Camille Larin - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, "Quartet and" 2021



Camille Larin has time everywhere: filming the cinema, plays the theater, writes poems, leads various events. However, first of all, its name is associated with an inseparable four Quartet and. The team is the oldest team. To his opinion, undoubtedly listens.

Sometimes, however, it happens that the ideas that the Camilus presented to the friends "reach" so after 5. And the Larina appears a reason to say: "Do you remember the moment? I warned. " But this is only once again illustrates the unity of thoughts, interests, creative direction of the team.

Childhood and youth

Camille was born on November 10, 1966 in Volgograd in the family of engineers of the woodworking plant. Surname Larin appeared in the genus on the initiative of the grandfather of the actor. In his youth, he changed his own surname when receiving a passport on the one that the first came to mind.

As a child, Camil paid a lot of time to sports, engaged in various kinds of martial arts and weightlifting, visited the chess section. This passion is alive in it and now. Only the artist loves to play in an invincible great physical effort of golf and weighs 80 kg with an increase in 175 cm. And before 10 years in a row, together with the Quartovtsy, organized football tournaments in which 32 theaters were participating.

In adolescence, he also tried himself in poetry. Such versatile hobbies of Camille explains the influence of parents who had a variety of interests.

After school, Larin studied in the Volgograd Energy Technical School, received the 4th quarter of the electrician technique. But the thrust for creativity took the top in the young man, so the Camille leaves to Moscow and enters the pop faculty of the State Theater Institute, where Vladimir Korovin was the artistic director until 1993.

Theater "Quartet and"

In the university, Larin met the beginning actors Alexander Demidov, Leonid Baraz, Rostislav Khaito, as well as with director Sergey Petreikov, together with whom the highly specialized comedy theater "Quartet and" organized. Here the Camille works from the day the foundation and does not intend to terminate cooperation.
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The first years of colleagues were styled in obscurity and lack of money, but stubbornly beat at one point in the hope of reaching, finding their viewer.

"It was necessary to draw. Because if the popularity fell on us on some 4th course and we would have the opportunity to drive on the first channel, then the roof would have a slightly arrived. And it is likely that this year 2-3 wicking this would have saved and went out. And so we step by step went to your goal. "

In the Quartet and the Camille was involved in the sensational copyright performances "Radio Day", "Day of Elections", "Talks of middle-aged men about women, cinema and aluminum forks" and many others.

Since 2005, along with other participants of the Quartet and Larin, he spoke to the co-host entertainment program "I believe - I do not believe" on the TNT channel. The transfer was built as a news release, consisting of 8 stories, and some of them are true, and some are comic. Spectators during the program could send their own options for what news, in their opinion, real, and which are false, thus participating in a kind of competition.

No one forbids friends in personal projects. But here they were coalined: the fee earned by one, divided into fasteners on four. How much went on the side, the "quartetovtsy" do not follow, relying on each other's honesty. If someone this scheme ceases to arrange, says Larin, a topic for discussion will appear.


In the artistic cinema, Camille Larin made his debut in 1993 in the episode of the film "Your fingers smell incense." The next time on the big screen, he appeared after 9 years later, at once in three paintings - the comedy of Ivan's breath "Money", the youth film "Special Report, or Superman of this day" and the comedy "Radio Day".

Camille Larin - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News,

In 2004, the Artist starred in one series of popular humorous Sitkom "My beautiful nanny", playing the new butler Leonid, who came to work in the house of producer Shatalin. Later, the actor also appeared in other television comedies, for example, "Who is the owner in the house?", "Phoenix Syndrome" and "Newlyweds".

The spectators have achieved a real popularity after the screening of the performances of the Kvartet's troupe performances. In 2007, Larin was illuminated as a technician of the hardware and studio complex, which is called Camille Renatovich, in the comedy-farce "Day of Elections". By the way, in the play, the patronymic of the character coincides with the patronymic of Camille Shamilievich, but it was decided to change it in kinocarthines to emphasize that men play not at all themselves.

Camille Larin - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News,

Although each acting member got an image incredibly close in spirit and life experience. The film was a grand success and was named the best comedy of the year. Fans began to be interested in the creative biography of men.

In the footsteps of success were special and other performances. In the movie "Radio Day", Camille Larin appears in the image of the same hero. In the picture "What men are talking about", filmed in the style of Road Movi and also containing traces of a frank farce, the actor plays one of the friends traveling from Moscow to Odessa by car for the desire to get to the concert of the favorite B-2 group and falling into Unforeseen road stories.

Camille Larin - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News,

The new ribbon repeated the success of the previous ones, and the team "Quartet and" for the first time decided to write an original scenario specifically for the movie, the result of which was the continuation of this picture called "What Men say about what else". This film was the entire cash picture of the year, gathering $ 17 million.

It is logical that the project was implemented "What men say. Continued ", the premiere of which took place in 2018. Among the actorship of the acting ensemble - Tatyana Dogleva, Leonid Kanevsky and businessman Mikhail Prokhorov. From the series in the series, the main characters become an adult, wiser, but the youthful enthusiasts do not subside. And themes for reflections are the same: what is the happiness, what is friendship, how to build relationships with women. And all this is served through the prism of irony.

