Nikolay Kryuchkov - biography, photo, personal life, cause of death, filmography, actor, kids, movies



Nikolai Afanasyevich Kryuchkov - Actor of Soviet Theater and Cinema, People's Artist of the USSR, Winner of the Stalinist Prize. All-Union glory acquired after accessing the films "TRACTORIST", "At the very blue sea", "Pinwork and the Shepherd".

Childhood and youth

Actor Nicholas Hooks, with whom the whole era of Soviet cinema is connected, was born in Moscow on December 24, 1910 by the old style. The family in which the boy was brought up was the most ordinary - his father earned a heavy work of the loader on the "three-necked manufactory", and the mother, which was mainly engaged in the household, worked as a tank in the same enterprise. Having survived the revolution and the first world war, the father, whose health was undermined, went out early.

It can be said that the actor did not have childhood - he had to work a lot and learn. From nine years old, the boy was forced to work on the same factory as parents. At fourteen years, Nikolai went to the FMU to receive the profession of engraver-kakshchik. During the years of study, the guy surprised the labor team with his artistic amateur: he played on the bayan, sang funny songs and even beat off the chief.

Nikolay Crochekov in youth

A talented engraver-kump noted the bosses that the young hook helped to get to school-studio of acting in the theater of workers' youth in 1928. For a while, the guy had to combine the game on the theater stage with work on the manufactory to help the family, but even then it became clear that the young man would not work by the profession.


In 1930, the rehearsal of the Moscow theater of working young people visited the director Boris Barnet. Of all the actors, he allocated only Koochkov and soon invited him to shoot the painting "Outside". This picture was warmly accepted by the viewer and became a pass to the Soviet cinema for a beginner artist. A year later, Nikolai Kryukovkov starred in one tape of the same director called "At the very blue sea". Alyosha's cheerful sailor loved to many viewers, newly friendly fans were interested in the creative biography of the actor.

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From that moment on, hooks began to flow numerous sentences about filming. In the following years, the roles in the films "Return Maxim", "For Soviet Motherland", "Taiga Golden", "Vyborg Side", "On the border", "Man with a gun".

Another loud success came to Nikolay Kryukkov in 1939, after the release of a musical film with his participation "TRAKTORIST". Ivan Pyriyev's tape was so loved by the viewer that performers of the main roles Marina Ladynina, Nikolai Kryuchkov, Boris Andreev, Peter Aleinikov became present folk heroes.

In 1939, the drama member of the government was completed on how the former Alexander's Bathers (Vera Maretskaya) managed to become a people's deputy from the collective farm. Nikolai fulfilled the role of a merchant Nikita, the brother of the jealous spouse of the collective farm Efim (Vasily Vanin).

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In the same year, the actor starred in episodic roles in the drama "Shchors" and the comedy "Stanitsa Far". A year later, hooks appeared in the film "Yakov Sverdlov" and the film "Brother Hero". The second film was dedicated to the events of the Finnish war, Nikolai reincarnated in Redarmese Boykova, performing the task in the rear of the enemy. During the intelligence operation, the military receives a fatal injury.

As soon as the war began, the hooks began to rush to the front, but his statement by the military commark refused to visit, motivating the refusal by the fact that, removing in the cinema, he would bring birth to no less benefit. The period of creative heyday Kryuchkov just coincided over the years of the Great Patriotic War. Despite the hard time, Nikolai continued to be filmed.

In the mid-40s, the Military paintings "Kotovsky", "Guy from our city", "in the name of the Motherland", "Front" came out with the participation of Kryukhiv. The most famous activities of the actor then became the musical film "Pinagka and the Shepherd", where Marina Ladynina and Vladimir Zeldin also performed the main roles, and the lyrical comedy "Heavenly Skin" with Alla Parfanyak in the role of a young journalist.

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After the end of the war, the screens came out the patriotic film "Light over Russia", built on the memoirs of the sailor Rybakov, the participant of the October Revolution. The main role went to Nikolay Kryukkov. In 1948, the actor starred in the film "Three meetings", in which we were talking about the first peace years after the war.

In the late 40s, the work of the artist in the military dramas "Star" and "Stalingrad Battle" was followed. In 1949, hooks got into the main acting musical comedy "Happy flight" with Mikhail Zharov and Orlova faith. The film was told about the carefree life and the first love of the young driver.

In the post-war period, the paintings with Nikolai Kryuchkov continued to maintain its popularity. Among them are "Maksimka", "Sadko", "Rumyantsev", "cruelty".

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In 1956, the artist's filmography was replenished with another military film "Immortal Garniszon" about the defenders of the Brest Fortress. Film received an honorary diploma of the International Film Festival in Venice. In the same year, hooks lit up in the film Gregory Chukhray "Forty-first", where the main characters were played by Isolde Alpuskaya and Oleg Strizhenov. The plot was founded on the real events that occurred during the Civil War.

