Olga Podchufarova - biography, news, photos, personal life, biathlete, biathlon, Slovenia, "Instagram", return 2021



Olga Vladimirovna Plotcharova - Biathlon's star, the sports career of which was very difficult. She had a chance to survive both ups, and falls, and even a difficult choice of flag. However, the power of the Spirit and the desire for victory remained unchanged.

Childhood and youth

Athlete - a radical Muscovite, was born on August 5, 1992. Olga's family had no relation to great sports: the father was engaged in computer systems, Mom worked as a translator guide.

Since childhood, Olga was a physically developed child. Physical education teacher, having seen these girls, advised parents to record it in the ski section. Podtofarova says that Skiing felt confidently, the feeling that the boards were tied to the feet, she did not have. In the ski section, the daughter did not record - it was far away, and the parents lacked the time. Father and mother considered that ballroom dances fit the girl more. Olga was dancing for eight years, went to competitions, but there were no special achievements in the career.

In the biathlon, the girl came when she studied in grade 9. Pupils were sent to the competition, where 3 km was driving. Podfuchard competed with girls who trained constantly, and came to the finish line first. After that victory, she herself walked over to the coach and asked to take to her. So she fell into the sports school "Youth of Moscow", to the Biathlon Coach Yuri Lelin.

At the end of the school, Olga Podchufarov entered the State University of Management, where he received a specialty manager. Discipline and excerpt helped it to combine studies and a busy training schedule.


Career biathletes began in 2009, and after two years Olga has already won the gold and silver medals at the World Junior Championships on the summer biathlon. The competition took place in the Czech town of Novaya Place-on-Morav. Gold girl got into a mixed relay, and "silver" - in the persecution race.

In the fall of 2012, three more gold medals appeared in the junior assets: she won them in the sprint, mixed relay and the championship race at the World Championships in Ufa. In 2013, at the World Cup, she won bronze, giving up 30 seconds. This year has become a turning point in the sports biography of a pofafarov. From the Biathlon Championship among juniors, held in Austria, in Obertilliam, an athlete brought three medals - gold for the persecution race, silver for sprint and bronze over the relay.

At the stage of the World Cup in Sochi in the spring of 2013, Olga was first invited to speak for the main Russian national team. Biathlonist received a new experience and felt how difficult the adult athletes. She took 58th place in the sprint. Significantly improving the result of a pofofamar was already succeeded at the next stage in Khanty-Mansiysk: in the race-harassment it was on the 26th place.

In 2014, Olga Podtofarova took 21st place in the sprint at the competitions held in Hollencollen. At the Olympics in Sochi, she finished only the 49th in an individual race. Already by the end of the year, at the stage in Ostersund, ranked 11th in the individual race. The next one brought her 4 place - before climbing the pedestal, she did not have enough 1.5 seconds.

Olga, as the best biathlete of Russia, was supposed to speak in Hollymelleni, but after the departing sprint (65th place), the national team coaches removed the athlete from the competition. The reason is unsatisfactory training. Plotafarov responded to its exclusion a statement that after the end of the season, perhaps will switch to independent training and will train separately from the national team.

In February-2017, Olga again joined the composition of the national team on the World Cup. The Russian team arrived in the Austrian Hochfilzen. The Russian national team ranked third in the mixed relay, giving way to Germany and France. That day defended the honor of the team Olga Podtufarov, Tatiana Akimov, Alexander Loginov, Anton Shipulin. Russia eventually ranked only the fifth position in the overall standings.

In the spring of 2017, the rainfall decided to take a small timeout for prophylactic treatment. Relying on the medical recommendations, the athlete adjusted the technique of training a new season. During this period, she gained an excess weight that, with a slight increase in (163 cm), one of the coaches called the main problem that hinders Olga to show good results.

In 2018, Podfufarov announced that she completes the biathlon career. Olga continued to lead an active lifestyle, but professional sport assisted aside. Coach Yuri Lelin supported the decision of the athlete, but was confident that she would return in 2 years. Podtofarova entered Moscow State University at the Faculty of Sports Management.

"And here I am here, in a university dreams, finally with understanding what I want and what I want to do," she commented.

Citizenship Slovenia

In 2019, Olga announced his return to the sport. She decided to change sports citizenship from Russian to Slovenian. Pretofarova had "personal interests" to speak for this country, biathlete about them promised to tell later. In a single interview in that period, she stated that nothing bad would not say about Russia. At the end of 2019, the podafarov held the first race in the composition of the national Slovenia, taking 4 place at the Austrian Cup.

On January 26, 2021, information appeared that Olga was denied to obtain citizenship of Slovenia. The athlete accused of "the internal laws of the EU" and declared his decision to return to Russia.

"Of course, the established circumstances became a blow to the breath and for me, and for the Slovenian sports Federation, because the initial prospects were completely different. Yes, I put it on converts everything, and this is the most "absolutely everything" failed with the collapse. Once I already lost faith in my senses, I lost myself as an athlete and lost my motivation in the course of long recovery. Therefore, I will make every effort to qualify again to the team and return to the international arena next year, "wrote foaming.

Alexander Tikhonov believes that the Olga team is closed, "Although she could help a little." And Irina Rodnina, the Olympic champion in figure skating, defended Olga Podtufarovaya, which some experts and athletes accused of betrayal.

Personal life

Olga Podtofarova is not married and does not plan to create a family - now there is no time for a personal life in biathletes. In his free time, Olga loves to communicate in social networks (the girl is in VKontakte, and in Facebook) with loved ones.

On subscribers once made the impression of the photo of a newborn girl, which appeared in "Instagram". The inquisite fans compared the time of staying Olga on treatment and suggested that the daughter gave birth to the daughter. Little girl eventually turned out to be a nephew of an athlete, in which Olga does not have the soul.

Biathlete does not tolerate in people excessive chatty and fahamism, believing that sincerity is every more to face.

Olga Podchufarov now

The head coach in Biathlon Valery Polkhovsky noted that for returning to the national team, Olga has to speak successfully in March at the Russian Championship, because the "doors to the national team are open to everyone who shows the result." He also promised that biathlete will create all the conditions for training. The steps of the World Cup of the Season 2020/2021 does not fall.

Now Olga employs hardly. According to the athletes, the period of work in Slovenia gave her to understand that she loves biathlon and wants to cultivate in this sport and farther. Olga will make every effort to qualify and get into the main team in the future.


  • 2013 - Junior world champion
  • 2015 - the owner of bronze at the World Cup
  • 2016 - Gold owner at the World Cup
  • 2017 - Bronze World Champion in Mixed Relay

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