Rostislav Khait - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, Films 2021



Rostislav Valerievich Khait - actor theater and cinema, one of the founders of the theater team "Quartet and". A magnificent four, as the audience calls the creative team, which includes Hatch, managed to create a new comedy genre on stage and screen. This is a semi-duded story in which farce, parody and rock concert elements are present. Rostislav himself not only goes to the stage as an actor, but also participates in the creation of texts to films and theatrical projects.

Childhood and youth

Rostislav, like many legendary humorists, was born in Odessa. The boy was born on September 21, 1971 in a creative family, where Father Valery Khait, a Jew by nationality, was the captain of the Odessa team KVN from 1967 to 1970. Later, Valery began prose, dramatic and poetry, released several books.

In addition to Rostislav, the son of Eugene, who went to the footsteps of the Father and 8 years old was the artistic director of the popular "gentleman show" in the family. Eugene taught the younger brother to play football, so Rostislav has already chased the ball on the street from 4 years old and the apartment. Studying in junior grades, the boy signed up in the Football School of the Odessa Club "Chernomorets".

In the 1st grade of school No. 119, where Rostislav Hatch went, the boy met Leonid Baraz. This friendship turned out to be decisive in schoolchildren's life. Together, children chased football and visited theatrical circle, acting at school. Here they went to the scene, playing in amateur performances.

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The dream of becoming an artist Rostislav Hat informed his relatives, being a student of the 3rd class. Already then the boy knew that the acting profession was the only one that he dreams about. Therefore, at the end of the school, the Hatch did not think where it would be: there was no alternatives to theatrical university.

The question was exactly what kind of institution and where the future artist will storm. Rostislav decided not to be broken and went to conquer Moscow. He arrived in the capital along with the faithful friend Leonid Baraz. The young men arrived from the first time in Gitis, where they fell to the course of Vladimir Korovin. Diploma Rostislav Hat was presented in 1993, after the end of the pop faculty.

"Quartet and"

The creative biography of Rostislav Khaita began in student years. At the invitation of Brother, the novice artist since the beginning of the 90s participated in the records of the Gentleman-Show program. Translations were published on RTR TV channels, ORT, Ukrainian Inter. In 1995, the creators of the show received the "Teffi" award. But Rostislav dreamed of his own project. In 1993, Hatch, together with Leonid Baraz, Alexander Deedov, Camille Larina and Sergey Petreikov created a humorous theater called "Quartet and".

On the scene of Guitis took place the debut of the Quartet and ": the guys put the first performance" these are all stamps. " The production was successful. Artistry and humor were adequately appreciated by classmates and teachers. The guys entered the first success continued to work together. Soon the artists put new performances.

At first, Muscovites were appreciated, but then the crowded halls and permanent staggings pushed the Quartet and "to tour in the country. Theaters then presented the opportunity to enjoy productions and audiences in the CIS countries.

Rostislav Khait along with colleagues from the humorous quartet is known not only as an actor, but also as a wonderful leading of the solemn events and concerts. Together with friends, he participated in the Radio "Mexican Rogish", which was broadcast on the air "Our Radio".

In his youth, the actors were taken for the classics, which were safely reworked on modern way. Then they decided to write texts for the productions themselves. Themes for dialogues Friends found in everyday life. These performances and brought fame Rostislav and his colleagues. First of all, this is "Radio Day".

The sparkling humor and the brilliant game of charming young actors viewers appreciated immediately. Hatch with colleagues continued to work in the direction that brought success. Soon there were performances "La Comedy, or we will entertain you with all the means that are good." Then the acting games were played on the stage and the continuation of "La Comedy". A new project called the "Election Day", in which the emphasis was made on politics, also brought success.


Rostislava Khita's film took place in 1990. The young artist appeared in the episode of the Criminal Drama Vadim Derbenev "Hunting on a pimp", where Andrei Sokolov played the main characters, Igor Vernik, Aristarkh Livanov, Vera Sotnikova, Tatiana Doglev.

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The next time Rostislav starred 12 years later in the comedy of Ivan the Dykhovichny "Money". It was the first film in which the participants of the Quartet and the Quartet Theater appeared together on the screen. The producer of "Our Radio" Mikhail Kozyrev and the star of the comedic genre Andrei Krasko and Nonna Grishaeva also participated in the tape.

In 2007, a new stage began in the cinematic biography of Rostislav Khaita. Quartet decided to postpone creativity on a large screen. So the spectators of the country saw the comedy of the director of Oleg Fomina "Radio Day", and a year later, "Day of Elections", which Dmitry Dyachenko took the participation of the Production Center Alexander Tsecalo. Rostislav Khait and colleagues woke up famous.

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Create Star Success Guys managed through the screening of other performances. Theatrical project "Talk men of middle-aged about women, cinema and aluminum forks" turned into a hit of Russian cinema, and the actors discouraged the glory of stars.

