Alexander Golubev - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, Actor 2021



Alexander Golubev is the Russian actor and cinema actor, the most famous for military drama, detectives and the adaptation of the famous Roman Fyodor Dostoevsky. It is not taken for any roles, but gives preference only by close to the spirit of the characters. Despite this, in his filmography, no one dozen pictures gathered, and every year she is only replenished, like the "piggy bank" of Alexander with awards and filmmakers.

Childhood and youth

The future artist was born in Moscow and in childhood did not dreamed of becoming a film actor. And this even despite the fact that at 13 years old already fully served in the Children's Theater of Natalia Bondarchuk, and with all the fallen attributes: endless rehearsals, clear charters and tours.

The fact is that Sasha studied media to school, as he did not find much interest in the subjects, even in the literature that the boy's mother was taught - the Russian language teacher Nadezhda Evgenievna. Russian classics Alexander will win later, on its own initiative. Considering the school of a boring institution, Golubev graduated from the older classes externally and began to work in the theater, which at that time seemed a convenient opportunity for employment.

In 2000, Alexander Golubev still applies to the profile university. Made a young man for the sake of parents who urged to receive higher education. Large efforts in preparing for the exams of Golubev did not attach, so it was quite surprised when he was enrolled in VGIK, and even for the course of Vitaly Solven.

Personal life

When Alexander Golubev ran out of education in Vgik, he married a young actress Alexander Ursulak, the daughter of the director Sergei Ursulak, who removed the "elimination" and "quiet Don." Young people got acquainted on the filmmaker "Full Full!" And soon played a wedding. Two daughters were born in the family - Anastasia and Anna.

If you believe the rumors and stories of colleagues, family happiness prevented the habit of Golubez to start intrigues on the side. The fans of the state artist (height - 182 cm, the weight - 78 kg) was always abound. Ursulak could not commemorate with the loving character of her husband, therefore was filed for divorce. Children stayed with her mother, nevertheless, the actor often visits her daughters, as he wants to participate in their upbringing.

Also, the media was told that the performer was fond of gambling and casinos. Allegedly once, still being married to Ursulak, Alexander planned to build a house for the family, but was played. Of course, this could also cause a divorce. On the other hand, it is possible that it is nothing more than an ordinary slander.

Shortly after parting with his wife, the personal life of the artist has improved. Golubev began to meet, but soon and live together with a beginner actress, with which he met, working on the role in the TV series "Recent Romans" Yuri Frost. The shooting of the film was held in Malta in 2011, the material was not filmed to the end. Presumably, element became Elena Shamova. Rumors about this novel went on the net for a long time, but the artists did not confirm them.

Alexander Ursulak also soon established relations with a new man - violinist Andrei Rosenda, from whom, judging by the news, in 2017 gave birth to a third child.

Today, pigeon's personal life is a mystery for seven seals. It is not in "Instagram", he does not lead any other social networks, so personal photos with an actor on the Internet are a big rarity.


Great Master Vitaly Solomina Alexander is obliged to make love to the profession of the actor and a taiga to theatrical performances. Already on the 2nd course, Solomin gives young man a major role in the student performance "Bed from a delicate heart", and in the year of Golubev will play on the professional stage in the entrepreneurial productions of "Family Idyll" and "Five Evening" with such stars as Larisa Guzeyev and Alexander Dedyushko.

In 2011, at the invitation of Oleg Tabakov, the performer began cooperation with the Moscow Art Theater. He very quickly joined the main acting staff, and therefore began to receive roles in many performances: played in the production of Sergey Pustopalis "last summer in Chulimsk", Vratrata Meikshans "Wedding of Krechinsky", Marina Barbnikovnaya "Writn".

A year later, in the formulation of Konstantin Bogomolov "Year, when I was not born" appeared in the role of Egor Yasyunin.

Despite the employment of the actor in the cinema, today the talented game of Golubeva can be seen in the Moscow theater of operetta and "Aleco" in the production of "Peter Sudden Phenomenon", "Mr. X", "Snow Queen", "Jane Eir", "Romeo VS Juliet".

