Yuri Solomin - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, Films 2021



Yuri Mefodievich Solomin - People's Artist of the USSR, winner of the Award "Man of the Year - 2008" award, the FSB premiums and other numerous awards and titles. The rehabilitation object of many Soviet spectators, who at one time hit the Queen of England Elizabeth II, the keeper of the small theater traditions, whose name was named asteroid in 1987. Actor, director, talented teacher - all this about Yuri Solomine.

Childhood and youth

Yuri was born on June 18, 1935 in Chita in the family of musicians. The mother of Zinaida Ananievna possessed absolute hearing and taught music in the city house of pioneers. The father of Methodius Viktorovich was also a musical teacher. At an early age, the boy witnessed the arrest by the staff of the NKVD grandfather on the Motherland of Anania Moiseevich, the Jew for Nationality. Only in the second half of the 50s the family received documents about his rehabilitation posthumously.

In 1941, the Solomin was replenished - the younger son of Vitaly was born, who later became famous on the acting field. After the war, the parents of the boys took care of the girl for 16 years named Vera Ovchinnikov. She worked in a puppet theater, later married and went to live in Kazakhstan.

Solomina had a home orchestra in which Yuri played on spoons. But in the footsteps of the parents, neither he nor his brother Vitaly went, the boys attracted the acting path more. Yuri engaged in the theater mug for children at the Poland of Pioneers, participated in almost all of its production. Somehow in cinemas, Chita showed the documentary "Small Theater and his Master". Looking at him, Yura discovered this theater for himself.

The impression of childhood was so deep that after school he solidally decided to become an actor. The young man sent a certificate to Moscow and received recommendations for admission to Schepkin School. With this piece of Solomin and went to distant Moscow. Parents were divided into the issue of Education of the Elder Son: Mom dreamed of seeing Yuri Surgeon, and his father supported his creative aspirations. Methodius Viktorovich went to the capital with her son.

In the entrance exams, Yuri Mefodievich read the "poems about the Soviet passport" Vladimir Mayakovsky, an excerpt from Vasily Terkina and a monologue of the Nile from "Messen". The patriotic repertoire did not knit with the appearance of the proven, medium height (178 cm) of the guys - teachers from the soul laughed and allowed him to the second round.

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Father advised Yuri to approach the head of the commission and ask if she would take him to the course. The commission then headed Vera Pash. She carefully listened to the applicant and answered: "Stay". So Yuri Solomin became a student of Shchepkinsky school.

4 years after the end of the theater university, the young man was invited to teach there. Already the first edition, where Solomin was one of the disciplines, turned out to be Star - Vasily Bochkarev, Lyudmila Polyakova, Sergey Yeremeev. At the same time, Yury's younger brother, Vitaly Solomin, arrived at Schepkin School. Later, Valery Barinov, Larisa Grebenshchikova, Olga Pashkov, Victor Low and others, were listed later than students of the People's Artist.


Yuri Mefodievich devoted all his life to his native little theater. For the first time on his scene, he came out when he studied on the 2nd course. The actor played the artisan in the formulation of "Ivan Grozny". Then other roles followed, small and large, but every time he laid out on stage 150 percent, gained experience, honed the skill, revealed the talent.

Its partners in the scene at that time were such masters as Mikhail Tsarev, Boris Babocha, Mikhail Zharov, Igor Ilinsky. Already in his youth, Yuri Solomin became one of the leading actors of the theater. The crucible role for him was Khlestakov from the comedy Nikolai Gogol "Auditor". Later he played Besays in the play "When the heart burns", Misha in the "Chamber". His lyrical charm and subtle humor conquered the audience.

Yuri played perfectly in the play "Pacific" and "Live Corpse", which gave him as a dramatic actor. The man helped the natural knowledge of psychology - he was immersed in his characters so deeply and exactly that critics never doubted his talent.

On the scene of the Small Theater, Yuri Solomin appeared in diverse roles. The actor was involved in more than 50 performances, among them "Uncle Vanya", "Coleno" and others. With a special trepidation, he treated Czech's work, he was called the Czech actor in the theater. With its best theatrical work, he considers the role in "Uncle Vana".

