Natalia Martynova - biography, personal life, photos, achievements, participation in the show "Bachelor" and the latest news 2021



Natalia Martynova - Russian fashion model, participant of the 4th season of the project "Bachelor", which quite recently received the title "Miss Maxim" from the famous print publication. She was born in Veliky Novgorod, but her parents live in Tver at the moment. Mother is engaged in entrepreneurship, has its own small business, and the father works as an engineer. Natalia has sister Anastasia.

Back in the adolescence, Natasha began to visit the studio at one of the model agencies and soon became a very popular fashion model. At its account there are several dozen projects in which it advertises many well-known brands. There is a girl and frank photo shoots, and business, and in modern style.

After school, Natalia Martynova entered the St. Petersburg State Architectural and Construction University. She really likes the specialty of the architect-designer, and the girl dreams of creating their own studio, and by 35 years old to bring it to the leading position. By the way, Natalia is a very active and sports person, in his university, she is part of the female team of athletics and runs for his university at various competitions.

Natalia Martynova - biography, personal life, photos, achievements, participation in the show

In 2015, a beauty contest from the fashionable male magazine "Maxim" was held at the Rock Festival "Involvement", in which Martynov took part. She appeared at the number "Two", but in the end was able to become the first. The girls from all over Russia took part in the competition. At first from hundreds of applicants, the best ten was selected, and then the triple. Natalia Martynova, who was among the finalists, showed himself from the best side and was able to win. She got the title "Miss Maxim-2015" and the opportunity to be on the cover of this magazine, which happened in the September issue "Maxim".

Tele Show

When Natalia Martynov heard the Casting in the new season of the rating romantic project "Bachelor", she immediately decided to take part in it. To the question - why she need it, the girl replied that he hoped to meet his fate on the show and tie life with a decent man. From the main male qualities, Natalia allocates punctuality and ability to respond for their words.

Martynova managed to enter the number of 25 selected girls, configured to fight for the love of bachelor, who this time became an actor and singer Alexey Vorobyev. By the way, Alexey was an applicant for participation in the very first season "Bachelor", but then the producers considered the actor too young.

In the first release of the show 25 beauties pleasantly surprised the viewers by choosing the outfits. If earlier the candidates for the place in the heart of the main character allowed themselves the riot of the paints and the stripping of dresses, then this time the girls put on only black, white and red.

Natalia Martynova - biography, personal life, photos, achievements, participation in the show

According to the rules of the project, 10 girls leave the show in the first broadcast of the show, but this time Vorobiev showed that it would act on his own scenario, and did not give 15 roses as usual, but for one more. Apparently, he was interested in the composition of the participants, which many viewers were already called the most spectacular and most unusual. After all, among the contenders, there is not only Natalia Martynov with her model appearance, but also Androgin Tatyana Shmeleva, also known and also under his male incarnation of Nikita Krutov, as well as the "Russian Lady Gaga" Alexander Guseva, surprisingly similar to the American singer.

In addition, the participants of the project became already familiar to the viewer of the actress Yana Anosov, starring in the series "As I became Russian", and the contestant of another TV show "Top-model in Russian" Daria Kornienko.

Which of them comes to the last ether and get the cherished wedding ring from Alexey Vorobyeva - will show time, but the fact that Natalia Martynova has every chance to win another victory, no one doubts.

Personal life

Natalia Martynov has long met a young man for a long time, but after parting with him, I decided to search for a new satellite of life on the "Bachelor" show.

Natalia Martynova - biography, personal life, photos, achievements, participation in the show

Natasha says herself that she loves active rest. Indeed, the girl seriously engaged in the dance on Pilon, loves to ride a snowboard and regularly visits the gym. In addition, Natalia loves to travel and lived in India for several months.

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