Sergey Stepanenko - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, Films 2021



Sergey Stepaneko - Soviet, and later, the Russian actor, People's Artist of Russia, is among the leading performers of the Teply Theater "Lenk". Having as an example, his happy acting fate, Sergey Yuryevich never ceases to repeat that each artist has a chance to find its own place in life and work. Confidence in their forces and the desire to fulfill the dream helped the actor from the provincial artist turn into a star of the metropolitan and all-Russian scale.

Childhood and youth

Sergey Stepaneko appeared on June 18, 1959 in Tatarsk (Novosibirsk Region). At that time, his father served on a fleet, shortly after the birth of his son transferred to Vladivostok, Sergei's childhood was held in this city. Father provided a family, so he used unconditional authority from the spouse and sons. The parents had no problems with Sergey and his younger brother - they sometimes had shawli, like all the boys, but the stick did not bend.

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Sergey Stepanchenko was going to continue the case of the Father and after the 8th grade to enter the navigation. But the mother was opposed, stating that on the fleet - only "through her corpse." The guy did not re-read: his friends in the yard and school tied life with the sea, and he stepped on a creative path, enrolling at the Directory Faculty of the Khabarovsk Institute of Arts and Culture.

Sergey accidentally hit the filming of the film and found out that people are constantly needed on the site. I tried out of interest, I liked it. In the Khabarovsk Institute of Arts and Culture at the Faculty of theatrical Directory, he studied for a long time - expelled percentage of lectures. Parents were far and could not control the Son. A year later, he was consciously entered the Far Eastern Institute of Arts (Rogov's course). His close choice did not understand. In 1982, Sergey received a diploma of the actor.


After graduating from the university Stepanchenko immediately settled in the Drama Theater in Syzran, where he served until 1985. At that time, the young actor dreamed of bigger, he wanted to work in Lenkom. In 1985, Sergey accidentally found out from friends that he had a listening in Lenkom, and went to Moscow. In the theater, he met Mark Zakharov, who invited him to join the looking of students. So Sergey Stepanchenko became the actor of the famous theatrical team, where it serves today.

The creative biography of the guy began with episodic roles, and after 2 years Stepanchenko received the main role of Lamme in the production of "Tille". Its partners in the scene were Inna Churikov and Nikolai Karachentsov. Then there were the roles of a ledger in the "memorial prayer", Shamraev in the "Seagull", the leader in the "eclipse" and many others.

Sergey Stepaneko was invited to other theaters and entrepreneurs, but he remained faithful to Lenkom. The actor says he loves his theater and this is enough.


Stepanchenko started with episodes, as in the theater. He flashed in the frame in the paintings "Zina-Zinul", "Kala" and "for the beautiful ladies!". The actors remembered after the showing of the film "Choknutoye", in which Fedka Pyrandello played. Cute, powerful, cheerful guy immediately became a folk favorite.

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He loved the viewers and the robber of buckwheat, the hero of Stepanchenko from the Master's TV film "Petersburg secrets". Elena Yakovleva, Victor Rakov, Valentina Talyzin, Dmitry Brusnikin, Natalia Gundareva, Irina Rozanova and others also participated in the filming of the popular historical series.

In 1999, Stepanchenko opened another talent before fans - musical. The actor, together with his colleague, Maxim Krivosheev sang the song "Tea House, Like Bonbonniere" during the transfer "Ships came to our harbor." In the future, the musical duet has repeatedly became a guest of this transfer. And in 2004, the actor presented two songs - "Indian Summer" and "White Snow".

Sergey Stepanchenko fits easily into modern cinema. He became popular after the series "Detectives" and "Next". Among his famous roles - Biker Kabas in the picture "Multiply Sadness", a traffic police in the "Louser", Council Admiral Mammoth in the TV series "Mina in Farvater".

In 2005, Sergey Stepanchenko received the title of People's Artist of the Russian Federation. In the same year, for the first time, he was headed by the International Film Festival "Meridian Piche", whose venue was Vladivostok. After 4 years, the actor himself decided to try his hand in filmorezhissar, removing the painting "traces of sand".

As Stepanchenko, he admitted, he does not consider himself director, he simply implemented his dream when free money appeared. But the movie turned out to be warmly accepted by critics and spectators. For its work in 2010 at the Golden Phoenix Festival, held in Smolensk, Sergey Yuryevich received a prime characteristic sympathy.

In 2016, the Men filmography was replenished with a cash comedy "Election Day - 2". The film was removed with the participation of the audience the audience "Quartet and". Continuation of the film on the adventures of the former employees of the radio station "as if the radio shows how the main characters, immersed in solo projects, are going again. Four friends again unites the need to carry out a regional election campaign, but already as famous PR specialists.

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In the same year, Sergey Stepaneko played the role of Carlikova in the criminal drama "All by law". The main characters of the paintings are investigators of the military prosecutor's office, and in the center of the plot there is a conflict between an honest investigator who does not take bribes, does not allow to take others and investigates cases of justice and the environment. The seizures of the hero are crazy to substitute the principled worker and continue and continue to exceed the authority to exceed the authority, to give and take bribes, to close incommary affairs.

