Alexander Iltyakov - biography, personal life, photo, news, deputy of the State Duma, pensioners, by plane 2021



Alexander Vladimirovich Iltyakov - Politician, entrepreneur, deputy of the State Duma. For 20 years, he turned the meat processing company "Veles" to the largest plant plant. Also known to involve the scandals and proceedings.

Childhood and youth

Alexander Iltyakov was born on October 9, 1971 in the city of Kurgan. It also grew up and reassured in high school number 75. Nothing is known about nationality and parents of the political figure.

Having received a certificate, mastered the electronic profession at the local technical school. After Alexander, the urgent service was held in the ranks of the Russian army, and on his return settled in the specialty for the Kurgan machine-building plant. V. I. Lenin.

Soon Iltyakov changed the machine shop on meat. Working on the urban meat processing the electrician, met the basics of meat processing technology, which pushed Alexander to engage in his own business activities.

Career and business

In 1994, together with the younger brother, Dmitry Alexander Vladimirovich began to buy meat in local villages, reselling with extra charge in the Sverdlovsk region.

The business turned out to be profitable, and in 1995 the figure founded his own meat processing company, becoming the executive director. Without the help of parents, they did not cost: for initial capital they sold their car. A small firm in the village of Freviously produced several kilograms of products per day, and sausage had to do 4 employees.

After 2 years, the freormish sausage shop, taken for rent, became the property of the entrepreneur and later renamed the "Veles" - by the name of the Slavic Divine, a patronage of domestic cattle.

In the same year, Alexander decided to continue their education and entered the Moscow State University of Applied Biotechnology in the specialty "Engineering and Meat Processing Technology", which graduated in 2001.

After graduate school in the Voronezh State Technological Academy, he defended his thesis and received a scientific degree of candidate of technical sciences.

Alexander Iltyakov and Vladimir Putin

In 2011, at the Eleregional Conference of Iltyakov, made a business plan for the development of meat farm in the Urals. The ideas of the entrepreneur liked Vladimir Putin and received great support from the government. And in December of the same year, the initiative businessman was elected to the State Duma VI deputy. In this capacity, Alexander Vladimirovich visited Syria within the framework of the humanitarian mission in order to obtain an idea of ​​the living conditions of Syrian Christians.

In 2014, the biography has been replenished with another higher education: Alexander graduated from Kurgan State University, having received a lawyer's diploma.

In September 2015, Alexander Iltyakov became a deputy of the Kurgan Regional Duma VI convocation from the party "United Russia", but refused the mandate. And even a year later, he rose even higher on the political staircase, taking a deputy of the country's head parliament. The candidate received 58% of the votes, by weight bypassing by Vasily Kislitsyn.

Personal life

About the personal life of Alexander Iltyakov knows a little. Alexander Vladimirovich is a large father, with his wife Lyudmila, a deputy brings up five children. His brother Dmitry is now leading family business - Veles meat processing plant. Politics have accounts in Tiktok, Instagram and Vkontakte.

Now Alexander Iltyakov is actively engaged in supporting the idea of ​​spiritual values ​​and the traditional family, the deputy shares the photo, views and ideas to modern Russia. The latter, by the way, not for the first time raise a wide resonance in society.

Alexander Iltyakov now

In June 2021, the deputy posted in Tiktok video, demonstrating his attitude towards sexual minorities. He read out the excerpt from the Bible that God created a man in his image and likeness, and demonstrating the Holy Scripture, said that God did not create pederasts and lesbians. The scandalous saw was blocked, and the politician complained that only in Vkontakte wise freedom of speech, for other social networks it is an empty sound.

Nevertheless, the politician notes that he does not call in the video to hatred, however, referring to the dictionary of Ozhegov, considers "such" people with patients and wishes them healing from demons and demons.

Earlier, Alexander Vladimirovich collided with the injury, when the words of the Pension reform policy were pulled out of context and placed in social networks. This caused a storm of indignation by pensioners.

The saying of Iltyakov was criticized that the person who lived to retirement is an insured event, the pension system is designed for half the pensioners to live up to 65 years.

This is not the only scandalous statement of the deputy: in May 2021, Alexander Vladimirovich urged to cancel homework, arguing his sudden care for schoolchildren by the fact that children should teach professionals, not parents.

Alexander Iltyakov and Vadim Shumkov

In June 2021, the participation of the public was attracted by the Kurgan region at the aircraft to call rain, as dry weather in this region provoked a crop loss. The deputy from the board of the aircraft prayed for the weather on the Zauralie and crossed the region with the words:

"Rain, the rain should we! Agriculture. Urgently, urgently! Give God. "

The video of this event was published in the telegram channel of the statesman.

On June 24 of the same year, according to the source "", Alexander Iltyakov agreed with the residents of the Ketov district of the Kurgan region, which the latter will live at least in 8 years. The source says that the deputy even signed a longevity agreement, in which both parties undertake not to drink and not firmly.

Also in June 2021, the governor of the Kurgan region, Vadim Shumkov, after the visit to the "Veles", proposed in Instagram account to clone Iltyakov to develop and cultivate his economic activity everywhere:

"Such as Alexander, you need to clone, so that after decades whining, idleness and despondency, good changes went everywhere in full swing."

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