Elvira Bulgova - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, Films 2021



Elvira Bulgova is a Russian actress that implemented himself as a bright performer. Gentle appearance, big blue eyes and a fragile figure did not interfere with the artist to recreate the image of a strong and wise woman on the screen. The main achievement for today Elvira calls motherhood.

Childhood and youth

Elvira was born in Moscow in the family, far from acting: Father worked by agronomist, and his mother was a nurse. Three children were brought up in the family, of which Elya was a younger favorite. It appeared at the parents, Russians by nationality, late, the name received in honor of Mom.

As a child, Elvira was engaged in sports gymnastics and cherished the dream in the future to visit the Venetian carnival. Parents saw their daughter with a physician, but after school, the girl stated that the theater university would storm. Moreover, in the family there was already one actress - the older sister of the Big Natalia graduated from the theatrical and one time went on the scene. Due to life difficulties, she later had to leave the profession.

In the Higher Theater School named after M. S. Shchepkin, Viktor Korshunov, and classmates - Egor Barinov and Marat Basharov became an artistic director and mentor. At the end of the theatrical university, the actress replenished the Satiron's troupe, but only one season served there, after which he moved to the Mossovet's theater.

In 2002, Elvira Bulgov leaves theatrical layouts. Since then, it acts only in the entrepreneurship productions, for example, a "storm in a glass of water" and "Trofaldino".


The cinematic biography of the actress began even earlier scenic. In the student years, Elvira Bigova was the first experience with a movie camera: she starred in a short-drawn tape "Cupid".

And the first full-length film artist was the psychological detective director Andrei Vastenkov "Tests for real men".

Soon, the artist's filmography was replenished with a colorful comedy "My Big Armenian Wedding", the director of which was Rodion Nakhapetov. Elvira embodied on the screen the image of the Russian Bride Lena, who decided to marry Armenian.

In the criminal drama "Gemini" Elvira Bulgova performed 3 roles at once, creating images of twins sisters. Despite the external similarity, its heroines are different in nature, and the actress had to switch from the faithful spouse of faith to romantic and naive love or cruel and vengeful Fatima.

Together with Alexei Makarov and Sergey Gorobchenko Elvira played a love triangle in the context of the Afghan war in the Officer Official Movie. The picture in 2006 received high ratings of the views, so it was decided to extend the series for the 2nd season. But because of the employment of a whistling in other projects, her heroine embodied in the future Ekaterina Vulichenko, with which the actress is very similar to externally.

Another work was popular for a whistle, the adventure series "Island of unnecessary people." A group of 13 people turns out to be cut from civilization on a tropical island, but they have more to deal with each other's characters than with nature whims. Heroine Elvira is a grumpy and capricious spouse of the main character, which gradually from glamorous egoist turns into a person who can compare others and fight with the transformations of fate.

During the filming of Bulgov, along with several members of the film crew after a campaign in the cave, where bats were inhabited, a tropical disease was sick, which then spread to the rest of the acting. Fortunately, soon the disease retreated without violating the planned work.

After the "island of unnecessary people" in the career, the actress followed a number of main roles in melodramatic films and serials. Elvira Bulgova played a former ballet soloist on Ice Ludmila Spitsyna, which he kidnapped an unknown figure skater, in a melodraman "Beauty and the Beast".

In the melodrama "Dad rent" in the acting duet with a whisk, Igor Petrenko appeared. Heroine Elvira is going to send the Son to study abroad. But with the father of the child, from which consent to departure, she has long lost contact. An unexpected acquaintance with the full former husband solves the problem.

At the end of 2016, Elvira Bulgova played the main role of Herpivina in the 4-serial melodrama "Marry after all". The heroine of the actress works by a doctor, a woman is far from 30, and she desperately wants to establish a personal life and get married, but the grooms are constantly run away from under the crown. The girlfriend tells the desperate woman that failures with weddings are caused by a slogony or spell.

This tip gives Lena hope, and the woman finds a witch who confirms a mystical guess: the woman is a curse-punishment for the fact that Krapivina destroyed the personal happiness of three other girls. Now, in order to establish your own family life, Lena must make girls happy victims from her hands. It's not easy to do this, because the heroine does not even know where to look for three unfortunate from the past.

In 2017, Elvira's debut took place as a director. Bulgova shot a short comedy "voices outside the window." The author chose a silent movies for his first work. The film became the graduation work of Elvira, since it was this year that she received the second higher education, after graduating from the directorial Faculty of Supreme Courses of Writers and Directories.

In 2018, the actress appeared in the picture "Gull Party." The comedy describes the relationship of three generations of women of one family with men. Elvira Bulgova, Irina Rosanova, Aglagy Shilovskaya played the main characters. Also a significant project in the repertoire of the actress was the psychological thriller Dmitry Astrakhan "Game", in which Elvira appeared in a creative duet with Viktor Vasilyev.

Personal life

Bulgova avoided marriages with actors, which infrequently happens in their environment. The first husband Elvira, from which in 1998 she gave birth to a daughter, was engaged in entrepreneurship, had his own business.

The parting with him Elvira explains the age: according to the youth, the spouses made too many mistakes in building a family structure and in the wrapper of characters. After the divorce Elvira and Kirill Sokolsky remained in friendly relations, and his father took an active part in the upbringing of his daughter.

After some time, significant changes have occurred in the personal life of the actress. Her new chosen one Anton Ananin works by director of commercials. In 2014, another daughter Radomir appeared in the family.

Elvira Bulgova is a supporter of natural childbirth and both children gave birth at home. Despite the fact that the actress has a fragile figure (height 165 cm, weight 53 kg), in which such risk is undesirable, the birth has passed without trouble and complications.

The hobby of the artist is traveling along with the family at different parts of the planet. Moreover, it loves not only trendy resorts and exotic tours, but also interesting excursions in their homeland.

Under the name, the actress is conducted by an account in "Instagram", which is signed as the only profile of Elvira whisk in this social network with personal photos of celebrities.

Elvira Bulgova now

Now Elvira continues to delight the fans of his creativity with new works, although films with her participation are demonstrated on the screen infrequently. In 2019, Bulgova starred in the main women's role in the full-length thriller "Passenger from San Francisco".

A pleasant news for fans actresses became her shooting in the program Boris Korchevnikov "The Fate of Man". In 2020, the performer appeared in a detective "First Meetings", where Dmitry Ulyanov came to her partner.


  • 1998 - "Tests for real men"
  • 2004 - "Gemini"
  • 2004 - "My big Armenian wedding"
  • 2006 - "Officers"
  • 2007 - "Young Wolfhound"
  • 2008 - "Once upon a time in the province"
  • 2011 - "Island of unnecessary people"
  • 2013 - "Dad rent"
  • 2014 - "Middle Girl"
  • 2015 - "Last victim Anna"
  • 2016 - "Marry after all"
  • 2018 - "Gull Party"
  • 2018 - "Fatal SMS"
  • 2019 - "Passenger from San Francisco"

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