Vladislav Stroelchik - biography, personal life, photos, filmography, theater work, death, rumors and the latest news



On January 31, 1921, the son was born in the usual Petrograd family, which was called Vladislav. He was a second child, but very long-awaited. His parents lived modestly, they had no formation, but the more valuable was their innate intelligence. Probably, therefore, Vladislav is a strokelor, the roles of aristocrats on the scene of the theater and cinema. The mother worked in the Hermitage until the war began. Father - Pole by nationality, was a deeply believer man and secretly visited the church. When the sons grew up, he drove them with him to the service.

Full Vladislav Stroelchik

There, under the arches of the temple, in the soul of Vladislav, the love of the theater was born, because the church service reminds something theatrical action. During worship, the boy performed small assignments of the abbot - brought holy water, filed church utensils and felt part of what was happening.

Vladislav's older brother, Peter - in childhood he was fond of literature, went well at school, with the "Red Diploma" graduated from the Institute of Communications. It was more educated and intelligent, but after the war it remained in the army. On this basis, the brothers almost did not communicate.

Vladislav Pleeller in youth

In school years, Vlad Day and spent the night in a drama. Parents arranged that the Son is busy business and does not ride through the streets. After school, the strider decided to enroll in the studio with a large dramatic theater. He was accepted on the course of Boris Babocha, but a year later called in the army. Then the war began - at first Vladislav Stroelchik fought on the front line, then he was transferred to the military ensemble. In the theater studio, he returned after the victory and continued his studies.


The first two years, Vladislav Stroelchik was in the auxiliary composition, but in 1947 he was credited to the main BDT troupe. The debut of the actor was the role of Claudio in the formulation of "Many noise from nothing." Then the role of Grekova in the formulation of the "enemies" - theatrical critics were praised by a talented young man. Vladislav Stroelchik often appeared in costume productions. He remembered the audience on the roles in the performances of the "servant of the two gentlemen", "girl with a jug" and others.

Vladislav Stroelchik in the theater

The actor was never late at the rehearsal, always thoroughly taught the text and appeared in front of the viewer in good shape. Gradually, he began playing dramatic roles: Paradise in "Cliff", Kouligin in the "Three Sisters".

Solomon Gregory in his performance in the play "Price" conquered even the most stringent critics - they recognized him as a masterpiece. Vladislav so accurately managed to accommodate the role of the 90-year-old old man, that the production was shown on the stage of the BDT 25 years: all these years the performance was kept exclusively on a chalter.

Vladislav Stroelchik in the play

His sparkled thin humor was out of the scene. Colleagues easily worked with him, and the viewer enjoyed. A visual example is a sparkling prince Vano in the "Hanuma" formulation. I remember the creative tandem with Alice Freundlich in the play "This ardent in love."

He was invited to work many times to work at the Mossoveta Theater, and the Small Theater even ordered containers for the actor to transport things to the capital, but all his life he remained faithful to St. Petersburg BDT. In 1986-1991 The strider was a member of the Board, and from October 1991 - the Secretary of the Board of the Union of Theater Workers of the RSFSR.


In the cinema, Vladislav Stroelchik began to be filmed in 1942. His first screen image is a Finnish White Guardian officer in the painting "Masha". But popularity came to the actor much later, after 23 years, when he played General Gotburg in the film "How to call you now?".

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Many of his roles became the classics of Soviet cinema. He was equally well managed by images of Napoleon in "War and Peace", Scherist Naryshkin in the "Crown of the Russian Empire", the father of the bride in the "straw hat", the Lestoks in the "Gardenairines, Forward!".

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In 1965, the artist was awarded the title of People's Artist of the RSFSR, and after 9 years he became the People's Artist of the USSR. He also was engaged in pedagogical activities: he taught in the Leningrad Institute of Theater, Music and Cinema in 1959-1968, in the Leningrad Institute of Culture - since 1966

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The last works of Vladislav Pleeller in the movie became the roles in the films "Pericola" (1984), "face to face" (1986), Tartuf (1992), "Provincial benefit" (1993), "Tragedy of the Century" (1994).

Personal life

Vladislav Stroelchik was married twice. His first spouse Olga Mikhailovna gave birth to the actor daughter Marina. But the relationship in the family did not work out. Vladislav continued to live with his wife for the sake of a child, until he met Lyudmila Shuvalov. Their acquaintance happened in the south, where both were on tour. Lyudmila was 24 years old, Vladislav - 30. She is from Moscow, he is from Peter. After returning the actor immediately called her, came to Moscow, when he could break out. Soon the couple decided to live together.

Vladislav Stroelchik and Lyudmila Shuvalova

Vladislav left the family, and happy lovers settled in a removable room without windows. Moving to Leningrad scared Lyudmila's parents, but they let go daughter. Seven years they lived in civil marriage, and then signed.

In this union, there were no children - Lyudmila Pavlovna deliberately refused motherhood, devoting himself to her husband. His life was busy theater, and all household troubles lay on his wife's shoulders. He adored the spouse and a cozy house, in which it was always clean and exquisite.

Vladislav Stroelchik and Dmitry Isaev

The strider was very jealous, and Shvalov covered his eyes on his novels. It should be noted that the famous actor Dmitry Isaev believes in the media and actor's environment by the extramarital son Vladislav Ignatievich. However, as the actor's widow says, this topic has been closed in their house. The strider almost did not communicate with her daughter, and the Son did not recognize the Son. For the first time, Lyudmila Pavlovna saw a young man at the funeral of her husband.


The first alarming signal was at the rehearsal of the "Macbeth" performance in 1994. The strider forgot the text and could not even pronounce two sentences - before this did not happen. Lyudmila Pavlovna insisted on the examination - the diagnosis was disappointing - the brain tumor. She never decided to tell her her truth.

Grave of Vladislav Stroelchik

Doctors said that the tumor is inoperable, but in the neurosurgical institute there was a doctor who took up the operation. After surgery, Vladislav Ignatievich became easier, he himself rose from the bed, walked around the garden. Spouses have spent a month and a half in the sanatorium, but the disease returned.

September 11, 1995 actor did not. He was buried on the Volkovsky cemetery in St. Petersburg. The widow of the plot says it was the only time she was powerless to help her beloved husband.


  • 1964 - "Pomegranate bracelet"
  • 1967 - "War and Peace"
  • 1967 - "Green Care"
  • 1972 - "Visit of politeness"
  • 1974 - "My fate"
  • 1974 - "Blockada"
  • 1978 - "Extra People"
  • 1984 - "Lights"
  • 1986 - "Face to face"
  • 1987 - "Midshipmen, ahead!"
  • 1992 - Tartuf
  • 1994 - "Tragedy of the Century"

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