Vladimir Vinokur - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, Humor 2021



Vladimir Natanovich Vinokur - Soviet and Russian artist of the humorous genre, singer, founder and artistic director of the theater of parody, People's Artist of the RSFSR (1989). His name is associated with the image of a sparkling Balagar, the soul of the company, a versatile gifted person. The parodies and monologues of the pop star, thanks to the talent of the phenomenal narrator, rightfully entered the Golden Foundation of the domestic humor.

Childhood and youth

On March 31, 1948, Kurskaya Pravda reported to readers that a boy was born in the city maternity hospital. The weight of the newborn - 4 kg. This warfare was Vladimir Vinokur. The boy was born and grew in a friendly family. Father Nathan Lvovich Vinokur ruled the construction trust, the mother of Anna Juliev taught Russian and literature at school. Vladimir's ancestors were Jews by nationality.

The artist recalls that the older brother Boris was glad more, because he was a cheerful and energetic child. And Volodya is a full boy with curvature legs, silent by nature. As a child, he often played alone, because his feet in medicinal purposes were buried in a special sand. By 14 years old, the teenager changed dramatically - he became sociable, constantly laughed and joked.

In School, Volodya studied without enthusiasm. But in the 4th grade, the Mother of the Vinokur became a class teacher, the boy was forced to pull up his studies. Russian literature Vladimir knew all 6 points so that the mother would not have blushing for him. With the Father, the future humorist had a trusting relationship. The boy told the secrets, shared problems, appealed for advice. In the family of Vinokur Father, a joke called the main director.

Vladimir Vinokur's biography since childhood is associated with music. The boy sang nicely, so the parents recorded him in the chorus of the pioneers. At the first competition, the team with soloist Vinocur took 1st place, and the boy was awarded a trip to "Artek". In the pioneer camp Volodya again took part in the competition for the best execution of the military song. Vinokur sang the work of Vano Muradi "Buchenvald Nabat" and became the first. Awarded young artist Specially invited Yuri Gagarin.

On a talented guy, Semen Dunaevsky drew attention. The conductor advised to take a pause in vocals under 17, to end the breaking voice. The guy listened to the Tunaevsky Council. Parents did not understand why the Son stopped singing, Vladimir persuaded, punished, forbidden to play on the street.

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As a result, my father said, they say, you do not want to sing - you will enter the construction technique. Vladimir did it. After the technical school, the young man worked at the construction site, and at home was engaged in vocals with teachers. It was useful to him in the Army Service - Vinokur performed with the ensemble of the Moscow Military District.

In 1969, the guy sent documents to Gitis, at that time he still served in the army. The applicant successfully stood all the creative contests and became a freshman student. Later, the artist confesses that it was not easy to conquer the capital, but thanks to the talent, the first monologue of the army elder in the execution of Vinurg was remembered by the audience.


When Vladimir studied at the 4th course of guitis, the director of the Moscow Theater Operetta invited the young man to theatrical troupe. In this team, he worked for 2 years and played a lot of roles.

In 1989, the artist founded the theater of parody of Vladimir Vinokura. After 8 years, the theater was assigned state status. In the walls of this institution, the statement was successful "I go out one ...", "there is no extra ticket", "Wine-Show-chickens". Vladimir Vinokur worked for many years with Arkady Arkanov, Alexander Shirvindt, Lyon Izmailov, Sergey Drobotenko and other humorists.


The creative biography of Vladimir Vinokur continued to develop. His song Career began in 1975 in the popular team of "Gems". A pianist Mikhail Bank recommended him there. After 2 years, the artist became the winner of the All-Russian Competition and thought about the solo career.

In 1977, Vladimir moved to the soloist to Moskoncert. Vinokur performed on the largest platforms of Russia, including the Kremlin Palace. He participated in concerts with Joseph Kobzon, Lyudmila Zykina, Lvom Leshchenko, Muslim Magomaev and other matrahs of the Soviet pop.

At that time, Vladimir Vinokur was one of the few artists who toured in Germany, America, Belgium, Mexico and other countries. Abroad, he traveled as a group of support for Soviet athletes.