Films and serials

Another teenager Alexander Golubev debuted in the Children's comedy detective "Kotovation". In the last year, VGIK participated in the filming of the music video clips of the "Beasts" on the song "Just such strong love", and also appeared in the cadet television series, dedicated to the 60th anniversary of the Great Victory.

The script of the film was based on the biographical notes of Peter Todorovsky on the preparation of young artilleryrs in the rear during the Great Patriotic War. The picture gathered a star cast, where Andrey Chadov entered, Ivan Stebunov, Elena Yakovleva, Vladimir Vdovichenkov, Igor Petrenko, Andrei Merzlikin, Pavel Maikov. Alexander Golubev appeared in front of the audience in the image of the cadet of Yuri Nikitin.

Thanks to this military drama, the directions of sufficiently well-known projects "Street of Broken Lights", "Zhara", "Liquidation" drew attention to the novice actor.

In 2005, the Contractor received a major role in the cult militant Peter Buslov "Boomer. The film is the second, "where I played Kolya, Brother Dashky (Svetlana Ustinova). After such bright work, the sentence offers began to flow regularly. In 2006, Alexander invited to participate in the detective "Your Honor" as a lawyer Konstantin Shpagina.

Alexander Golubev in the film

The image of the second plan Alexander embodied in the adventure militant "Hunting of Piranha" with Vladimir Mashkov in the lead role. The film's heroes are sent on a business trip to neutralize a flooded laboratory, in which there are hazardous substances. The situation is exacerbated by the fact that the Chinese begin hunting for chemical developments.

In the 2007 Film Film "Flint" the actor reincarnates to the ensign, and in the detective "supermarket" - in the character of Ivan. A year later, the artist receives a major role in the "Road, leading to happiness" project, which appears before the audience in the image of Mikhail, the accidental witness of an accident, in which the driver dies. After acquaintance with the daughter of the victim Lena (Ksenia Knyazeva), Mikhail understands that he fell in love with the girl. But she already has a warkher - a friend of Father Victor (Anatoly Lobocksky), who becomes her husband.

The role of Alesh Karamazov in the TV series "Brothers of the Karamazov" is a mansion in the film. Regarding this work, the actor spoke in one of his rare interviews. He noted that the character with such a big and sincere faith in God was truly difficult to play. The artist admitted that after filming in the "Karamazov brothers" it became more serious about religion. He had to "pull out" from the soul all the good thing that was there. However, he did it talented. The role of Alesh was marked by the main reward of the Golden Eagle Film Festival.

By the way, dislike for interviews and hype around his personality, Alexander Pedagogue Vitaly Solomin instilled. He repeatedly said that popularity should not become the actor to the main motivation.

Alexander Golubev in the film

An equally important work in the career of the artist was the film "Kandahar", in which Golubev played Brudist Vitka. At the XVIII International Festival of Cottage Actors "Constellation-2010", the Contractor was recognized as the winner in the category "Best Male Role of the Second Plan." The scene was based on real events that occurred with Russian pilots in 1995. Then the crew of the IL-76 aircraft captured the Afghan Taliban and continued in captivity more than a year. Along with Golubev, Alexander Baluyev, Vladimir Mashkov, Andrei Panin, Bogdan Benyuk and others were starred in the painting.

In the same year, the actor received an invitation from Nikita Mikhalkov to play in his film "Burnt by the Sun - 2: the upcoming". Alexander agreed and appeared on the screen as Captain Lyzyakov.

Military Themes are very brightly presented in Alexander filmography. In addition to the four already listed, the artist also participated in the creation of Pictures "Yalta-45" Tigran Keosayan, "Black Wolves" Dmitry Konstantinova and "Isaev" Sergei Ursulak.

Golubeva was also invited to the shooting area of ​​the Sherlock Holmes television series, which became the last in the career of the famous actor Andrei Panin.

