Sophia Ignatova - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, Films 2021



Sophia Sergeyevna Ignatova is a Russian actress, a model and TV presenter who received recognition after filming in popular TV series. In the sphere of interests of the artist, not only the movie is included, but also music: Sophia one time tried his strength in singing, composed and performed musical compositions, was a soloist of the pop group. The main life credo for myself the actress chose the increase in peace and beauty around himself, which is right.

Childhood and youth

Sophia was born on October 19, 1979 and grew up in Moscow. Only Grandfather Anatoly Ignatov, who at one time was a famous conductor and composer, was attributed to the scene in her family. The rest of the relatives were realized in the distant areas of the fields: Mother Olesya Slobodyanyuk worked as a merchant, and Father Sergey Ignatov was a professional athlete, an athletics sports master. Mother's parents were taught at Taras Shevchenko Kiev National University.

In the younger classes Sophia studied at a regular school, but then she was transferred to the 5th grade of the school laboratory No. 199, where the girl specialized in the humanities. The certificate of maturity Ignatova got along with a silver medal. Also with honors, she managed to end and music school in the class of piano. In addition, from the age of 6 she was engaged in the chief of the name of Loktev, together with which he performed in the Bolshoi Theater, the concert hall of the Tchaikovsky and even the Kremlin Palace.

Music and television

After school Sophia Ignatova began a musical career. At first, she was a vocalist of the rock band "Yehu", then sang in the "Party" for several years, and also collaborated with the famous producers Leonid Velichkovsky, Alexander Tolmatsky and DJ grouche. The last musical team of the singer was the pop group "Other Rules", in which Sofya performed up to 2009.
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Subsequently, Ignatova revoked a contract with the producers of the musical team, but did not leave music. She began to compose and perform solo musical compositions in jazz styles, funk, soul. Subsequently prepared material for solo album and recorded it with a team of like-minded people.

In addition to the musical career, Ignatova worked as a photo model, after graduating from school at a modeling agency. The girl was not afraid to put experiences over his appearance. The largest experiment of Sophia considers hair painting in a bright blue color during the championship of hairdresser's art.

The girl studied acting in the Moscow Humanitarian Institute of Culture and Art, where he studied until 2003. Sophia Ignatova and the experience of the TV presenter. She led the Talk Show "Medicine" on the TV channel "Capital", later tried herself a secular reporter and TV presenter Quiz. Sofia Ignatova's voice sounded during the broadcasting of Ayurveda Radio. The actress admits that it nourishes sympathy for ideas that promote in the east, and herself applies them in practice.

In the fall of 2014, Sophia became one of the leading information and political show "Anatomy of the Day", which went on the NTV channel. Her colleagues on the air were Andrei Norkin, Gleb drunk, Mikhail Handeleev, Anna Yankina.


For the first time, on the screen, Sophia Ignatova appeared in the 90s, starring in a massive for the music program "Old songs about the main thing." The debut in the cinematic biography of the girl can be considered a criminal drama "multiplying sadness". In the picture, it was about three friends of childhood - Sergey, Alexander and Konstantine (Anatoly White, Alexey Makarov, Ilya Shakunov), who became major entrepreneurs with time. The young actress lit up in the episode of the film, fulfilling the role of Singer Evelyn.

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Further, work was followed by the episodes of the detective series "Kulagin and partners", the music film "Film Festival, or Port Eisenstein", Comedy "Three Top". The girl also lit up in the popular Sitkom "Happy together" about the family of the bequin genes (Victor Loginov), where the main roles were performed by Natalia Bochkarev, Daria Sagalov, Alexander Yakin.

Sophia prefers roles in television films and multi-sieves projects. In her filmography there are not so many paintings of a wide format, among which the Moscow Gigolo fate about the fate of a military officer (Sergey Gorobchenko), who had to master the profession of a stripterator, and a melodrama "Forest Lake" on the divorce of a couple. But she received popularity thanks to the serials.

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In 2006, the Melodramatic history of "Wolf" about the wine business and club dancing came out. Sophia plays one of the professional dancers Kat Cyprian and manifests itself as an actress, and as a good choreographer. This role presented Ignatovaya fame among Russian cinema lovers. In 2007, she was offered the role of a second plan in a detective "Law and Order. Criminal intent -1 "and the main character in the melodraman" heart will not order. "

In 2008, the series "Own True", "Woman without the past", "Soldiers - 15. A new appeal" was published with Sophia on the screens. A year later, the actress lit up in the rating medical sitcom of the TV channel TNT "Interns", where the role of Polyna's Polynah was played.

