Olesya Zhurakovskaya - biography, personal life, photo, news, actress, movies, "weighted and happy", Filmography 2021



Olesya Zhurakovskaya - Ukrainian actress and TV presenter. Today, the performer sells talent on the theater scene and in the movies. Magnificent forms, bright appearance and a stormy temperament make the actress of many viewers. Among the characters, Zhurakovsky meet both frivolous comedy heroines, and filled with drama images.

Childhood and youth

Olesya Zhurakovskaya - Kiev woman. She grew up in an environment far from art: Father built roads, mother worked at the sewing enterprise and sewed to order for private clients. Two daughters were grown in the family, Olesya - the youngest.

At an early age, the girl attended the sports gymnastics section and supplied hope in this sport.

In childhood, Olesya manifested itself and acting talent: along with the sister Zhurakovskaya sat down home theatrical and circus ideas, which guys were going to from the courtyard and relatives.

Olesya grew in the Borschagovka area, which herself calls "Bosyatsky". Although the future star loved to run with boys in the forests and playing the war, Zhurakovsky had a warm relationship with the administration of the Native 76th school. With the director and warranty, the actress communicates now.

Olesya Zhurakovskaya - biography, personal life, photo, news, actress, movies,

With her parents, Olesya also found a common language. With warmth, she recalls her father. To pamper a wife and daughters, a man cooked delicious dishes on a weekend. The crown recipe of Pope Zhurakovskaya calls Fish-Fish - stuffed carp, which the head of the family with love prepared his ladies.

After graduating from the 9th grade at the insistence of Mom, Olesya entered the technician of light industry to obtain the formation of a sewing production technologist. At the same time, Zhurakovskaya worked in the dancer from famous musicians who come to tour in Kiev.

After graduating from the technical school, Olesya went to Moscow and entered the theater university. To this decision he pushed her girlfriend, persuading to go for the company. At the introductory exam in Rachi-Gitis, Zhurakovskaya read the passage from the story of Nikolai Gogol and sang the Ukrainian folk song. The immediate and open girl came to the course of Vladimir Andreev.

True, some time after enrollment, the actress doubted that she made the right choice and does not have someone else's place at the faculty. The tar in the barrel of honey of student life was added and hordes of cockroaches dancing along the hostel. But, overcoming difficulties, Olesya was convinced that he was born for a hyseride.


After receiving a diploma in 1996, Zhurakovskaya 2 years served in the theater named after Maria Nikolaevna Yermolova. She participated in a number of high-profile productions, but marriage distracted from career.

In 2002, Olesya returned to his hometown and joined the troupe of the Kiev academic theater of drama and comedy on the left bank of the Dnieper, which plays until today. By the shoulders of Zhurakovsky participation in such performances as Romeo and Juliet, William Shakespeare, where the actress appeared in the image of the cormal, and "not all the carnival cat" on the play Alexander Ostrovsky. The key character embodied the actress and in Corsican.

But over time, Oles had more time to devote a film engineer. "Theater is very cool, although with the financial side it is sad enough," Jurakovskaya complained in an interview with "Caravan of stories."


In the spring of 2009, Olesya participated in the 2nd season of the entertainment show "Dance for You", which went out on the Ukrainian channel "1 + 1". The partner of the actress was Alexander Maibenko. The African dance of Zhurakovskaya, in which the performer was transformed into a black girl, left a bright impression.

In 2012, the actress once again tried their strength on television. For 4 seasons, Olesya was a permanent leading popular program "Weighed and happy", in which participants under the leadership of professional coaches and nutritionists are struggling with overweight. Zhurakovskaya oversaw ordinary and pair seasons. With the participation of celebrities, the issues of "Battle of Generations" and "Family Season" were filmed.

In the first issues of the transfer, Zhurakovskaya got rid of unnecessary kilograms along with the participants of the show. When height 176 cm, the actress weighed 95 kg. By participating in the project, Olesya lost weight by 30 kg. The fans came delight from the imprint of the performer.

The TV presenter liked the program, but after 4 years Olesya Zhurakovskaya realized that he wanted to go further. The actress without conflict and with a light heart left "weighed and happy."


With the same "caravan stories", Olesya shared that the chance to shine on the screen appeared when she was still in high school. Zhurakovskaya fell out of honor to play in the US-Russian film "Rat Funeral on Bram Stoper". But, according to Kiev, the artist of the lead role was frightened that the young Olesya Sprint Star.

The cinematic biography of Oleces started in 1999, when Zhurakovskaya appeared in the episode of the popular is the Bourgeois Birthday. Interestingly, the script for continuing the tape came up with the audience.

In 2003, the actress attracted the attention of fans, starring in the image of Lyuska's housekeeper in the New Year's musical "for two hares, which is the remake of the famous comedy of 1961. The painting, where Alla Pugacheva played the main roles, Maxim Galkin and Andrei Danilko, loved fans.

In 2006, the premiere of a social ribbon with the elements of the black humor "Professor in the Law", where Olesya Zhurakovskaya played Ekaterina Ivanovna, a night butterfly "on pensions". In the film, the performer has embodied a bright and comical heroine without falling vulgarity.