His last song project - the duet "Level and Vovka". Vinokur and Leshchenko first performed together on the anniversary Gennady Khazanov. Since then, their singing tandem is popular with the public. Vladimir Nathanovich songs were loved by the audience.

In an interview with the artist more than once mentioned that he did not regret that he did not go along the path of the pop singer, as he dreamed of his youth, and became a multifaceted parody artist. This profession allows the Vinokur not to limit itself in the manifestations of talent. Vladimir Natanovich himself counts himself to clowns: so once called him Yuri Nikulin.


By the end of the 70s, the artist began to regularly invite to television esters. The humorist performed in popular programs around laughter and New Year's attraction. Parodies and monologues of Vladimir Vinokura were his business card.

Among the characters of the Vinurg, the singer Grigory Dolglob, the artist "backway song" Mikhail Glinka, a stutter neuropathologist, Sashok, who became famous for the phrase "surprise will be!" Was most popular. With the participation of the artist, films-concerts "On the stage Vladimir Vinokur", "In the circle of friends", "Invitation for the evening".

National love and recognition came to the humor after the release of the "Anshlag", in which he participated for many years. On the air show Regina, Dubovitsky, Vladimir Vinokur repeatedly performed in Sketchs "Sclerosis for Two", "Purple of Fate", "Blind", "New Russians".

At the prefabricated concerts, the artist performed monologues "Zaika", "in the clinic", "Viagra", as well as parodies on the Vakhtang Kikabidze, Lion Leshchenko, Dmitry Khvorostovsky. In 2014, the next monologue of the Mikhalych and Mat's artist of the plumbing to strong expressions was released on the transfer of "Achglag".

In 1985-1986, the man appeared on the screens as the co-host programs "One in the fall" and "Once in winter." Parodies of Vladimir Vinokura often sound on the air radio stations. The artist participated in the transfer "with good in the morning!", Radionnae radio program, "You, I and the song". On the TV channel "Humor", compilations are regularly published, compiled from the best performances of the Vinurg.

Recently, Vinokura can be seen in the "Curve Mirror" and "Yumorina" programs. Together with the artists of the theater of parodies, as well as colleagues from the troupe Evgenia Petrosyana, Vladimir Natanovich pleases the fans every week on the air of the TV channel "Russia-1".

Here he appears with the numbers "Japanese", "Teschinka" and others. In 2017, the artist took part in the filming of a documentary film about a colleague and friend Muslim Magomaev. At the end of August, Vinokur visited Sunny Baku, where his speech was held at the creative evening of Alla Pugacheva in the framework of the Heat 2017 festival.


The cinema career of the artist began in 1975. Vladimir fulfilled the episodic role of the court actor in the comedy almanac "AU-y!". On the working platform, the Vinokur was lucky to work with Vladimir Basov, Leonid Kuravlev, Irina Muravyeva, Savelia Kramarov.

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After 6 years, the artist was invited to the adventure musical film Yulia Gusman "Do not be afraid, I'm with you!" To record the vocal parties of the two main characters. The film was broadcast on the television of Azerbaijan, and the songs were released by a double disk at the ringtone's sound recording studio.

In the Military Drama, Alexei German "Check on the roads" of 1985, Vladimir Vinokur again fell into a frame, fulfilling the role of a German officer. Rolan Bykov, Oleg Borisov and Vladimir Zamansky played the main characters in the film about the partisan feat.

In the early 1990s, the director Valentin Hovenko invited the pop artist to a major role in the comedy "Pistol with a silencer" about the shoot of mentally ill from the American clinic. Sergey Yursky, Evgeny Seener and Armen Dzhigarkhanyan became partners in the work site.

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In 1992, while in Germany, Vladimir Vinokur got into a serious car accident, which took the lives of the two friends who were in the cabin at the time of the incident. Vladimir got multiple fractures of the legs. German doctors after the Consilium offered a humorist on an amputation of one leg amputation.

Joseph Kobzon came to the aid of Vinokur. The singer agreed with the Russian military hospital about the operation for Vladimir Nathanovich. 2 years after the rendered treatment, Vinokur could have already been walking, later the function of the feet was fully recovered. During the hospitalization, the artist looked back over time to the previous parameters - with a height of 176 cm its weight reached 88-91 kg.

