David Cameron - Biography, Photo, Personal Life, News 2021



David Cameron is the youngest head of the Government of Great Britain from 1812, which has a modern but rather informal approach to politics. David reached political Olympa as part of the Conservative Party, won the recognition of voters to the promise to change the old-fashioned policy of the United Kingdom, in which the Laborian views mostly prevailed.

The post of Prime Minister Cameron did not come to the best for Britain times - the budget deficit forced the statesman to introduce a country into a tough economy regime, which caused a perturbation among the population who saw the head of the government's heads only the elite of the country, and not ordinary residents.

Ex-head of the Government of Great Britain David Cameron

Childhood and youth

David William Donald Cameron was born on October 9, 1966 in the British capital, in a notable and rich family. Boy's parents, Jan Donald Cameron and Mary Fleur Mount, had aristocratic roots - among the ancestors of the premier Britain there are King Wilhelm IV, famous British parliamentarians-conservatives, financiers and bankers. David was the third of four children in the family, in which the upbringing was based on love, support and rigor.

At the age of 7, the future politician began to attend the prestigious school of the Kingdom - Heterdown in Winquofield, in which the children of Elizabeth II previously studied. In the educational institution, David Cameron did not stand out for special achievements, as he was a medium student-good. But even then in the boy began to wake up interest in common conservatism, which was asked the direction of the future career policy.

At the end of the preparatory school, Cameron, on the family tradition, entered the Yaton College, and then graduated from Oxford University. In Oxford, David showed himself as the best student and, passing on excellent examinations on politics, economics and philosophy, received a diploma of the first degree.

David Cameron in Oxford

After the university, the future British Prime Minister was about to engage in journalism or banking, but fate ordered otherwise - a young man came to work in the research department of the Conservative Party, which became the successful start of the political career.


The first three years in Politics David Cameron developed a strategy for the conservative party and prepared a speech for the next premiere of Britain John Major. The young man showed himself a hardworking and initiative employee, for which he received the first increase and was appointed head of the political part of the party.

David Cameron

In 1992, Cameron was appointed Advisor to the Chancellor of the Treasury of Great Britain of Norman Lamont, and a year later, became a special advisor to the Minister of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Michael Howard. The period of political activities of the future Prime Minister of Britain was marked by the "black environment", when London had to withdraw a pound sterling from the European currency system, which became a catastrophe for the country's economy. Chase to keep party trust, Cameron decided to leave politics for a while and get professional experience beyond.

Then Cameron got a job in the London television company Carlton Communications, in which he received the position of Director for Communicative Relations. In close connection with journalists, politicians worked for 7 years, after which he decided to leave the company to participate in the parliamentary elections. The first three attempts to Cameron get to the House of Communities were failed, but in 2001 policies managed to achieve their own goal and get into parliament.

Politician David Cameron

In the House of Commons, Cameron was prominent for the young parliamentarian post and became the head of the Special Committee on Internal Affairs. In 2005, he was elected head of the conservative party and as the opposition leader entered the Secret Royal Council of Great Britain, and also became the shadow minister of the country's education. The next 5 years of politician, who calls himself an Euros Sack, showed an anti-loaver position, speaking against expanding integration into the EU, against the ban on hunting and anti-terrorism laws, against the elimination of hereditary peers from the House of Lords, as well as for providing the rights to representatives of sexual minorities and for war in Iraq.

David Cameron

During this period, David Cameron became a popular British political leader, which made it possible to gain high support for voters and overthrow the Laborians who were at the helm of power in the UK. In 2010, after the resignation of the head of the government and the leader of the Gordon Brown, Cameron, Cameron received a proposal from the Queen to form a coalition government and became the youngest British Prime Minister over the past 200 years. This event has become a landmark for the political biography of Cameron.

British Prime Minister

The ascent of Cameron to the political vertex coincided with the acute deficit of the country's budget. Therefore, in the domestic policy, Cameron had to hold a number of radical and difficult reforms - to increase taxes, reduce social benefits, to increase fees for training in universities and "freeze" wages to state employees. This caused a nationwide strike in Britain for the last few decades. Nevertheless, the Prime Minister managed to reduce the budget deficit to a minimum and withdraw the United Kingdom from the economic crisis to a stable state.

