Anatoly Pashinin - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, Films 2021



Anatoly Pashinin - Ukrainian and Russian actor who became popular after filming in melodramas and films about the war. The son of the hereditary military, Anatoly did not associate his life with the army, but the war entered his life not only through the cinema. The artist became a member of hostilities in the ATO zone. Now Pashinin returned to a peaceful life and is working on new projects.

Childhood and youth

Anatoly was born in the Ukrainian town of Svetlovodsk, located in the Kirovograd region. As a child, Anatoly was a sports boy, engaged in boxing, and in Karate managed to reach a brown belt. In adolescence, he dreamed of going at the footsteps of the Father and become a military sailor, but, having received a certificate, Pashinin went to Zaporizhia and became a student at once two specialties at the local university.

As a result, turned out to be the owner of two diplomas - an economist and a specialist in metallurgy and environmental protection. Studying at the 5th course, Anatoly has already worked in the field of marketing, thanks to which it realized that neither the economy nor metallurgy was attracted. The future actor began to think about what to do next, and I realized that a desire to associate life with the scene appeared.

Then Pashinin leaves for Moscow, where she enters the Higher Theater School named after Schepkin. At the interview, the famous teacher of Rimma Solntsev asked Anatoly, why he decided to become an actor, what a frank answer was received: the young man eager than Glory. Pashinnigin himself move to the capital of Russia, where he had no acquaintance at that time, he calls not otherwise as an adventure.


The first success brought the Motheric Telefilm "Ondin", in which Anatoly fulfilled the role of in love and twisting in the clouds of Dmitry's guy. Shooting were for Pashinin dangerous to health.

In one of the episodes, Anatoly Character participates in pursuit, and according to the scenario, he had to dive in a reservoir, despite the fact that the first frost was already standing on the street. After sailing away, Anatoly Pashinin felt the penetrating cold, the foot was driving a convulsion, and the man began to sink, but on the back of the rescuers on the shore.

Another incident occurred with Anatoly during the filming of a fantastic militant "We are from the future", in which the actor plays Sergeant Serdyuk. One day, when the film crew went to a local cafe, Pashinin clung to aggressively tuned visitors, as a result of which he received a knife wound and a large amount of heavy bruises.

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The main role of the actor is the energetic and courageous hero, most often military. Such a type entrenched him after the military drama series "Thunderstorm Gate". This film will be called the best in the artist's creative biography. It is curious that in this picture you can only see a man, but the voice sounds not him. He voiced the role of Lieutenant Doronin another actor - Sergey Makhovikov.

Pashinin convincingly recreates on the screen of pilots, partisans, former front-line. His repertoire is replenished with the films "When Snow Melted", "Kochubey Detachment", "Kasnokradda", "Moore. Third Front. "

In November 2016, the media appeared information that the actor returned to Russia. Posters of one of the hundreds of entrepreneurship performances, the country, caused a serious resonance in Russian social networks and the media, because at the premiere of production it was Pashinin. Nevertheless, official confirmations of the fact that the actor will respond again in Russia, never followed.

In Ukraine, at this time, the picture of the picture "The rule of battle" started, where Anatoly appeared in the image of the hero named Anisim. A sports film, in which Vlad Nikityuk, Alexey Gorbunov starred, received positive feedback from the audience. After returning from the ATO zone, the actor took part in creating the tape "Post-traumatic rapeseed".

Political views

Recently, the number of films with the participation of Anatoly Pashinin decreased somewhat, which is explained by his active interest in political life.

Pashinin often spoke in support of the official authorities of Ukraine, and also positively spoke of supporters of Kiev Euromaidan. Also spent several times visited the ATO zone in the Donetsk region to support the Ukrainian army. In an interview with media representatives, a man has repeatedly resorted to sharp statements.

Anatoly Pashinin in the ATO zone

The actor believes that every citizen is obliged to participate in political processes, since this is important not only for the country, but also for a particular person who builds plans for the future, because the policy is able to destroy any beginnings of creative people.

The actor is not in a hurry to return to Russia, because Pashinin is called there anything else as a traitor. Speaking about Russia, the artist recalls a negative attitude towards him due to a political position. According to Anatoly Pashinin, he is ready to return to the Russian Federation "In the event of the restoration of national democracy."

In August 2017, it became known that Anatoly Pashinin became the volunteer of the VSU in the Donbas. Anatoly himself said in an interview that he got into the ATO zone, because only here he feels happy. Later in the press appeared a message about the death of the artist. Soon, Pashinn himself denied these statements, having posted that false information scares his mom that he does not like himself.

Having left the Armed Forces, the actor continued his creative career. His attitude to the Ukrainian authorities finally spoiled. Anatoly began to suspect that his phone was auditioned by the staff of the SBU. Telephone conversations with relatives were repeatedly broken. Also, a man noticed surveillance in public places. The stars of the screen of the screen, the SBU's press secretary noted that the organization never exceeded its powers and always operates under the law.

Personal life

Anatoly Pashinin was not married, which explains by a passionate character. The actor considers himself a jealous man, and demonstrates jealousy not only in relation to the current lover, but also to all previous ladies of the heart. More than once, Russian journalists noted that in his words you can hear notes of women's notes and merges. The heavy character of the artist explains his unwillingness to the creation of a family, raising children. In the personal life of Pashinin and did not appear a girl who could become his wife for him.

According to his own statement, Pashinin freely owns English, Ukrainian, Serbian, Polish and Belarusian languages. The actor does not use social networks, but in the "Instagram" there are many photos of the artist on the pages of his fans. Due to political beliefs, the actor since 2013 constantly lives in Zaporizhia.

In May 2019, information about the death of Ukrainian Alexandra Kovalevskaya in the city of Krivoy Rog appeared in the Ukrainian media. According to rumors, the girl consisted of relations with Anatoly Pashinin. The artist itself in the social network "Facebook" left a sarcastic commentary under this news.

Anatoly Pashinin now

Now the actor does not miss the opportunity to appear on the big screen. In 2019, the work on the Ukrainian project "License for Crimes" was completed.

He also starred in the Rap-group clip "Torok on the Maidan Kono" on the song "Miy Demon". Pashinin tried on the image of the Catholic priest and his alter ego - a demon, tempting others.

The romantic image of a pianist who fell into the forest nymph, Anatoly recreated in a video on the music composition "Khovanі Zori" of the popular Ukrainian singer Alla Martynyuk.


  • 2002 - "Next 2"
  • 2003 - "Fireburs"
  • 2003 - "Undina"
  • 2004 - "Stolen Happiness"
  • 2006 - "Thunderstorm Gate"
  • 2008 - "Admiral"
  • 2008 - "We are from the Future"
  • 2010 - "I will not give you anyone"
  • 2012 - "Zolushka"
  • 2013 - "Love by Million"
  • 2016 - "The rule of battle"
  • 2017 - "Post Traumatic Rhapsody"
  • 2019 - "Crime License"

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