Mikhail Polosukhin - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, Films 2021



Mikhail Polosukhin advanced on a professional field thanks to the Internet. Staying in all sorts of chat rooms, he opened a lot of new things first just like a person, even communicated with the interlocutors through the poems of his own essay. Then, when the question arose with the search for a particular place of work, studied the sites of the metropolitan theaters to go to a specific troupe, and not by maybe. Over time, a turn of radio and cinema came. Now the actor is occasionally, but still publishes a photo in "Instagram". It is impossible to find something compromising there, this is not a means of a pian. Strouschin is convinced that the scandal is a momentary and meaningless success, and the public should be attracted by his own personality and roles.

Childhood and youth

Mikhail Nikolaevich Polosukhin was born in a wonderful acting family, where the artists were three generations of ancestors. He grew up behind the scenes of the Volgograd Theater, in which his mother served, and absorbed the amazing atmosphere of the theater world from the young age. But childhood dreams, as Mikhail Polosukhin shared later, was not associated with the acting craft. At first, he dreamed of becoming a ice cream: this "delicious" profession opened the limitless possibilities of tasting the best delicacy in the world.

A little mature, Mikhail thought about the dangerous and heroic profession of the firefighter. Then he was antered with his romantic fler of the sea and the oceans: the young bands decided to become a long-range sailor. But Mirosilov, Mikhail realized that the profession of actor was attracted.

At the same time, it is quite conscious and without "pink glasses" looked at this craft. After all, in contrast to the peers, he knew the offside of the profession. Mom, although he welcomed the desire of the Son to go on her footsteps, but honestly warned that "the theater is a grave of pride." At the end of the school, Mikhail Polosukhin went to study at the actor. He decided not to leave his favorite city of childhood and entered the Theater Faculty of Local University. He studied on the course Otar Dzhangsherasvili. In 1991 he received a diploma and began climbing the career ladder.


Mikhail Polosukhin's creative biography began when he was a secondary courses student. He was lucky to be at the cradle of the new theater created on the basis of the old Volgograd dramatic. The new experimental theater (NET) received a beginner artist in 1989. The artistic director here was Mikhail's mentor - Otar Dzhangsherasvili. He gathered a young team of actors, in which the band was also. The new team under the guidance of a talented leader pretty quickly managed to find the path to the hearts of the audience. Soon each performance was accompanied by anchlage.

Mikhail Polosukhin turned out to be one of the most notable and bright artists. In addition to talent, his appearance was accompanied by this: high, almost 2 meters, a very "factory" guy immediately addressed the attention of theatrians and was remembered to everyone. Spectators and critics immediately celebrated the gifted young man, first saw him in the role of Glumov in the play "Mad money." For 12 years of service in the new experimental theater, Mikhail Nikolaevich Polosukhin played a lot of diverse roles. But comedy and negative prevailed. The artist brilliantly depicted Syrian in Maskarada Mikhail Lermontov and Tibald in Romeo and Juliet Shakespeare.

As a creative person, Mikhail Polosukhin is constantly in search, seeks to develop. This was dictated by the crossing of the artist from Volgograd to the capital.

"It was one thing: the theater is not exit. All native and beautiful, and I left, not because bad. I want different roles, different genres: I do not have a certain role, I can be a comic, and tragic. Working with the same, let the most beautiful, director, is always a framework. Another director will see you differently, new roles will appear ... "," the artist confessed in an interview.

In 2001, he was invited to the "Theater of the Moon" Sergey Prokhanov. Sergey Borisovich suggested a band to play Horn in his musical "lips", which was based on the novel of Vladimir Nabokova "Chamber of Complete".

From this year, Mikhail Nikolaevich Polosukhin works in Moscow. At first he had to be difficult. In his hometown he was a celebrity. In Nat, he trusted the main roles. In the "Theater of the Moon" I had to start all. But here the talented actor quickly managed to prove his worth. Already in the first 4 years, he played several noticeable roles, among whom were the main ones.

The sophisticated capital viewer was pleased to be amazed by Richard III in the eponymous production. Director of the performance Algirdas Latenas without inflatable entrusted this central role to Mikhail Poloshin. And did not lose. For this work, the artist was awarded the prestigious reward - the Anatoly Romashin Prize (nomination "Best Male Role"). By the way, the artist himself calls the role of Richard III by a real gift of fate. After all, this controversial and multifaceted image was and difficult, and extremely interesting.

Theatrical critics After several years of service, Michael Nikolayevich Polosukhin in the metropolitan theater noted that his skills increased significantly. "Mold" and the artist himself: the images in which he appears, became deeper. Anatoly Romashin's prestigious Award was awarded a band yet. In 2006, he received her for the image of the actor in the formulation of Nyno Rota notes. In 2008 - for Leshego in "Natural Extreme", and in 2011 - for the image of the Count Raul in Mata Hari - the eyes of the day.