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A few years later, when the Ironic Detective "Amazon" began to demonstrate on the screens, the actress became popular and recognizable. Her heroine Lidia Korneev is an aristocrat of a criminal world, the will of fate falls into the number of specialists of the experimental division of the Investigative Committee of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

In order to look as much as possible in the frame, Ignatova studied the possession of a weapon, mastered the thieves zagra and passed a professional course of opening safes and door locks. Later followed the work in the series "Mistress of My Fate", "Angel in the Heart", "Stervy".

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In 2013, 3 television series came out with the participation of Sophia on the screens. In the melodrama "Gulchatai. For the sake of love, "the artist was reincarnated to Nurse Angela Sizov, in a detective" quiet hunting "appeared in the episode. In the Master Series "Long Road" Ignatova played the main character of Larisa, the daughter of Anna Dmitrievna (Raisa Ryazanov). In 2015, Sophia appeared in a melodrama dedicated to the lives of flight attendants "Painted", in which heroin Christina Istomine.

In 2017, Ignatova began working on the way American Willow in the comedy militant Alexander Nevsky "Maximum Punch". In the film in a humorous manner, it is told about the attempts of Americans to establish relations with Russia, but at a joint summit, the granddaughter of US Secretary of State unexpectedly disappears, and the reconciliation of the parties is threatened. Evgeny Stychkin, Mark Dakascos, Eric Roberts, Mark Dakascos played in the filmcomy.

Personal life

Sophia Ignatova is not married, and the details of personal life and romantic relationship does not reveal. In an interview with the actress admits that she dreams of children, besides, she is a happy aunt of seven nephews. Celebrity leads a healthy lifestyle. He is fond of the alternative direction of yoga - bikham yoga, classes of which are held in the hall at a temperature of about 40 degrees Celsius. Also, Sophia does not use meat, many years is vegetarian.

The actress has a gift of convictions, so many of her familiar with time revise their attitude towards meat products. As evidence of His Rightitude, Ignatova cites such facts as the energy and harness of vegetarians, as well as a large number of celebrity-vegans, among which Brian Adams, Valery, Mike Tyson, Nikolai Drozdov, Natalie Portman, George Lucas.

The convictions of the performer do not allow her to buy fur clothes: the actress promotes the closure of the zoofers who are engaged in the murder of animals for fur. Ignatova is also an active participant in charitable shares on the protection of homeless animals. Information on such events it places in the microblogging "Instagram".

She treats brothers to the brothers with love since childhood, sometime Sofya even seriously intended to master the profession of the vet. Now the artist's houses live a rabbit and a dog-osranion, which the girl picked up on the street.

Sofia has a rare hobby - she collects matchboxes of different countries. From traveling always brings you like instances. In her collection about thousands of varieties.

Sophia Ignatova - a close friend of the actress Natalia Oredeova, with which he often rides on vacation and pleases the fans of colorful photos in a swimsuit from the sea coast. Favorite place of recreation celebrity and today Goa remains, where Sofya tries to be every year.

Sophia Ignatova now

Now the actress appears on the screen periodically. In 2019, a demonstration of the comedy series "Between us, girls" took place. This is the story of one family, three generations of which are represented by women.

In the new series of heroine performed by Julia, Galina Petrova, Natalia Skomorokhova decide to change their personal life and acquire husbands. On the working platform, Sophier Ignatova managed to work with Alexander Nikitin and Andrei Soskov.

The actress participates in the creation of the program "See who came", which are lovers of animals and kindergarters. Among other things, Sophia visits various secular events. At the end of 2018, together with his friends, she visited the presentation of the number of children's gloss Danelli Kids.


  • 2005 - "Multiply Sadness"
  • 2005-2010 - "Kulagin and partners"
  • 2006 - "Wolf"
  • 2006-2010 - "Happy together"
  • 2008 - "Moscow Gigolo"
  • 2008 - "Woman without the past"
  • 2008 - "Own True"
  • 2011 - "Amazon"
  • 2011 - "Interns"
  • 2011 - "Forest Lake"
  • 2012 - "Angel in the Heart"
  • 2012 - "Sterck"
  • 2015 - "Painted"
  • 2017 - "Maximum Blow"
  • 2019 - "Between us girls-2"

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