Natalia Kratkovskaya - biography, photos, personal life, filmography, death



In Russian cinema there are such actors who are led by the audience at first glance and at the same time they cause a sincere smile of joy. Natalia Krachkovskaya, unsurpassed comedy actress, deserved artist of Russia belong to such performers.

Natalia was born in Moscow in 1938, in a difficult time for our country. The policy of the Stalinist state intervened in the life of the Natalia family: Leonid Belogortseva's father was repressed. Natasha and younger sister Irina brought up Mom, actress Pushkin Theater Maria Fonin.

Actress Natalia Krachkovskaya

In childhood, Natalia grew up a real tutor, constantly disappeared with the boys and even was the yard leader, organizing the gripped raids on neighboring gardens. But in adolescence, the girl spent more time behind the scenes of the mother's theater, especially since the residents of Belogort residents were in the same building.

Maria Fonina categorically did not want for the daughter of the life of the artist, so I insisted that Natalia came to the historical and archival institute. She did not dare to disobey the commands of the mother, but at the same time, in secret from the parent, filed documents and VGIK, although he knew perfectly well that there was an incredible competition - more than 250 people in place! Yes, and the figure of Pyshechki is not too associated with the actress profession.

However, Krachkovskaya, then still Belogortseva, never comprehensive due to the completeness, because the girl was always cavarae. Moreover, subsequently the actress turned the figure to the branded "Fishchka".

Natalia Krachkovskaya in youth

At the examination tests, the girl read the monologue of Ivanushki-Fools from "Skate-Gorboon" and completely conquered the artistic director Vladimir Belokurov, who just gained the course. But the study was not for Natalia Krachkovsky simple business.

Shortly after the start of the semester, the student fell into a car accident and received serious injuries, which caused even a temporary loss of vision. Doctors banned the girl to continue learning, but Natasha did not give up and did not retreat from the selected path. Moreover, Soon Belogortseva began to go to the theatrical scene and appear on the set.


The debut of Natalia Krachkovskaya on the screen was the role of radiance in the melodrama "Tale about Agronom." During the 50s and 60s, the actress was regularly starred from popular film director, but the name of the actress remained known only to movie lovers. The girl appeared in the episodes of films "Russian souvenir", "Battle of the way", "Colleagues". In 1964, Natalia lit up in the popular comedy "Marriage Balzaminova" with George Vicin in the lead role.

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Everything has changed in 1971, when the director Leonid Gaidai began working on the "12 chairs" comedy. The director revised many contenders for the role of Madame Gritsatsayeva, but the actress was not satisfied with the director. Then Gaidai shouted the fateful for Natalia phrase: "I need such an actress, which looks like Krachkovsky's wife." The fact is that Natalia Leonidovna's husband worked as a sound engineer and was also involved in the picture. And the spouse actresses replied to the director, that if you need such as Krachkovskaya, then let him remove it.

From this decision won everything - Natalia received a spectacular role, and the director found, probably the most appropriate candidate. At least in most compatriots, this character is non-existently connected with the appearance and charm of Krachkovskaya.

Later, the actress continued to cooperate with Guideham and starred in the famous comedies "Ivan Vasilyevich is changing the profession", "Can't be!", "There is good weather on Deribasovskaya, or rains come to Brighton Beach" and "Private Detective, or Operation" Cooperation " .

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In 1972, Krachkovskaya lit up in a comedy "nerves, nerves", fulfilled the role of employees of the Research Institute, and also appeared in the image of Chipollon in the Chipollino musical tale, in which, in addition to the permanent participants of films for children - Vladimir Basova and Rina Green - Also the author of the work Gianni Rodari.

After a year, the name of the actress appeared in the Tutors of the Fantastic Comedy "This Wonderful Planet" about aliens who meet the New Year on Earth. At the same time, with the participation of Krachkovskaya, Drama Vasily Shukshina "Kalina Red", satirical comedy "Nylon 100%".

In the late 70s, the actress participates in the filming "At the Black Sea", "step towards", "two captains". In the famous shielding of the fairy tale "Wolf and Seven Kozdyat", which in a film was called "Mom", the actress performed the role of a bear. A bear spouse played a popular Soviet clown Oleg Popov.

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The actress, in addition to the comedies, also appears in the military film "foreshadows the victory", the detective "the investigation is conducted by experts", the melodrame "Summer tour". In the 80s, the actress is replenished by works in the melodrame "Be my husband", the historical picture of Vasily Buslaev, the Comedy "Pokrovsky Gate", a fairy tale "there, on unknown tracks ...", the film "Evening on the farm near Dikanka" .