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In the late 90s, the artist littered the Military Field Romance film, and in 2003 he played the main robber in the music New Year's film on the Tale of Hans Christian Andersen "Snow Queen", where the stars of the Russian show business did Nikolay Baskov, Christina Orbakayte shine, Lyme Vaikule, Sofia Rotaru, Nadezhda Babkin, Leonid Agutin. Music wrote Igor Cool.

In the late 2000s, Vladimir Vinokura filmography was replenished with participation in two paintings - "Golden Fish" and "Kingdom of Curves Mirrors". In 2010, on behalf of the Fund in support of culture and art, Vladimir Vinokur spoke with the idea of ​​creating a high-budget historical drama "Matilda". Alexey teacher was invited as a director and co-producer. Work on the film was carried out for 7 years and ended with the premiere.

Personal life

With his wife, Ballerina Tamara Pervakova, a humorist met on the children's performance "not Bay Girl". Vinokur played a dude, and Pervakova is a crown doll. The girl liked the artist: Tamara was serious and strict, immediately stopped causing a young man. But Vinokur did not give up - she covered the table in the hostel, invited the girl and began to pester to her. Pervakova cried and left. Vladimir ran down to apologize and calm down. At that moment, as Vinokur is recognized, something happened in the soul.

Tamara Pervakova was special. Before the wedding, the girl appealed to the fiance on "you". On June 8, 1974, Vladimir and Tamara became husband and wife. The wedding took place in the Concert Hall "Russia". Since then, Vladimir Vinokura's personal life is inextricably linked with Tamara. The spouses quarreled rarely, except because the wife was well prepared, and the humorist always loved to eat. Over time, Pervakova has learned to cook, but as soon as culinary sings appeared on the home kitchen, Vinokur decided to lose weight.

For a long time, the pair did not have children. Daughter Nastya was born when Tamara turned 32 years old, and Vladimir was already 37. To engage in a child and home, Pervakova left ballet.

Nastya went in the footsteps of the mother - in 2003, the girl graduated from the choreographic academy and is now working in the Bolshoi Theater, one time performed with a solo number in the circus "du Soleil", later graduated from the production department of Gityis. Music artist was the musical producer Grigory Matveyevich.

On December 10, 2015, Vladimir Vinokur became a grandfather - his grandson Fedor was born, whom was called in honor of the home estate of Vladimir Nathanovich. The artist was glad to change his parent status. He loves to repeat the saying: maturity comes to us, and with grandchildren - youth.

Vladimir satisfied with his personal life. The artist admits that the sense of humor and frequent tours strengthened marriage, because the longer Vladimir was not at home, the stronger it was pulling there. Vinokur loves guests, so it tries more often to arrange holidays with feasts and invite friends.

Over time, the Vinokura family acquired a country real estate - in the village of Krekshino Vladimir Nathanovich built a house where he spends a lot of free time. On his plot, the humorist equipped the target for shooting from Luke.

Does not forget Vinokur and the Maja Motherland - Kursk Earth. In the city hero, the artist is regularly a year at the celebration of the City Day. On the stele that was laid by the governor of the region, the name of the humorist stands in one row with the composer George Sviridov, the poet Afanasius Fetom, Marshal George Zhukov.

In 2018, a tragic event occurred in the family of Vladimir Nathanovich - his mother died, who was 96 years old at that time. Vinokur was seriously perceived by the departure of a loved one, even rumored about the depression of the artist, but the rumors were false. According to the artist, in recent years he has protected the health of his native person, for which Anna Juliev has been closer to himself. The daily ritual for Vladimir Vinokura was a visit to Mom for breakfast.

Vladimir Vinokur now

Now the artist continues to delight fans with solo concerts. In 2019, Vladimir Nathanovich with the artists of the theater of parodii already visited Voronezh, Astrakhan, Rostov-on-Don, visited the major cities of Belarus, where it was pleasantly surprised to warmly.

About touring and important events in the life of Vinokur reports on the official page in "Instagram", where photos of the native humorist also appear.


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