Camille Larin - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News,

In the comedy "All such sudden" Larina in the bride went to Anna Semenovich. In the plot, the girl runs away from under the crown in the first frames of the film. Camille threamed director not separating it so quickly with such a colorful artist. And more than 7 scenes in the final were invented specifically for him.

The role in the painting "Strong marriage" was written specifically for the actor. Yulia Menshova became the on-screen wife Larina. Spouses conclude Paris: who first changed - parting with an apartment and family business. Write to win, they use all possible methods that only come to mind. In the fantastic comedy "Country of Miracles", Camille played the producer stuck at the airport, who, by all means it becomes to get home to the new year.

Camille Larin - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News,

Film "Happiness! Health! " It consists of 3 parts, each describes the pair of newlyweds and the goal with which guys and girls are going to create a family. Larin chose a series about the Tatar wedding, because himself is a representative of this nationality and a sign with the festive traditions of the people. In the series of the CTC channel "Team B" Camille, Boris Shcherbakov and Pavel Krainov starred in the roles of representatives of the cosmonauts dynasty.

In addition to artistic films, the actor participated several times in the filming of musical video clips. In the late 90s, the couch appeared in the murat of Murat Nasyrov "The boy wants to the Tambov", where the hero of Fester Addams played. Later starred in the movie "Cheerful World" Rock Group "Agata Christie", in "This is outside the window Dawn" Rock-n-rollers "Bravo", in the popular song in the style of Chanson "Young" performed by Ephraim Amramov. In the Sasha's clip, the "only you will not come today", except for him, other members of the Quartet and "are participating.

In 2013, Camille Larin was reincarnated to Muslim Magomayev, Efim Schifrin, Tatiana Doronin, Igor Cornelyuk and Nikita Mikhalkov in the entertainment music show of the first channel "Repeat!". Nonna Grishaeva also participated in the program, Alexander Oleshko, Elena Sparrow, Mikhail Grushevsky. For each competitive stage, the participants were divided into pairs in which creative duel took place. The loser dropped out of the contest.

In March 2016, a talk show with Camille Laryna "alone with everyone," where the artist told about children, parents, friends, shared his last jokes. In the same year, the Kamil's filmography was replenished with a comedy-farce "Election Day - 2", the 1st part of which was 9 years ago by Artist's first film desk.

Personal life

In 1989, Camille Larin married the first time. With his wife Galina, the actor met in a train coupe heading to Volgograd. In 1993, they had a son Yang, who, like his father in childhood, was fascinated by sports and became a candidate for the master of archery. He also graduated from theatrical music school. Marriage broke up in 2012."Survived. And how otherwise, if everything collapsed, what was built, and also did not decide? We tried to start all over again, but it didn't work out, "the actor admitted.

Former spouses retained friendly relationships and regularly communicate.

In September 2014, changes occurred in the personal life of Larin - he married again. The new chosen name of Ekaterina Andreeva is a graduate of MGIMO, holds the position of head of the Bosco division, younger for 17 years. A couple of breathed Festival "Cherry Forest", the organizer and leader of which was Katya. The wife gave the actor of two children - the son of Daniyar and the daughter of Leisan.

In January 2014, Camille became a member of the overlaft of the Winter Olympics - carried a torch along the streets of his native Volgograd. The Instagram network maintains its own microblogging, which places joint photos with his wife, as well as pictures with friends - participants of the Quartet and theater.

Camille Larin now

Having received an invitation to the historic tape "Tobol", published on the screens in early 2019, the Camille was delighted - finally the role of the comic comic to the dramatic side. In the film, the actor tried out the image of a rich merchant living with three wives and concubines. For the role of Larin, he made long hair for half a year, and the beard did not risk a beard, it was necessary to hinder the grimers.

Another premiere of this year with the participation of Camille, as well as Maria Mironova and Quartet and the comedy "Loud Communication". Leonid Barats noticed that in the game, which is shown in the film, the friends-colleagues will never play in life. According to the plot, the main characters are transferred to the public plane content of personal SMS messages and telephone conversations. Despite the happy finals in the Russian version, and in it, and in the Italian original ("ideal strangers") easily read the answer, why.


  • 2004 - "My beautiful nanny"
  • 2006 - "Who is the owner in the house?"
  • 2007 - "Election Day"
  • 2008 - "Radio Day"
  • 2009 - "Phoenix Syndrome"
  • 2010 - "What are men talking about"
  • 2010 - "Dr. Tyrsa"
  • 2011 - "Newlyweds"
  • 2012 - "Strong marriage"
  • 2016 - "Country of Miracles"
  • 2016 - "Elections Day - 2"
  • 2017 - "Team B"
  • 2018 - "What are men talking about. Continuation"
  • 2018 - "Happiness! Health! "
  • 2019 - Tobol
  • 2019 - "Loud Communication"

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