In 1958, filming the film about the blockade city "Leningrad Symphony", in which Nikolay Kryuchkov fulfilled the main role. The end of the 50s was marked for Kryuchkova another leading role in the popular picture of the "Ballad of a soldier", where Vladimir Ivashov also played, Jeanne Prokhorenko, Yevgeny Urban.

If, in the 1950s, Nikolai Kryuchkov was filmed mainly in films about the historical heritage of the Fatherland, then in the 1960s he began to appear more often in comedies. At that time, the actor appeared in the tapes of the comedy genre "Marriage Balzaminov", "Big Fitil", "Give a plaintive book."

Nikolay Crochekov in the film

In the musical comedy of Eldar Ryazanov "Gusarskaya Ballad", the famous artist appeared in front of the audience as an elderly servant. Artists of the main roles - Larisa Golubanka, Yuri Yakovlev, Igor Ilinsky - after the yield, the films on the screens woke up famous. In the first year of rental, 48 million spectators looked comedy.

In the drama Seeds Tumanova "To me, Mukhtar!", Where the main role was performed by Yuri Nikulin, Nikolay Kryuchkov reincarnated in the Militia General. In the adaptation of the work of F. Dostoevsky "Dyalushkin Son" Artist tried on the image of Moskalev, the spouse of the first lady of the city of Mary Alexandrovna (Lydia Smirnov).

Nikolay Kryuchkov starred in films "lived - there were an old man with an old woman", "Dr. Vera", "served two comrades." In the 70s, the most successful works of the "telegram", the "address of your home", "Citizens", "Velvet Season", "My friend Uncle Vanya", "Autumn Marathon".

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With the arrival of the 80s Nikolai Afanasyevich was much less likely. Among the films of that period, "Gypsy happiness", "Tango", "I believe in love", "Let us remember, Comrade!", Stalingrad.

The last time the actor worked in the paintings "Tsar Ivan Grozny" and "Death Angels", which came out in 1991 and 1993.

Personal life

It was so nikolay hooks was married four times. The first two marriages were with actresses Maria Shepherd and Alla Parfignac. In these unions, the actor appeared two children - the sons of Boris and Nikolai.

For the third time, his wife became an athlete Zoya Kochanskaya, who tragically died under the wheels of the car. Accident occurred right in front of her husband. This incident caused a protracted depression and other serious health problems with Kryuchkov.

Nikolay and Lydia Crochekov

After a time, the personal life of the actor has improved - Nikolai Afanasyevich married again. His chosen was his director's assistant, which was much younger than his spouse. The age difference did not prevent the creation of a strong and happy union. Lydia Nikolaevna had a daughter of Elvira, which after the conclusion of the crochet marriage adopted.

The native people of the artist after his death became the heroes of the transfer "Direct Ether" with Andrei Malakhov because of the conflict. In the spring of 2021, the actor's granddaughter addressed the transfer, said: her mother Elvira sent Lidia Nikolaevna to a psychiatric clinic. Catherine expressed confidence that they did with her grandmother because of the apartment.

The adoptive daughter of Nikolai Afanasyevich also appeared on a talk show, assuring the audience and experts in the inadequate behavior of the widow of Kryuchkov, her mother. Close relatives of this family accused Elvira that she deliberately "fed" with Tablets Lidia Nikolaevna to quickly resolve the issue with the apartment.


During the years of restructuring, the Soviet cinema of 1930-1950s was ordered Stalinsky, and the popular actors of that time began to accuse the Communist regime in the Communist. This fate has not passed and Kryuchkov: the authorities did not particularly complain the people's artist, who in the old age fell into poverty.

At the end of life, Nikolai Kryuchkov lived in the summer village of Iksha along with his wife. He almost could not talk, a tumor appeared from smoking in his throat and caused the death of a man. Lydia Kryuchkova, remembering the last days of her husband, said that they joked a lot and even sang.

The grave of Nikolai Kryuchkov

Nikolai Afanasyevich lay in the hospital, and his wife visited him every day. Shortly before death, the artist began to fall asleep among the day for about half an hour. Lydia Nikolaevna walled her husband, and he asked him to do not interfere, because he goes to another life. When the actor woke up, the spouse asked: "Well, how is there, in another life?". He answered: "Not yet accepted. Said - early. "

Nikolay Kryuchkov died on April 13, 1994. On the posthumous monument instead of the photo installed the bas-relief with the image of the artist.


  • 1935 - "At the very blue sea"
  • 1939 - "TRANSFER"
  • 1941 - "Pinwork and shepherd"
  • 1945 - "Heavenly Skin"
  • 1949 - "Happy flight"
  • 1953 - Sadko
  • 1955 - "Business Rumyantsev"
  • 1959 - "Soldier Ballad"
  • 1962 - "Hussar Ballad"
  • 1964 - "Marriage Balzaminova"
  • 1968 - "served two comrades"
  • 1979 - "Autumn Marathon"
  • 1987 - "First Meeting, Last Meeting"
  • 1989 - "Stalingrad"
  • 1991 - "Tsar Ivan Grozny"
  • 1993 - "Death Angels"

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