Viya Artman - biography, photo, personal life, filmography



Viya (Alida) Friscena Artman is one of the most famous Soviet film actresses, known for the "Theater", "native blood", "Andromeda Nebula" and "Arrows Robin Hood". In 1969, the actress received the title of People's Artist of the Soviet Union.

Childhood and youth

Viya was born on August 21, 1929 in the small Latvian village of Kaiwe Tukumsky Territory. Girl's parents were Polish-German peasants. Father Frisis Artmans tragically died shortly before the birth of her daughter, so the girl was brought up by the mother Anna Zaborskaya.

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The childhood actress was complex and moneyless. Anna was re-married, but stepfather turned out to be rude, a lot of drinking and very cruel man, so Zaborskaya was often configured to hide from him with his daughter, and the girl from 10 years had to make money on bread, and Alida had a shepherd to the shepherd neighbors.

When Artman turned 15 years old, the girl moves to Riga and enters the metropolitan school, where Viy's classmate became Uldis Zagata - the future famous balletmaster. Initially, the plans of the girl was to become a lawyer to deal with injustice, but the Magic World of Ramp and Kulis attracted much more, so immediately after the war, the girl enters the studio at the Rainis Art Theater. Vie diploma received in 1949.

Viya Artman in youth

At the same time, the starting actress changes his real name of Alida to more exquisite Viya, and soon for the first time goes to the scene. The actress received major roles in the play of the classic repertoire, among whom were works by William Shakespeare, Bernard Shaw, Nikolai Gogol, Henric Ibsen, Tennessee Williams, Bertold Brecht. Viya Artman remained as part of the Moscow theater until 1998, after which she collaborated with the new Riga Theater, and also headed the Union of theatrical figures of Latvia.

In the mid-1980s, he was engaged in politics and until the collapse of the USSR remained a deputy of the Supreme Council of the Republic of Latvia.


In the movie, Viy Artman was invited when she had already taken place as a theater actress, playing large roles in several classic performances. The cinematic biography for Vius began with the drama "after the storm" and the film about the Lithuanian revolutionary motion "for the Swan's clouds".

Viya Artman in the film "For Swan's Clouds"

In 1958, the filming of the film "Alien in the village" ended, where Viya Artman reincarnated into the young energetic head of the fishing plant. Two years later, the actress played the underground worker, the participant of the revolutionary movement of Latvia in the film "on the threshold of the storm."

The filmters received recognition of specialists and spectators, but the real popularity in the All-Union scale to Artman came in 1963 after the release of the military molodrama "Native Blood".

Against the background of grief brought by the Great Patriotic War, the actress, together with the partner Evgeny Matveyev, show the tragedy of two lovers of elderly people. The film was awarded several awards on a number of film festivals, including awards "for the embodiment of humanism in cinema" at an international film festival in Argentina.

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The audience noted the incredible realism of the real deep feelings played by the actors, and only many years later, Viya Artman admitted that they had a completely non-cinema novel with Matveyev. Thanks to the participation in this picture, Viya, according to the survey of the magazine "Soviet screen", was called the actress of the year, and in Latvia Artman became national pride.

In the middle of the 60s, the filmography of the Artist was replenished with works in the adventure film "Rockets should not take off", the drama of post-war time "no one wanted to die." In the second picture, Casimiras Vitkus and Donatas Banionis became partners in the workplace partners.

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In 1966, Artman appeared in the lead role in the Melodrame "Edgar and Christina", in a year - in the heroic drama "Feat Farhada". At the same time, the premiere of the Soviet fantastic film of the director Yevgeny Sherstobitov "Timbal Andromeda" was held, in which Viya Artman appeared before the audience in the form of the main character of the Kong Vedas. Sergey Stolyarov ("Circus", "Sadko", "Ruslan and Lyudmila" played the last role in the Last role.

At the end of the 60s, the audience was able to enjoy the game of actress in the Melodrame "Times of Ambassadors", the filmization of the Gladiator, where, in addition to the Baltic artists, the Soviet actress Nina Urgant adopted. In the spy film "Triple check" Viya Artman reincarnated in a German officer, in the historical drama "Ballada about Bering and his friends", followed by the image of Anna Bering.