David Cameron as Prime Minister Great Britain

At the post of premiere of Great Britain, David Cameron adhered to conservative principles. The political figure advocated the freedom of business, conducted a tough immigration policy, supported traditional family foundations. At the same time, at him, a law on the legalization of same-sex marriages was adopted in Britain. David Cameron also continued to fight for independence from the European Union and demanded to revise the foreign policy of the EU by providing national governments freedom of action in own countries. At the same time, politician has matched for the preservation of EU membership.

Ex-head of the Government of Great Britain David Cameron

On account of David Cameron, the law on tightening the norms of needing people in need of social housing, reforms in free medicine for the residents of Britain, the law on equality in the question of the Preconsession. Also, the prime minister is a party to charitable activities in the country, within the framework of which drug addicts donates the rehabilitation and expensive treatment of children.

Personal life

David Cameron's personal life, unlike many political leaders of other European countries, did not hide from the public. David married in 1996 on the aristocrat of Samantha Gvedolin Sheffield. Subscriptions of Samantha entered the government team of the British Premiere of Major, during the reign of which the political career of Cameron began. Four children were born in the family of Prime Minister of Britain, the eldest of which died in 2009 from epilepsy.

In politics, the British leader is devoted to a family and hobby - horseback riding, football, hunting, tennis and cooking. Athletic physique and high growth (186 cm) allow David to defeat in sports. Cameron is also fond of art and loves rock music. Even before election, David was a popular cyclist in the country's premiere of the UK, as he went to work in the parliament on a two-wheeled "friend", which even a couple of times hijacked.

David Cameron with his wife

In 2015, a resonance mediacandal was broke out in society, which provoked the book "Call me Davy", written by another of the day Cameron Michael Eshcroft. In the so-called autobiography of Prime Minister Britain contains a number of notable facts of biography from stormy youth politics. On the pages of the book, the student friend of the British Premiere told how Cameron in Oxford consisted in the prestigious community "Pierce Gavelston", for joining the David had to undergo a specific initiation rite.

The episode with a pig, because of which the policy began to condemn the sex with dead animals, was discussed loud on the net, since Cameron did not discuss only the lazy, and the "Pig Cameron" became the main star of the majority of microblogging. Also, the author of the publication claims that David Cameron used in adolescence, David Cameron used light drugs, which the politician himself did not even refute publicly, stating that it was a normal "University Exprices".

David Cameron now

In early 2016, David Cameron made a proposal to hold a referendum on the issue of membership of the UK as part of the European Union. The position of the prime minister was to support cooperation with the European Union on the former reasons.

David Cameron and Teresa May

As a result of the national referendum, it turned out that the majority of the UK citizens support the exit from the pan-European organization. In mid-July, after promuling results, David Cameron announced his own resignation. The successor of the country's political leader was the Minister of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Great Britain Teresa Mei. In mid-September, Cameron also left the community chamber.

After the retirement, Cameron put forward a list of the Awards expected from the monarch, which caused a perturbation from the public and opponents of the former premiere.

In the middle of the summer of 2017, David Cameron surprised and pleased the Follovers with new joint photos with an intimate character exhibited in the "Facebook" network. Cameron and his wife went to celebrate the 21st anniversary of his own wedding in Andalusia, where they settled in a cozy guest house. At the date of the celebration, the former prime minister laid out a picture made right in bed, on which two pairs of legs were visible - David and Samantha.

David Cameron and Vladimir Putin

Now David Cameron is regularly invited as a consultant to political forums. In September 2017, the former Prime Minister of Great Britain visited Kiev, where in a public speech, as part of the 14th annual meeting of the Yalta European Strategy (YES) spoke on the issue of Ukraine. David Cameron called the UN's introduction into the territory of Donbass a trap for Kiev authorities and additional opportunities for Russia.


  • Reducing the indicators of the economic crisis.
  • Tightening the norms of vesting people who need social housing.
  • Reforms in free medicine for residents of Britain.
  • The law on equality in the question of the Preconsession.

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