Fame came to Zhurakovskaya after entering the screens of the 4th season of the Family Project "Shatta". In the image of the purposeful and hyperactive business woman Ksenia Pavlovna actress looked convincing. By the way, a number of compositions in the ribbon sang artists depicting key characters. So Lyudmila Artemieva, Anatoly Vasilyev, Tatiana Kravchenko and Fyodor Dobronravov together performed the song "Curtains".

Dramatic roles are present in Olesya filmography. In the film about the Chernobyl tragedy "Motillas", Zhurakovskaya got a bright heroine of the second plan. According to the publication "Poshisha", the picture fell into the top "10 best Russian serials of 2014."

Another drama called "Last Yanychar" came out on the screens in 2015. Although the project has gained its fans, as a whole, a number of claims remained to the tape. First, the critics considered the plot illogical, and secondly, the fans of the genre upset the fact that the creators saved on scenery.

Bright work in the repertoire of the performer is considered the role of a second plan in the picture "Fitty Threads". The film was created based on the Korean TV series "Towels for Cinderella", in which we were talking about twins separated in the maternity hospital. Attentive viewers noticed Kinolyap, but in general, the tape met warmly.

The actress is happy with pleasure in Ukraine, but international projects are also present in the piggy bank. In 2018, the filming of the "Donbass" paintings were completed, in the creation of which filmmakers were involved not only from the native country of Olesya, but also guests from Germany, France, the Netherlands and Romania.

In 2019, the artist performed a major role in the series "On Sunday early the potion potion" (another name - "Tsygana"). This is a mystical melodrama, in which it was about traveling 2 philologists in the outback, where young people face inexplicable phenomena. On the Ozzovik website, the film received 4.5 points out of 5.

Olesya Zhurakovskaya - biography, personal life, photo, news, actress, movies,

Bright National Image of Peacock Khukequer Zhurakovskaya recreated in the costume drama "serf". The merit authors of the project include the refusal of artificial scenery. The shooting took place in places such as Kiev-Pechersk Lavra and the National Historical and Cultural Reserve "Kachanovka".

In November 2019, the premiere of the detective thriller "The first swallows" took place in Ukraine, in which Olesya participated. The film tells about the unpleasant situations that occur with a group of adolescents. When creating the plot, the screenwriter Evgeny Tunic communicated with the social workers, difficult children and their parents, in order to draw inspiration and make a plausible story.

In 2020, with the participation of Zhurakovskaya, the series "Expert" came to the screens. Critics noticed in the picture references to the famous work of Arthur Conan Doyle. So, the fans considered the heroine of Olesya like Mrs. Hudson from the novel about Sherlock Holmes.

Personal life

In the youth actress attended a bright novel. Zhurakovskoy was carried away by an attractive and temperamental Moscow businessman with Caucasian roots, which was beautifully cared for a charming student. After receiving the diploma of Gityis in 1996, Olesya married. Spouse jealous and banned his wife to film and go to the theatrical scene.

Soon the husband began to raise his hand on his beautiful, but it was not easy to leave. Olesya decided not to risk and waited for a suitable moment when the spouse spouse at the relative was trying three times "Leave." According to Muslim traditions, the chosen one could no longer hold Olesya. In 2001, the star divorced and went to Kiev. Children couple did not profit.

The actress confessed that fans do not give her aisle. Married Zhurakovskaya was called on every second date. Olesya does not give detailed answers to questions of journalists about personal life, but emphasizes that if he loves, without reservations and halftone, giving the feeling with all his heart. Does the performer have a second half - unknown.

Zhurakovskaya is very sociable, therefore, on a page in "Instagram", the artist is pleased to correspond with friends and fans. On social networks, Olesya demonstrates photos in national costumes and original outfits, and candid pictures in a swimsuit avoids.

Olesya Zhurakovskaya now

In 2021, Zhurakovskaya is in demand in the profession. With the participation of the actress on the screens came the series "Mom" and other projects. Olesya is in popularity. In March, President Vladimir Zelensky awarded the celebrity by the Order of Princess Olga III degree. And in May, on the Alley of Glory near the Kiev shopping center, Gulliver laid a star in honor of Olesy Zhurakovskaya.


  • 2003 - "For two hares"
  • 2006 - "Women's Tears"
  • 2008 - "Adventure on the farm near Dikanka"
  • 2008 - "King, lady, currency"
  • 2009 - "Digger from Hatspeetovka"
  • 2009 - "inviolable"
  • 2010 - "Cinderella with a trailer"
  • 2010 - "Parsi Sheep"
  • 2010-2013 - "Shatta"
  • 2013 - "Motillas"
  • 2014 - "Husband for an hour"
  • 2016 - "Island"
  • 2016 - "Relative"
  • 2018 - Donbass
  • 2019 - "On Sunday early the potion potion"
  • 2019-2021 - "Upper"
  • 2020 - "Expert"
  • 2020 - "The first swallows. Zependent "
  • 2021 - "Mom"
  • 2021 - "Papik-2"

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