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We did not cost without the participation of the actress in the collective farm drama "Spruce in rye", the music comedy "Gift Lonely Woman", the Master youth film. In 1978, Via Artman performed the role of Catherine II in the historical film "Emelyan Pugachev", where Evgeny Matveyev also played, Tamara Semin, Boris Galkin, Viktor Pavlov.

Benefis The actress is considered a bright and charming role of the star of the British scene of Julia Lambert in the film by the novel of Somerset Moem "Theater". Director Janis Stretich began to create this project specifically for Vii Artman. The painting of the Latvian film studio, in which, together with the Great Actress, starmen - Ivar Kalnynsh and Raymond Pauls were filmed, instantly became popular throughout the Union.

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By the number of repeats on various television channels can be equated to popular Soviet tapes. Interestingly, the audience in the drama "Theater" hear not the voice of Artman, since the main character voiced the actress Antonina Konchakov.

In the 80s, the actress was less common, but the roles she was taken no less interesting. So, in 1986, the tales of the Fairy Tales "The Mystery of the Snow Queen" started on television, where the actress tried on the image of Mrs. Autumn. The acting of the children's film turned out to be starral, Alice Freindlich played in the film, Oleg Efremov, Leonid Yarmolnik, Sergey Prokhanov. In the adaptation of Valery Todorovsky "Catafalk", the actress appeared in the role of elderly widow, who wants to give the daughter of Masha (Irina Rozanova) to marry.

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In 2003, Via Artman played the last role in the film - the actress again appeared in the form of Empress Ekaterina II in the detective Ilya Khotinenko "Golden Age". In memory of the contribution of the actresses to the development of world cinema at the Baltic Pearl Film Festival, the prize named after Vii Artman was established.

Personal life

Her husband of Vii Artman became the famous Latvian actor Arthur Dimieters, who was much older than his spouse. After the death of her husband, the actress was repeatedly recognized that she was not happy in his personal life. The actress married not by love, and the only good thing that Vius gave family life is children.

Evgeny Matveyev and Via Artman

Son Kaspar Dimiters born in 1957 became a popular musician, the author of Libretto to the Rock Opera "Parisian Our Lady". Daughter Christian Dimytera is an artist-illustrator and a multiplier, born in 1965 from the extramarital bond actress with actor Evgenia Matveyev. The name of his native father's daughter Viya Artman opened his son Caspar before his death.

Via Artman in different years has released three memories books: "Vija Artmane", "heart on the palm" and "winter-hardy. Moments of my life. " Shortly before the death of the actress adopted the Orthodox faith and changed the name on Elizabeth.


In 1993, Viya Artman in the process of Latvian restitution lost apartments in Riga and was forced to live in recent years at the cottage, in a small house in the village of Muryani 40 km from the capital. Nushchen existence undermined the health of Vius. At first, he made itself felt the old disease of the legs on which the trophic ulcers appeared, causing terrible pain. Later, the actress suffered a heart attack and a couple of strokes.

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Via Artman died on October 11, 2008 in the clinic of the town of Strenchi at the 80th year of life. The grave of the artist with her photo on Obelisk is located on the Pokrovsky cemetery in Riga.

In memory of the Great Actress, several documentaries appeared, the most famous of which are "to offend the queen. Viya Artman "and" Viya Artman. Queen in exile. "


  • 1956 - "After Storm"
  • 1963 - "Native Blood"
  • 1965 - "Nobody wanted to die"
  • 1967 - "Strong Spirit"
  • 1967 - "Timbal Andromeda"
  • 1969 - "Gladiator"
  • 1972 - "Spruce in rye"
  • 1973 - "Gift Lonely Woman"
  • 1978 - "Theater"
  • 1978 - "Emelyan Pugachev"
  • 1985 - "Last Indulgence"
  • 1986 - "The Mystery of the Snow Queen"
  • 1990 - "Catafalk"
  • 2003 - "Golden Age"

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