Personal life

The personal life of the artist has developed happily. With his first and only wife Irina, he met in 19 years. Sergey saw a pedecutive student in a cafe, spent home. After a brief date, the young man did not stop thinking about beauty. Stepanchenko decided to meet the girl again, but Irina at that time rested with girlfriends on one of the islands with tents. Not knowing the location of the tent camps, Sergey completely found him accidentally. After this meeting, they no longer parted.

Sergey Stepaneko and his wife Irina

The couple got married when Sergey Stepaneko was a freshman student. Soon the daughter of Katya was born. The young family did not have enough money: they lived on the salary of the educator of Irina, scholarship and random earnings of the actor. It became easier when Sergey graduated from the institute and got a job. The couple passed the test of time, and after 19 years of their life, the son of Yuri was born.

The actor is proud of his family and children. His daughter Katya is a successful lawyer, the Son receives a higher education in the Gubkin Institute of Oil and Gas. Sergey Stepaneko has a granddaughter's granddaughter in which he does not have a soul. It's trying to spend the weekend with his family, likes to be in a country house and it will be happy to work on the household plot.

From the moment of moving to Moscow, Sergey supported friendly relations with Alexander Abdulov. The artists were friends with families, so the departure of colleagues and comrade Stepaneko still worries hard.

Journalists have repeatedly focused on the weight of the actor, who even nicknamed a man-mountain. With a height of 182 cm, his weight exceeded a hundred kilograms. Sergey Stepanchenko admitted the press that he had passed the cooking enthusiasm for diet and weight drops. Colleagues and directors call the appearance of the actor in dignity and characteristic feature, so he does not think to fight kilograms. A man believes that while the weight does not interfere with health, everything is fine.

According to the artist, there are much more harm to health bring dangerous tricks on the set, and not weight. He was brought to heavers, ride a horse with a loose saddle and execute other dangerous to life and health things. At the same time, Sergei refers to fashion to a healthy lifestyle, Sergey refers positively and calls it the trend by the recovery of the nation. Despite the apparent unsportsity, the actor regularly visits the gym.

Sergey Stepanenko and his home is not indifferent to animals. In the country, he had two watchdogs in his time, and at home, Timosh's Fox Terrier and Cat Blue Sineych. Now the dog is in the metropolitan apartment of the artist, a dog nickname.

In May 2019, the artist became a member of the "Perfect Repair" program. Sergey Yurevich was needed in the design of the kitchen area combined with the living room. The film crew led by the TV host Natasha Barbie arrived in the pre-revolutionary mansion, where the apartment is Matra. The new interior fell by artist and his spouse to taste. Another joyful event recently happened in the Stepanko family: the artist sold the old Dacha and acquired a new log mansion in the Moscow region.

Sergey Stepaneko is not interested in the promotion of personal accounts on social networks, including in "Instagram", so its photos appear only in public sources of information.

Sergey Stepaneko now

In 2019, the actor appeared on the screens as Charcheov's governor in the film "Tobol". The adventure picture came out in the nascent new popular genre Estrn, trading with American classic Western genre. But if Westerns talk about the conquest of the harsh American wild West, then the colonization of the Siberian territories show the colonization of Siberian territories, which in the severity and saturation of the adventures did not inferge on Western campaigns.

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Dmitry Nazarov, Dmitry Dyuzhev, Ekaterina Guseva, Pavel Tabakov, Ivan Kolesnikov, presented the main characters of the narration. In addition to the full-length version of the film, the television series, shown in October 2020, was mounted.

At the beginning of May, the spy film "Joggomol's jump" started on the TV channel "Russia-1", where Sergey Stepaneko appeared in the role of the NKVD Commissioner, participating in the preparation of the Soviet agent Konstantin Bogomolov (Pavel Chinarev) to the secret operation. Heroes are suspected of overbilling with fascists and arrest. But the coste is able to escape and continue the case to identify the enemy agent network.


  • 1991 - "Chocnut"
  • 1994 - "Life and the extraordinary adventures of the soldier Ivan Chonkin"
  • 1994 - "Petersburg Secrets"
  • 1999 - "Faucet's judge"
  • 1999 - "Women offended not recommended"
  • 2000 - "Bremen Musicians & Co"
  • 2001 - "Next"
  • 2002 - "Failure of Poiro"
  • 2004 - "Trap for Poltergeist"
  • 2008 - "Mines in Farvater"
  • 2011 - "Burnt by the Sun - 2. Citadel"
  • 2014 - "Caucasian captive-2"
  • 2015 - "Alchemist. Faust Elixir
  • 2016 - "Election Day-2"
  • 2016 - "All by law"
  • 2017 - "Mole in Putin"
  • 2019 - "Jump of the Mantis"
  • 2019 - Tobol

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