Natalia Bardo - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, Films, "House-2" 2021



The actor is such a profession, besides the fact that the shooting schedule dictates, he chooses himself, will it go to a photo session or an interview on a day off. Between the rest and work, Natalia Bardo always chooses the work. Only with the appearance of the actress is so fragile.

In fact, she knows how to defend his point of view, to endure for a long time. Being a wife of the director, did not abuse the situation, and on the general reasons he read the script and the samples took place. Natalia does not share the view that with the birth of children a woman, and even more so the artist falls out of the closure. It is just necessary to organize everything competently and return to matters.

Childhood and youth

Actress Natalia Cryingub became Natalia Bardo in 2010, taking the name of the great-grandmother, who married French perfume Francisco Bardo and moved to Paris. The star of the series "Flying Crew" was born in Moscow in April 1988. Her father Sergey Cryptub is a famous athlete-athlette, European champion.

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Parents divorced when Natalia was small. The girl adopted love to sports from Pope and engaged in rhythmic gymnastics and basketball. In addition to studying at school with a mathematical bias, Bardo mastered ballroom dancing and the game on the piano. But most of all dreamed of the career of film actresses, I was pleased to participate in amateur performances.

At the end of the school, Natasha at the insistence of parents went to acquire a serious profession. The choice fell on the banking institute at the Plekhanov Academy. However, the dream to get to the TV screens and find fame did not leave the girl either a moment.

After completing this mom, the promise to get a diploma of economist, Bardo easily entered the Schukinskaya school, where it was listened to a free listener. During study, Natalia wanted to play the theater scene until he fell into the adventure melodrama "Veronica".

"It turned out more difficult than I thought. Cinema is and jump into ice water, and wander through the forest, that is, be prepared for everything. In the Sri Lanka, the insects bit me, I even did an operation. It was so much, at that moment I changed my attitude to the profession. And it began to be filmed in the TV shows. "

And economic education is now very helpful when it comes to contracts, and even in relations with others: in practice, Natalia has been brought to the team.

"House 2"

At the 3rd course of the Economic University, Natalia took part in the "House-2" show. The arrival of the project in which the girl spent 177 days, took place in January 2007. Casting team Bardois conquered the ability to support the conversation on any topic, and colleagues on the site celebrated a great sense of humor and the willingness to help.

Natalia Bardo - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, Films,

The future actress built relations with the participant to Anton Borodin, but after a few months the guy left the project. Bardo's location tried to achieve Ruslan Proskur, but the novel was not given to develop - the young man was kicked out of the show. Next gone and Natalia. If you believe rumors, she has a fan behind the perimeter of the project, which was prohibited. Later, Bardois explained his participation in the "House-2" by the desire to earn the necessary amount for the treatment of the Father.


The cinematic biography of Natalia Bardo began pretty early. At the age of 14, the girl appeared as Lisa in the picture of Natalia Bondarchuk "Pushkin. Last Duel. She then starred in the criminal tapes "Damned Paradise" about the brutal nras reigning in an elite brothel, and the "shadow champ" about the work of the operational detectives of the operational-spot department.

Natalia Bardo - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, Films,

The expected glory to the artist came after the popular youth series "Golden. Barvikha-2. " Here the girl played a major role - Christina Mesher, daughter of a rich Krasnodar entrepreneur, who moved to the capital. Bardo, at that time only entered the theater school, did not know much and, according to his own recognition, revising individual scenes, still feeling a feeling of shame.

Another thing is the melodrama "Veronica. Lost Happiness. " The sophomore "Pike" was already firmly on her legs. Natalia was remembered and an exciting plot, and shooting, thanks to which she was half amen and met great love. In 2013, the actress returned to her the popularity of role and starred in the continuation of the series - "Veronica. Beggling. "

Natalia Bardo - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, Films,

Another major role for Natalia Bardo was the image of Victoria Kolesnikova in the "second chance" melodrama. The heroine of the artist is the in love with provincial, which fascinated and threw the metropolitan motorcycle roller. The girl goes in search of the Uhager, ready to prove a frivolous guy that he will be happy with her.

Bardo played a major role in another melodrama "For you." Natalia appeared in the form of the waitress Dasha in the bail cafe. She dreams of a prince on a white horse, which one day and finds a passenger who retired from the train. Hero Ivan Lykova is a man with a dark past, but a man is ready to change for his beloved.

Natalia Bardo - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, Films,

Musical education received in school years was useful to Natalia Bardo. In April 2011, the actress introduced his first solo vocal project. The program sounded the singles "Alejandro", "Bakery", "I want to scream", "rain drops" and others.

At this time, her filmography was replenished with a comedy "to Russia for love", the detective "Surprise me", a fantastic thriller "dive". In the film "If you can - I'm sorry", the Character Bardo becomes the reason for the spouses, in the role of which Egor Beroev and Love Tolkalina.

Natalia Bardo - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, Films,

In the adventure picture of the "Alpinists" team of accomplices, led by criminal authority, seeking diamonds hidden in the mountains. And for the conductor to fulfill the terms of the contract, the gangsters take hostage his favorite girl, who played Natalia.

In the fall of 2014, the series "Angelica. The girl of his dreams. " Natalia Bardo here got a star role: she played a negative character named Ulyana. In addition, the actress was also starred in the melodraman "Year in Tuscany" and the Armenian film "Look".

Natalia Bardo - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, Films,

In the Military Drama "Last Frontier" Natalia performed the role of nurses. The film dedicated to the memory of the soldiers who died near Moscow in the winter of 1941, the girl considers one of the most significant and exciting careers. The heroes of the series possess a strong spirit and will to victory. Bardo is sure that there are these qualities in it.

