel introduced a 6-serial documentary tape on the "History of Scientific Fiction History James Cameron". Each series is a serial conversation with star colleagues who participated in the projects of the sci-fi genre - Christopher Nolan, George Lucas, Keanu Rivz, Luc Besson.

Personal life

James Cameron was married 5 times. In 1978, the director concluded marriage with the waitress Sheron Williams. But he paid a lot more attention to his career than his personal life, so after 4 years, the spouses divorced.Embed from getty images

In 1985, James re-went under the crown. The director's wife became Gale Ann Hurd, the most producer who believed Cameron's talent and entrusted to shoot the Terminator. Together, the spouses have worked over several paintings, but after the completion of the creative Union, marriage ended.

Since 1989, Cameron lived with Catherine Bigelou, director of the film "Lord of the Storm". Officially, the spouses divorced in 1993, but James left Catherine in 1991 for the sake of the actress Linda Hamilton. In 1993, the pair had a daughter Josephine Archer, and after 4 years, Cameron and Hamilton played a wedding.

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However, after 2 years, they broke up, as the director met the actress of Susie Emis, who played the grandbank of the granddaughter of the main character. The lovers got married in 2000, a year later the daughter of Claire appeared in the family, and after 5 years - Gemini Rose and Quinn. James also took on the upbringing of Jasper Robards, the son of Susie from the first marriage. Cameron and four children are Vegan.

The family lives in the California city of Malibu. Until now, the director for political reasons has not received American citizenship. He filed the application, but after re-election George Bush for the presidency, whose glances did not share, changed his mind.

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The thirst for knowledge, originated in his youth, led Cameron to the Mars Society, who advocated the colonization of the Red Planet. At the request of the director, NASA agreed to supply the Curiosity rover, sent to Mars in 2011, with special 3D cameras. James was going to shoot at the ISS. From his words, in the early 2000s, an agreement was reached with the Russian Space Agency on the allocation of places of places on the ship "Soyuz". Alas, the flight did not work out, but the director did not refuse the idea.

The same motives prompted James to meet the 56th birthday at the bottom of Baikal, at a depth of 1400 meters. In this Hollywood celebrity, the Russian Batiskop "World 1" and "World 2" was helped, used in the shooting of "Titanic".

James Cameron now

Fans of Cameron monitor the creativity of the idol for publications in Twitter. Take the page in the "instagram" director, in fact, forced a new project called "Alita: Combat Angel", in which he was assigned the role of producer. In the militant, released in the winter of 2019, combined the plots about cyborgs and space expanses. There was a place of abundance of technical details and sentimentality, which has always emphasized critics in James's works.

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The idea of ​​the authors of the Genesis on the creation of a new storyline was not crowned with success. In 2017, American tabloids reported that the rights to the Terminator are partially returned by Cameron and it as a producer of the project intends to continue the story launched in the first two films.

Result: In the fall of 2019, the Terminator: Dark Fates will be submitted to the court. And since the founder of the franchise returned, the "Iron Lady of Cinema" Linda Hamilton returned to the main role. Of course, Arnold Schwarzenegger is present, from newbies - Mackenzie Davis.

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Now the director is engaged in the sequels "Avatar". The 20th Century Fox planned to release the second part in 2014 and the third - in 2015. Then the date of the premiere was transferred to 2017. Now the audience lives the expectation of December 2021, which is scheduled to release "Avatar-2". It is known that the film is transferred to the water, Stephen Lang's hero returns in the form of a clone, his own blue giant receives the deceased character of Sigurnie Weaver.

Also, the film director prepared 3 more scenarios, which plans to turn into subsequent part of the story about the inhabitants of Pandora's planet in the alpha centaution system.


  • 1984 - "Terminator"
  • 1986 - "Aliens"
  • 1989 - "Abyss"
  • 1991 - "Terminator - 2. Judgment Day"
  • 1994 - "Truthful Lie"
  • 1997 - "Titanic"
  • 2002 - "Expedition" Bismarck "
  • 2003 - "Ghosts of the abyss:" Titanic "
  • 2009 - "Avatar"
  • 2011 - "Sanctum"
  • 2014 - "Calling abselior 3D"
  • 2017 - "Raising Atlantis"
  • 2019 - "Alita: Battle Angel"
  • 2019 - "Terminator: Dark Fates"

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