Georgy Tarautkin - biography, personal life, photos, filmography, death



Georgy Georgievich Tarautkin was born in January of the post-war 1945 in Leningrad. When the son turned 7 years old, did not become a father: he died after a heavy and long sickness. Childhood George was difficult and half-behold, but the artist himself considers him happy. Mom drove him and sister faith in the theater. Most children liked hiking to Leningrad Tyuz. Feeling holiday and gained impressions for a long time.

Actor Georgiy Tarautkin

Tie their lives with the theater Tarautkin decided only in high school schools. For a long time, he was preparing for the profession of the teacher. But children's and youthful emotions associated with family hikes on performances were stronger: after graduating from school, George Tarautkin goes to the favorite Tyus, but not an artist, but the illuminator. He never decided to enter the theater university, putting an attempt at a later time.

George Tarautkin in youth

High and thin young man with brilliant eyes, which, froze, watched the play of actors on the stage, attracted the attention of the Khuduka of the Tyuza Zynovia of Corogo. Zinovy ​​Yakovlevich, talking to Tarautkin, immediately managed to see in it of the future artist. Khudruk advised Georgia not to be afraid of examinations, entertaining and encouraging an indecisive young man. And Tarautkin decided. Soon he becomes a studio studio at the Tyuze. Moreover, the future artist managed to get there, overcoming a huge contest in 100 people in place.

George Tarautkin in recent years

Training in the studio turned out to be quite complex. Students who did not have time for some kind of disciplines were deducted without delay. But Tarautkin was one of the most successful disciples. His hardworking was surprised by teachers and classmates. To prove their professional consistency, the young artist was able to still at the student.

In the mid-1960s, he debuted in the formulation "Dedicated to you", playing his first role - schoolboy Vitaly Romadina. Already then teachers and critics noted the player of the game, the "handwriting" of the artist. In 1966, Georgy Tarautkin graduated from studying in the studio and was adopted by Zhinovy ​​Corogo to the troupe of Leningrad Tyuza.


Theatrical biography of Georgy Tarautkina, starting in the 1960s, lasted until the end of life. In the theater of the Young Spectator, Georgy Georgievich served from 1966 to 1974. Soon after his receipt in this theater, the artistic director already trusted the leading roles in the performances that put. Hamlet, Boris Godunov, Peter Schmidt, Podkhaluzin - About such roles Many artists could only dream.

George Tarautkin on stage

But all these images Taratorkin embodied brilliantly. His deep immersion in the character of the hero, a subtle understanding of all movements of his soul and the highest acting skills already then hit Leningrad theatrians and critics. The audience standing applauded the actor after the end of the play "Do not wake Madame" directed by Yuri Yeremin.

George Tarautkin in youth

In 1974, the creative life of George Tarautkina makes a new round. The Moscow period of his biography begins. The artist is accepted in the body of the Mossovet Theater. The first role made on the scene of the legendary theater, the role of Rodion Skolnikov is becoming in the formulation of Yuri Zavadsky. Then the critics unanimously recognized George Tarautkina by artist, who best understood the essence of the works of the Great Classic. Later, the actor played Stavrogina in a novel of Dostoevsky "Demons".

In 1996, Georgy Georgievich Tarautkin is not only an actor, but also a teacher in Vgika. Getting to the course to the master - the dream of many students of theatrical university. At that time, the artist is already wearing the title of people's and heads the Union of Theater Workers of Russia. A little later he is elected by the President of the Association "Golden Mask". In recent years, the fans of Talent, George Tarautkina, could see his game in the formulation of Peter Stein Sylvia. In this entrepreneurial performance, the artist went to the scene with Evgenia Simonova and Chulpan Hamaya.

Actor Georgiy Tarautkin

In December 2015, in the Mossovet Theater, the Grand Artist appeared in the new play "Roman comedy". Created by him the image of the poet of Dion, who opposes the authorities, striking the audience with a depth and philosophical meaning. Georgy Tarautkin himself argues that he is immensely happy to play on stage, which remembers Rostislava Kattat and Faina Ranevskaya, with whom he fell away with happiness to play and communicate.


The cinematic biography of Georgy Tarautkina has a lot already than theatrical. The artist himself considers himself more theatrical than the "cinema" actor. His way to the cinema began in 1968 with a small role of a bombist, who athlooked Alexander Second. This picture is called Sophia Perovskaya.

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Already next year, Tarautkin is the main character of Kinodramma "Crime and Punishment". He plays Raskolnikov again, but now on the screen, and not on stage. The director of the film was Lev Kuljjanov. It is believed that it was he who opened the star of Cinema Georgy Tarautkina. Because all the subsequent roles offered by the artist are linked to the invisible thread with the way Rodion Raskolnikov.

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A subtle, conscientious, intellectual to the brain of bones, mercenary because of his sins and mistakes - such a splitter, such and Vitaly Dudin in "Translated from English", Robert Warbek in "Pure English murder", Evgeny Pavlovich in the "Cardiac Affairs" and, Of course, Charsky in "Little Tragedies".

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Brilliant and certainly talented works by Georgy Georgievich in the pictures "Winner" and "Deviations - Zero". But the main role of Tarautkina, his visiting card is considered to be the role of Skolnikov. This work brought the actor the title of laureate of the State Prize of the RSFSR.

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From the late works of the artist, the sensational paintings "Dyuba-Dyuba" are known and "die easily", filmed by the director Alexander Kohs. He appeared in several shows, the most famous of which "saved under the birch", the "chess player" and "no beautiful". In 2013, the spyware series called the screens called "where the homeland begins", filmed by the director Rauf Kubaev. George Tarautkin appeared in the ribbon in the scout of Dmitriev.

Personal life

The crossing of the St. Petersburg actor to the capital was associated with his marriage on the artist and the writer Catherine Markova. Life in flights between Peter and Moscow tired Tarautkina, and he ventured to move, although this decision was difficult for him. Future spouses got acquainted a few years earlier to move to the capital, on the filming of "crimes and punishment".

George Tarautkin with family

Since then, they have always been together. The spouses had a son Philip and daughter Anna. The son graduated from the spiritual academy and worries the Orthodox priest. He is theologian and candidate of historical sciences. The daughter went on parental footsteps and continued the acting dynasty. Children presented the parents of three grandchildren - Nikita, Fyodor and Mikhail.


On February 4, 2017, People's Artist of the Russian Federation Georgy Tarautkin died on the 73rd year of life after a long illness. Farewell to the President of the Golden Mask took place on February 6 at the Mossovet Theater. The actor is buried at the Trocerovsk Cemetery of Moscow.


  • 1967 - "Sophia Pepovskaya"
  • 1969 - "Crime and Punishment"
  • 1972 - "Translation from English"
  • 1974 - "Pure English murder"
  • 1975 - "Winner"
  • 1975 - "Winner"
  • 1979 - "Open Book"
  • 1979 - "Little Tragedies"
  • 1982 - "Rich, Pozhnyak"
  • 1992 - "Dyuba-Duba"
  • 2003 - "saved under the birch"
  • 2014 - "Where is the Motherland begins"

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