In 1987, the adventure picture "Circus arrived" about the fate of the boy who found salvation from the Terrgey's terrible stepfather (Mikhail Pugovkin) at the troupe of the private circus on the troupe of the private circus. The film takes place in the Soviet state in the 20s.

The beloved stepfather played Natalia Krachkovskaya. In the same year, the actress reincarnated to the heroine to death in the Capuchinsky Capuchin Boulevard ", after a year, Natalia lit up in the adaptation of Dubrovsky.

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In the 90s, the actress was not lost on kinokarizte. The unlawful title of Queen episode helped Krachkovskaya receive characteristic roles in the comedies of the new format: "Alfons", "Russian business", "Vitka Svasher and the car". In the screening of Yuri Kara "Master and Margarita" Natalia transformed into the heroine Sophia Petrovna. Actress appeared and in the episodes of the films Alla Surikova - in the Moscow holidays melodrame with Leonid Yarmolnik and Irina Seleznevoy starring and comedy "Children of Monday", where Irina Rosanova shone, Igor Sklyar and Tatiana Doglev.

In 2000, the actress becomes a guest on television. With the participation of Krachkovskaya light, television series "Perfect Couple", "Medics", "My Wonderful Nanny". The latest works of the actress were the comedy "Phenomenon", the melodrama "Moscow History", the series "Three from above". In 2013, the screen star was invited to the sketch show "Caution: Children!", Which was broadcast on the TV channel "STS".

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For more than 50 years of creative biography of film actresses, Natalya Krachkovskaya starred in 152 films and television series. Surely any viewer without delay will be able to name 10 paintings with its participation. And this is despite the fact that the role of Natalia Leonidovna always implied the role of the second plan. But Krachkovskaya with an incredible talent was capable of creating a real masterpiece from the fleeting episode.

Personal life

Many women are experiencing because of too lush forms. But Natalia Krachkovskaya did not worry about this and constantly in the spotlight of men. The actress has always had many fans, who even the weight of the artists did compliments, saying that Natalia is 100 kg of dreams. Personal life actresses have developed safely.

Natalia Krachkovskaya with son and grandson

In 1962, Natalia met with the sound operator of Mosfilm by Vladimir Krachkovsky, the son of the famous academician Vasily Krachkovsky, shot in 1938. Soon young people got married and lived in harmony, until the death of Vladimir Vasilyevich.

The spouse immediately moved to the surname of her husband, but since the sister of Vladimir - Nina Krachkovskaya is also an actress, at first Natalia appeared in the titers under the dual surname Belogortseva-Krachkovskaya. The family was born the only son of Vasily, who went in the footsteps of the Father and also became a sound engineer. There were no more children in the Krachkovsky family.


Even in the early 2000s, Natalia Krachkovskaya suffered a hardest stroke. Then the doctors managed to save the life of the actress and prevent death, but the disease gave complication to his feet, so the Krachkovskaya moved only with a stick, and on the theater scene appeared even in a wheelchair.

Later, age and excess weight took their own, the health of the artist worsened, Natalia repeatedly got into a hospital with various diseases, including with hydrostatic pulmonary edema.

Tomb of Natalia Krachkovskaya

On February 28, 2016, Natalia Krachkovskaya was hospitalized in the first city hospital with acute myocardial infarction. The state of the woman doctors immediately assessed as extremely severe. In the morning of March 3, 2016, Krachkovskaya's heart could not stand the loads and stopped forever. The reason for death was the complication received after the transferred crisis.

At the funeral, which took place on March 5, there were friends, relatives and fans of the artist. The grave of Krachkovskaya is located on the Troekhrovsky cemetery. The monument is still decorated simply: there is a wooden cross on the grave, the photos of Natalia Krachkovskaya and bouquets of flowers that regularly bring grateful spectators.


  • 1971 - "12 chairs"
  • 1973 - "Ivan Vasilyevich is changing profession"
  • 1973 - "Chipollino"
  • 1975 - "Can't Be!"
  • 1982 - "Pokrovsky Gate"
  • 1985 - "Beauty Salon"
  • 1987 - "Man with Capuchin Boulevard"
  • 1993 - "Treasure of my family"
  • 1995 - "Moscow holidays"
  • 2002 - "Elevator goes on schedule"

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