"Otherwise, in my life would not be what I have now. It seems to me that the strong spirit is given to us in order to achieve the goals set, without acting with their principles. I do not like to go to the victims, but for the sake of loved ones ready on a lot. "

In 2016, Natalia Bardo went to the role of a girl of easy behavior in the comedy "Love with restrictions". The main character is Misha's sinister (Pavel Saduchny), who found out that large companies are obliged to take people with disabilities. Mikhail receives fake references, sits in a wheelchair and seeks positions in the company "GAZNOMSH".

Also in 2016, the actress played Faji Friday in the comedy "Friday". A full-length film shows one day in which heroes felt those who dreamed of being. The gambling millionaire turned into an ordinary waiter, and a closed botany became a soul of the company.

In 2017, Natalia Bardo appeared in the comedy TV series "Grandma of Easy Behavior" - played the role of the company's main character, Alexander's challenge (Alexander Revv) on nicknamed transformer. The fraudster can rush in tens of characters to deceive their victims. But he deceives dangerous people and to avoid punishment, forced to reincarnate into the elderly lady.

Natalia Bardo - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, Films,

The actress is also involved in the sequel painting "Grandma of Light Behavior - 2: Astrehensive Avengers." This time, the heroes are trying to save pension savings from the bankrupt bank.

The "Favorites" project, according to Bardo, "about good, laughter and love, so I want to be a comedy, and the audience was looking forward to the second season." The film takes place in the veterinary clinic where the ambulance doctor comes. Not only is the Character of Roman Mayakina is not ready to change the situation and unusual patients do not cause sympathy.

Natalia Bardo - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, Films,

In the TV series "Flying Crew" Natalia starred in the company Victoria Daineko, Yulia Topolnitskaya, Darya Sagalova. The actress played the hereditary pilot, with which the colleagues of men refuse to fly. The girl still finds a partner in the face of Alexei Chadov's character, but he also tries to return anxiously from the sky to Earth.

In the 2nd season, the screen brother Alexei Makar Zaporizhia interferes with a couple of relations. More romance appeared in the plot, jealousy - the pilot falls into the love triangle. But most importantly, the artist noted, her heroine thought about family and children. Bardo and herself survived something similar, thought only about his career. Upon learning of pregnancy, even fell into depression, as it was approved for 3 main roles. Now the actress often reflects on whether it is already necessary for women 24 per day to be loaded only by work.

Personal life

In January 2009, the personal life of Natalia Bardo becomes the subject of discussion in the media. She played a wedding with entrepreneur Sergey Rusakov. The actress told that a novel with a future husband began when she was 18 years old.

Natalia Bardo and Sergey Rusakov

Sergey was much older and married. Marriage collapsed in 3 years. The girl's career then turned up rapidly, the work schedule was painted by the clock. And the spouse dreamed of home comfort and wife, which would be waiting for him in a family nest. Bardo did not decide to quit work.

Later, the press found out about Natalia's relations with director Marosi Waisberg. In 2016, the actress told in an interview about the happy life in Hollywood, where she moved after the chosen one. Barddo bathed in luxury, went to concerts with girlfriends, drove on expensive cars, sunbathe on the beaches. Frames from the new American life Bardo shared in "Instagram", and starred not only in a swimsuit, but also naked.

In 2016, Natasha gave birth to Son Eric. However, the relationship of the parents of the kid did not learn, referring to employment. Bardo quickly recovered and led the figure to normal. The actress admitted that for the year he lost 23 kg, returning the formed 48 kg with growth 172 cm.

Changes in appearance were so plotted and rapid that rumors appeared, as if Natalia made plastic. However, Bardo claims that he got rid of excess weights thanks to Pilates, dance on pylon, boxing and proper nutrition. In addition, 2 weeks after the birth, the shooting of the film "Night shift" began, where she has the main role.

Artist is known for its charitable activities. Natalia Bardo regularly visits children's homes, shelters and hospitals. For her charity projects, she became the laureate of the International Pride "Women's Pride" and received the Order of the Woman of the World.

In the summer of 2019, Natalia reported on parting with Mousse in Storsith "Instagram". According to rumors, everything is fault. The director seemed to have seen in secular events with another woman, and Bardo flew into favorite travel alone, leaving a child with a nanny.

Natalia Bardo now

At the end of 2018, Natalia starred in the criminal melodrame "I will pay tomorrow." In the center of the plot - the heroine Anna Tarautkina, accused of murdering her husband and looking for a real perpetrator of the crime. Bardo played her former girlfriend, which may be involved in this case.

And at the beginning of the 2020, it became known that Natalia again participates in the shooting of a reality show. True, this time the shooting platform will not be a telecommunication body, but a deserted island. Together with Bardo, Rapper Pthaha, Actress Elena Prthaha and other celebrities entered the star composition of the new season of the project "The Last Hero". This time the team of famous persons will fight against the audience. The leading season was Yana Trojanova.

In September of the same year, a new project "Million on the dream" started, the leading of which Natalia Bardo began.


  • 2006-2007 - "Damned Paradise"
  • 2010 - "Moscow, I love you"
  • 2011 - "Golden. Barvikha-2 "
  • 2012 - "Veronica. Lost Happiness "
  • 2012 - "To Russia for love"
  • 2013 - "If you love - sorry"
  • 2013 - "Veronika. Beggage "
  • 2013 - "Alpinists"
  • 2014 - "Angelica. The girl of his dreams "
  • 2014 - "Year in Tuscany"
  • 2016 - "Love with restrictions"
  • 2016 - "Friday"
  • 2017 - "Grandma of Easy Behavior"
  • 2017 - "Favorites"
  • 2018 - "Flying Crew"
  • 2019 - "I'll pay tomorrow"

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