Between receipt of these premiums, the actor in December 2007 became a well-deserved artist of the Russian Federation. Now Mikhail Nikolaevich Polosukhin is the leading artist of the "Theater of the Moon". The avid metropolitan theater is recommended to visit the performances with his participation "Ruby Tuesday" and "Antraten".


Mikhail Polosukhin's cinematic biography began in rather mature age. The artist himself considers himself a more theater actor:

"Theater is a direct communication with the audience, their eyes, their mood, experiences. There you are from the beginning and fully live the life of the character. And in the movie everything happens with ripped pieces. "

For him, the scene is priority, but also work on the shooting area is an additional experience that is known to do not happen much. For the first time, the band appeared on the screen in the project Sergey Prokhanov with the long name "Theater of the Moon, or cosmic fool 13:28." This is a mystical ribbon telling about the life of the theater.

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Extravagant appearance of the actor often dictates the choice of roles offered by Mikhail Nikolayevich directories. It is often seen in the image of gangsters or ambiguous characters. In the youth series "Club" Pedosukhin played Bandit Kolyan. In one of the series "Live Rublevka", called "glamorous maniac", he appeared in the image of a psychotherapist. And in the role of the head of the sect of Satanists of the laid artist was very convincing in the tape "Mady". But in the "pathies", Mikhail Polosukhin appeared as a seductor of Women Evgenia Carasev, and was also very convincing.

In 2011, the Volgograd actor played his first starry role. His drug bandaron Mikhail Zverev in the painting "Care" was remembered for the audience and brought considerable fame to artist. Then the crime drama "Second Love", the fighter "cool" and melodrama "Staircase in Heaven" came to the screens, where Mikhail Nikolaevich Polyosukhin appeared again in high roles.

Turn into the robber-recidivist on the nicknamed Bear, indirectly guilty of the death of one of three investigators' friends, the band had a chance in a BS detective. Eastern Sheikh Mikhail struck fans in the series "Staircase in Heaven". In the film with the tragic finals, Alexander Peskov and Oksana Dorokhina also starred.

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In the film "Brotherhood of the landing" he has a newly negative character - a former paratrooper, colleague of the heroes of Maxim Konovalov, Alexey Osipova and Egor Pazenko. Friends consider him dead, and he himself is confident that he was betrayed, and going to take revenge. In the "last hero", the actor, on the contrary, starred as a firmware, albeit on his manner. Mikhail played an employee of a peacekeeping mission, looking guilty of the doctor's death, who saved his life. After 20 years, the doctor dies in the road disassembly, and the person saved by him does not want a matter of militia to lower on the brakes.

In 2012, the dramatic filmography of Polosukhin diluted the Sith "Interns", in which he got a small role of the patient of future therapists led by Ivan Okhlobystin.

"Queen of the game" is a series of the difficult relationship between two generations of two families. Heroes Mikhail Poloshin and Alexey Longin lead a joint business, but the first half seemed little, and he assigns someone else's share by framing. After years, the son of a deceived, hatching the plan of revenge, decides to get to the offender through his daughter. But the young man will have to choose between the desire to remain the faithful memory of the Father and the present, good feeling towards anything that is not a guy girl.

Personal life

The artist willingly speaks of his work in the theater and cinema. But Michael Poloshin's personal life is behind family castles from strangers and curious eyes.
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It is known that the actor is married to Darya Goncharova, actress, producer and the owner of the theater agency. Her daughter, a young artist Taisiya Vilkov, wonderfully gets schoo.

Talking about hobbies in his free time, the bands have mentioned the Internet and music. There are no favorite groups or performers, all by mood: Zemfira, Alexander Rosenbaum, Rolling Stones.

Mikhail Polosukhin now

Mikhail Polosukhin, together with his colleagues, Vladimir Tyagichev and Vladimir Mysuradze - permanent leading cabins of the native theater of the Moon, dedicated to the birthday of this temple of art. In 2019, Sergey Prokhanov troupe noted the holiday at the 26th time. Music greetings prepared colleagues and young pupils of the children's theater center "Little Moon".

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Now the actor plays on stage in the performances of "Love on Freud" and "Ruby Tuesday". The first, comedy fantasy about the subconscious, is the gift for the anniversary of the People's Artist of Russia Yevgeny Gerchakov. The second is put on the novel of Ken Kizi "above the cuckoo nest", the rights to the screening of which belong to the Hollywood star Michael Douglas. The book was based on the script of the film "Flying over the cuckoo nest".

In the musical on the works of William Shakespeare "Laming", Mikhail is reincarnated in the Character Alba, and in the production of "Kazanova, or a trip to Ikosameron" in Faustino. Artist divides this role with Oleg Marushev.


  • 2005 - "Rublevka Live"
  • 2006-2009 - "Club"
  • 2008 - "Two Fates-4. New life"
  • 2010 - brother for brother "
  • 2010 - "Second Love"
  • 2011 - "Case Care"
  • 2012 - "BS"
  • 2012 - "cool"
  • 2013 - "Staircase in Heaven"
  • 2014 - "Queen of the game"
  • 2018 - "The Secrets of Mrs. Kirsanova"

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