As director Yuri Mefodievich also preferred to classics. His works include the performances of the "Chaika", "Three sisters", "Dustpannica", "Auditor". In 1988, Solomin became the artistic director of the Small Theater. In this position he works today. In the early 1990s, Yuri Solomin was the minister of culture of the RSFSR.

In 2016, the actor received the theater award "Golden Mask" in the nomination "For contribution to art."


For the cinematic biography of Yuri Solomin played more than 100 roles in the cinema. His heroes are different, like their fate. For the first time, the actor starred in the film "Sleeping Nights" in 1960 immediately in the lead role. He appeared in the form of a young engineer Pavel Kaurov, who went to work in Siberia.

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After 5 years, in 1965, three films with his participation came to the screens. Among them was the painting "Mother's Heart", in which the artist played Dmitry Ulyanov, Brother Vladimir Lenin. A year later, the 2nd part of the film was followed by "Felight of Mother". The main role of the artist also received in the Kininomedy "Musicians of the same Regiment" about the struggle of the Red and White Army. In the film "Chase" appeared in front of the audience in the form of Miliation Major, who participates in the persecution of poacher.

In 1967, the actor reincarnated in a negative character - a fascist officer in military film "Strong Spirit". In 1969, Solomin starred in the Soviet-Italian project of director Mikhail Kalazozov "Red Tent", in which we were talking about the conquest of the Arctic. The film was assembled star cast - Peter Finch, Sean Connery, Claudia Cardinal, Hardy Kruger, Edward Martsevich, Grigory Guy, Nikita Mikhalkov. Yuri Solomin fulfilled the role of an Italian engineer Felice Trojani.

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A truly famous Solomin became in 1971, when the Soviet audience saw the film "Adjutant His Excellency". The actor, who performed the main role of the Red Collector Koltsov in the Spy Tape, was recognized not only in the USSR, but also far beyond.

Directors began to invite him more often. Solomin appears as an investigator head in a detective television film "Inspector of the Criminal Inspectorate". In the military drama "Kooming Front" performed the role of Cornet. In the film "My Life" with the participation of Stanislav Lyubin, Margarita Terekhova and Alice Freindlich Solomin reincarnated to the doctor of medicine. In the spy film "The Fourth" with Vladimir Vysotsky played a foreign journalist in the lead role.

Telegin is considered the best roles of Yuri Mefodievich Tellagin in "Walking on the flour", Henry Aisentein in the "bat", where Yuri and Vitaly Solomina played together, Slavin in "Tass is authorized to declare." In the mid-70s, the actor filmography is replenished with the works in the "Blockad" film-efficiency, the Drama of Sergey Solovyov on the love of the Russian conductor and the Japanese pianist "White Night Melodies", the adventure film "Dersu Uzala". Films were marked by all-Union and international prizes.

Favorite work of the actor himself - films "and was evening, and it was morning" and "strong spirit." In the late 70s, Solomin receives a role in the music comedy Mark Zakharov to music Gennady Gladkov "Ordinary Miracle," which appears before the audience as a beloved Emilia (Ekaterina Vasilyeva).

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In the 80s, Yuri Solomin often changed the role. The actor became the director of the bank in a detective "The scandalous incident in Brichmilla", the investigator of the prosecutor's office in the criminal film "Creek Tishina", King Fedor Ioannovich in the historical drama "Education". In 1984, the artist fulfilled the role of Nikolai Miklukho-Maclay in the biographical film "Coast of His Life". In the Drama "Singing Russia" Solomin tried on the basis of the founder of the oldest choir team of Russia Mitrofan Pyatnitsky.

In the 90s, the actor is filmed mainly in the spectacle televersions of the Small Theater, but in 1992 he takes part in the work on the drama "Dreams about Russia", where the role of the Besborodko is playing.