In 2010, the comedy theater participants became producers and screamers of the film "What men talk about", in which the main roles played. The comedy was filmed in the genre of Road Movy and in Russian rental gathered $ 12 million. Music support for the movie was created by the B-2 group.

A year later, the artist's filmography was replenished with a new job - a continuation of the sensational comedy called "what men still say", in which familiar characters have been shown in the pre-New Year setting. Rental fees exceeded the previous record for $ 7 million.

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In 2013, the actors began to film the next theater masterpiece with the same name "faster than rabbits." In the new project, Rostislav performed as a scenario and the artist leading role. Music to comedy wrote participants in the Duet "Agata Christie" - Brothers Vadim Samoilov and Gleb Samoilov.

These tapes received the love of viewers for light and truly thin humor. Movies are filled with witty dialogues that you want to remember and quote. In these paintings, Rostislav Hat appeared in the image of the hero named Slavik. He is a radio host and creative in elections. In many of the projects in which Rostislav Khait participated, there is an acute satire for modern politics. In the "Selection Day" and its continuation a lot of attacks against the current politicians.

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But the black comedy "faster than rabbits" is a story about three friends-walks, which were so rapidly spent the day that there was a lot of effort to come to remember the events on the eve. This film was somewhat embraced from the Kasso-successful projects of the creative team, but the performers themselves do not regret this experiment.

Some of the last humorous projects in which Rostislav Khait appeared is a comedy "Election Day - 2" and "Wonderland". The premiere of the second film took place on January 1, 2016. The authors of the scenario once again became Rostislav Khait, Leonid Barats and Sergey Petreikov. In the film, Rostislav received the role of Auditor Viktor Nikolaevich.

Personal life

Charming Odessa is still not married. Many girls tried to take the place of the official second half of the actor, but they did not succeed. Personal life Rostislav Khaita is a lot of novels. One of the latter - with a dancer Olga Ryzhkovka, which is engaged in air-sports equilibristics (dancing on the six).

With the girl, the actor met on the beach in Odessa. At first, the beauty reacted to the resort novel is frivolous. There was a moment when the couple almost broke up at the beginning of the relationship. But thanks to the Mascolo Rostislav, who convinced the taxi driver to put Olga in the car song "Taka, Yak Ty" the group "Ocean Elzy", when she left from the last date, the girl changed her decision.

Now in the press, they even say about the possible marriage of Rostislav with beauty. According to the actor himself in an interview, he for the first time he lives so long under one roof for the first time, while his feelings become only stronger. During the relationship with Hatit Olga Ryzhkov, the acting career began. She already makes the first successes in Hollywood that she is particularly happy, as it does not resort to the help of his chosen one.

In his spare time, Rostislav Hatch, the growth of which is 178 cm, and the weight is 81 kg, loves to play football. The actor participates in the games of the theater football league, follows Andrei Arshavin's sports career. From the young age he is listed among football fans. In his youth acted for the Odessa "Chernomorets" and Kiev "Dynamo". Later - for Lokomotiv, now Hatch is a fan of "Zenith".

And Rostislav Khait loves to travel. Often artist does it along with a friend of childhood and a colleague by Leonid Baraz and Civilian wife Olga. A man has no page in "Instagram", so joint photos from the rest places his girl in its own account. According to the word actor, his feeling of age is often changing. Sometimes he feels like a 14-year-old teenager, sometimes - his peer, but there are moments when Rostislav feels like a shameful old man.

Rostislav Hit now

In 2018, the Creative Team "Quartet and" noted the 25th anniversary of its existence. The solemn event to celebrate the anniversary date Artists noted the premiere of the play "Quartnik", in which the actors decided to adhere to the improvisational principle. The plot of the formulations is saturated with humorous dialogues, songs, jokes, verses.

On the movie screen, Rostislav and his colleagues shone in the new part of the film "What men are talking about" with the "continuation". As explained to the reporters of Hatch, the performers touched on this topic on the screen 8 years ago and did not return to it for a long time.

During this time, a large amount of material was accumulated with which they wanted to share with the public. According to the plot of the film, the entire Four goes to St. Petersburg, where a number of comedic events occurs with them.

In early 2019, Hatch and his friends submitted to the court of spectators a new comedy "Loud Communication", which was created based on the Italian film "Ideal Strangers" 2016 release. According to the actors, the Russian version is somewhat different from the original greater dramatic and acute humor. In addition to the Quartet of the actors, Anastasia Ukolov, Irina Gorbacheva, Maria Mironova took part in the creation of the film. Cash fees amounted to just over 500 million rubles.


  • 2007 - "Election Day"
  • 2008 - "Radio Day"
  • 2010 - "What are men talking about"
  • 2011 - "What are men talking about"
  • 2013 - "Faster than rabbits"
  • 2016 - "Country of Miracles"
  • 2016 - "Elections Day - 2"
  • 2018 - "What are men talking about. Continuation"
  • 2019 - "Loud Communication"

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