Sergey Romanovich - Photo, Biography, Actor, Personal Life, News, Films 2021



Sergey Romanovich is a Russian actor who is familiar to the audience on roles in popular youth projects. A career of a promising artist started immediately from major roles. Romanovich could not complain about the lack of interest on him from the director, but at the peak of Glory decided to leave the show business. Today he is a popular blogger and an entrepreneur who is ready to discover new paths for its development.

Childhood and youth

Sergey Vladimirovich Romanovich was born on July 16, 1992 in Tomsk. He has a brother, whose name is Roman, he received economic education. In school years, the guy played KVN, fond of karate, football, break dance, swimming, even sang in the choral studio, visited theatrical circle for 2 years.

In 2006, Romanovich became a member of the G8 Youth Summit (Russia "). He passed the three most complex tour, he did not prevent him from even bad knowledge of the English language.

Sergey's parents gave him the opportunity to choose his profession himself, and when he said the family that he wanted to enter the theater university, supported him. In 2010, immediately after graduation, the guy entered VGIK to Igor Jasovich.


Sergey's cinematic biography began in 2008 in Kinokartina "Affectionate May" directed by Vladimir Vinogradov. This film immediately made a young actor famous. The role of the guy received almost by chance. His candidacy suggested the creators of the picture Alexey Vorobiev, with whom Sergey met at the events of the G8.

Later, the actor appeared in the TV series "Life and Adventures of the Japane Bars" and "Escape".

However, the Glory of the Young Artist brought the draft TV channel TNT "Chernobyl. Exclusion Zone". In it, he reincarnated in an aggressive guy named Alexei, who, together with his friends, departs in Chernobyl.

The next season of the rating project involving Sergei started 3 years later. His show was held on the TV channel "TV-3".

A year later, the actor filmography was replenished with another major role in the Drama "Box" about the confrontation of two amateur football teams. Later, the actor lit up in the rating detective "Method", reincarnated to the park ware.

Later, another bright premiere took place in the artist film driver - showing Olga's series. Romanovich played Andrei, Guy Ani, daughters of the main character. The role of a young Uhager got the performer is largely due to external parameters. The actor himself has long come out of adolescence, but the young man looks like. The series won the recognition of viewers from the first episodes. Therefore, it was extended for several seasons.

At the peak of his popularity, Sergey Romanovich said he leaves movies. The reason for this was his religious beliefs. In addition, the actor repeatedly admitted that the shooting exhaust a person, making it unable to be happy in ordinary life.

After the statement in 2019, the actor appeared in the last season of the series "Chernobyl. Exclusion Zone. The final". And also in the 4th season of the series "Olga", although the fans no longer hoped to see the character named Andrei. But he again broke into the life of the daughter of the main character and his child, after the 2nd season threw them.

The decision to play in the series Romanovich explained that he wanted to complete the plot line of his character. "The most important provision for me to return to the project was the coordination of the end of the storyline of my hero. Producers took into account all my wishes and registered such a story on which I would like to complete participation in this project. It turned out very soulful. You know, some of the film crew even cried behind the scenes ... "- told the actor.

After watching the last series "Olga", according to Sergey, he burst into a realization that he would no longer return to the movies. He had a difficult relationship with the acting profession: in the soul Romanovich - the artist, but he understands that he should go different ways.

Personal life

At 20, Sergey Romanovich accepted Islam. His parents at first thought he got into the sect, and accused of all his friend-Chechen. Over time, Irina and Vladimir Romanovich met. After that, the event in the movierah of Sergey there was a crisis, the actor became more careful to choose projects, for example, he refused roles in which kisses should have been. In some period, he even had to go to Tomsk.

The actor was married. His ex-wife Alexander Golovkov worked as a web designer. Since Alexander is also a Muslim, they had Nicky on all religious rules, and after they signed in Tomsk. A pair everywhere appeared in traditional clothes, as evidenced by numerous photos of spouses in the media.

However, neither a strict faith, nor religious rites, no serious attitude towards the wedding managed to protect these relationships. Spouses broke up in 2016. Fans did not want to believe in changes in the personal life of the idol, but part of the media argued that the divorce took place. The reason for the separation with his wife, the reporters called the romance of the actor with a colleague of Lelle Baranova, but the artists themselves abstain from comment.

In order to fit their ideas about male beauty and have a thick beard, Sergey transplanted his hair. The guy since childhood saw himself bearded, but the hair was not grown on the face. When a chance appeared to fulfill his dream, Romanovich took advantage of them. The donor zone became the head. From there, 4 thousand hair lows were transferred to the cheeks and chin. The operation lasted 12 hours. The actor told about this event by subscribers of his Youtyub-Channel.

Sergey even more surprised fans when he decided to move to Saudi Arabia, known as the most religious country in the world. In Medina, he lived just a year. Finally, the actor settled in Turkey, in Istanbul. "I live perfectly. Climate like it. The area is also good. Feels like - yes. I like more here than in Moscow, "says Romanovich about his new home.

In 2020, Sergey spoke with unexpected recognition - his daughter was born in his medina. He hid a child for several months. But the name of the chief entrepreneur has not yet declassified. But it is known that he met her at one event and decided to continue communication. Soon the lovers played a wedding. The celebration passed modestly, without guests. There were only mother bride and groom. The next day after the wedding, Sergey flew to climbing Elbrus.

The daughter has changed the priorities and values ​​of Romanovich: "But all these problems, businesses and other affairs are not standing near 5 kg, which lie in a small black wheelchair," he told subscribers in "Instagram".

Sergey Romanovich now

Now the artist is engaged in business development in Turkey. In Istanbul, Romanovich, along with a friend, opened his own clothing manufacturer. The brand was called Borz. The collection includes sweatshirts, T-shirts and Hoodies. Other sources of Sergey income are advertising projects in Instagram and YouTube.

Sergey described his life path in the book "Radical. 165 centimeters of struggle. " The main thought that the author is trying to convey to readers - human happiness sometimes requires complex and radical solutions. Motivating posts he writes on his page in "Instagram".

In the spring of 2021, Sergey Romanovich came to Africa with a charitable mission. His goal was to highlight the problem of albino. Businessman opened fundraising for the construction of a specialized center for sick children in West Africa.


  • 2009 - "Affectionate May"
  • 2011 - "Chief of Spots"
  • 2011 - "Match"
  • 2011 - "The Life and Adventures of the Tear" Jap "
  • 2013 - "Third World War"
  • 2014-2017 - "Chernobyl. Exclusion Zone"
  • 2015 - "Box"
  • 2015 - "Method"
  • 2016-2019 - Olga
  • 2016 - "Crew"
  • 2018 - "Lachab of the debtor"
  • 2019 - "Chernobyl. Exclusion Zone. The final"
  • 2020 - "Olga-4"

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