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Since the beginning of the 2000s, the situation changes, Solomin receives roles in the films "Rest", "Challenger", "Farewell in June". In the Drama "Moscow Saga" Yuri Solomin played Surgeon Gradov, whose spouse was performed by Inna Churikova. In the screening of 2005, the plays of Anton Chekhov "Seagull", which Margarita Terekhova, was removed, Yuri Solomon had the role of Brother Arkadina - Peter Sorina.

In the second half of the 2000s, Yuri Solomin appears on the screen. With his participation, the series "Heavy sand", "Isaev", "Point of boiling". In 2013, the shooting of the "Boulevard Ring" melodrama, in which Victoria Tolstoganov, Christina Orbakaite, Alexey Kortnev starred was completed. For Yuri Mefodievich, this work has become the last filmography. After this show, the artist no longer appeared on the screen.

Personal life

Yuri Solomin is constant not only in work, but also in personal life. As a child, he told his parents that he would marry once and for all. So it turned out. With his wife Olga Nikolaev, the actor lived for over 60 years. They met when they were students of theatrical school. Olga was late for the choreography lesson and ranked the only free place next to the solomin. As soon as he saw her, I realized that she was his fate.

A year later, the couple signed. The weddings did not have, because there was no money. The celebration noted in the cafe in the tabletop alley together. Yuri Mefodievich and now remembers the meat in the sour-sweet sauce - all their wedding banquet. In 2017, Yuri and Olga Solomina celebrated a diamond wedding.

In the first years, the young was difficult, financial problems affected. Nevertheless, Olga Nikolaevna left the profession and devoted himself to the house. Soon they had daughter Dasha, who later chose a musical path.

Daria Solvin graduated from a preservatory in the class of piano. But in the mid-80s, she appeared on the big screen as a pianist in the director's work of his father "Coast of his life." At one time, along with the spouse, she lived in the capital of Great Britain, where he taught the game on the piano.

Yuri Solomin never enjoyed its popularity. His daughter studied in an ordinary school, afterwards the actor together with his wife settled on an ordinary chopped dacha, but at the same time peace always reigned in the family and consent. A man loves his granddaughter Alexander, pampers her. In the media, occasionally there were photos of the artist and a spouse and matured granddaughter. The girl went in the footsteps of the mother and today is a certified pianist, a laureate of many international competitions.

And in the house of Solomins live cats and dogs. The artist talks about his pets that they are simple, without breed, like the whole family. Despite employment in the theater and pedagogical activities, Yuri Mefodievich finds the time to walk with his four-legged friends every day. According to Matra, his passion for animals was passed from her grandmother on his father's line.

Communication of a professor with applicants on the theme of domestic pets helps Yuri Mefodievich to pick up the course of talented guys. According to Solmin, during such a conversation faster than when reading the literary program, the acting deposits of the future student are revealed.

Yuri Solomin now

Now Yuri Mefodievich is engaged in the affairs of a small theater, spends a lot of time with his family. In 2018, the documentary tape "Secrets of the movie" was published, in which films personnel were used with the participation of Solmin.

In 2019, the Small Theater suffered an impaired loss - in late April, the star of Soviet cinema Elina Bystritsky died. Yuri Solomin participated in a civil servant, which was held in the auditorium of the native theater.

At the end of May, Yuri Mefodieevich himself suffered a difficult loss - his wife Olga Solmin died, who for many years remained the only love of the artist. Olga Nikolaevna taught the skill of the actor in the Schepkinskaya School until the last days, was the artistic director of the 4th year.

The funeral of the wife of Yuri Solmin took place on May 29, 2019. Care of a loved one reflected on the well-being of the actor. Now Yuri Mefodievich is not in better form.


  • 1965 - "Mother's Heart"
  • 1969 - "Adjutant His Excellency"
  • 1972 - "Fourth"
  • 1973 - "Blockada"
  • 1977 - "Walking on the flour"
  • 1978 - "Ordinary Miracle"
  • 1979 - "Bat"
  • 1980 - "Light in the window"
  • 1984 - "TASS is authorized to declare ..."
  • 1992 - "Dreams of Russia"
  • 2004 - Moscow Saga
  • 2005 - "Seagull"
  • 2008 - "Heavy Sand"
  • 2014 - "Boulevard Ring"

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