In 2011, Alexander starred in the melodraman "Heart Battle". His counterpart on the set was Elena Lyadov. Appearing in this 4-serial tape, the Contractor proved that and with lyrical images is coping with a bang.

Alexander Golubev in the film

The artist lit up in the Thriller "Inquisitor", released on screens in 2014. In the film, we were talking about a series of mysterious deaths of influential people who occur in one city of Russia. At the scene of each crime, the killer leaves the message to Latin. Investigate the confused business is taken by St. Petersburg Fair Natalya Serebryanskaya (Victoria Isakov). Alexander Golubevo got the role of the bodyguard of the oligarch gallez (Andrei Smolyakov).

In the same 2014, Golubev stopped being removed, no one had learned the reasons. Fans believed that there was a creative crisis.

In 2017, the artist after a 3-year break in a creative biography starred in the comedy short film "Clapper" directed by Anna Goyan. The film is a light relaxed language about the work of actors and directors for the scenes, about the process of cinema. Along with Alexander, Vladimir Kalashnik and Kirill Kyaro starred in the picture.

At the same time, the director Sergey Ursulak began shooting the Motheric film "Baddance" on the novel of Alexei Ivanov. In 2016, the work was recognized as a laureate of the Big Book Prize. On one of the roles was invited by the former son-in-law Ursulaka - Golubev. In the center of the narration - the guys who passed the Afghan war, who returned to their homeland and faced with the destruction of the usual lifestyle. The picture describes events from 1985 to 1999.

Alexander Golubev in the film

Roles in the film, in addition to Alexander Golubev, are performed by Alexander Yatsenko, Sergey Makovetsky, Alexander Gorbatov and others. The premiere of "bad weather" was held on the TV channel "Russia-1" in 2018.

At the same time, work began on the 8-serial film "Satan Operation", "where Andrei Smolyakov played the main character. Golubevo got the role of a precipit sediment, the younger inspector, Sergeant Militia. Marina Alexandrova tried on the image of Sophia Timofeevna, the head of the Mura department, Victoria Isakov played a laboratory assistant KB North, and Vladimir Ilyin is the leading designer of this complex. Other popular artists were involved in the series: Sergey Koltakov, Yana Sexte, Daniela Stanovich, Alexander Baby.

The premiere took place on October 1 on the first channel. The film became the 5th in a series of films about Major Cherkasov, belonging to the cycle of criminal investigations, along with the paintings "Mosgaz", "Plach", "Spider", "Shakal".

The action unfolds in 1975, the key hero first works simple precinct, but for certain circumstances is forced to return to Moore, and then start cooperation with the KGB. Throughout the plot line, it has to be established, from where there has been a leak of information about the rocket with the speaking name "Satan".

The 6th Major film Cherkasov with the participation of Alexander came out in 2019. The Formula Revenge shows the events of the 1977th. Two years later, Ivan Petrovich is still engaged in investigations of complex cases. But this time he will have to plunge into an even more confusing criminal history. It turns out to be associated with the died of jockey, a student of the architectural institute, discharcted from the roof, and his mother who committed suicide.

Alexander Golubev now

Despite the already rich filmography, Alexander Golubev and now continues to delight fans with work in a series of paintings about Ivan Petrovich Cherkasov. The premiere of the 7th part, which was called "Katran", were appointed on October 12 2020.

It takes a year since past events, in the courtyard of the 1978th. Major and his assistants will have to plunge into the investigation of the activities of the underground casino. In Soviet years, such institutions called "Katran".

In September of the same 2020, the NTV channel announced the completion of the filming of the dramatic tape "Ax. 1943, which has become a continuation of the film "Topor". The premiere of the 1st part took place in 2018 and was timed to the celebration of Victory Day.

This time, actions unfold in 1943, 2 years after the events of the 1st part. Before the onset of the Red Army, Captain Belov (Ivan Shibanov), together with its group, where Ivan Rodin (Andrei Smolyakov), by a happy coincidence, accidentally finds the enemy's tank division next to the village. Rodin entrustes to report to the command of danger, but he is not believed, because another intelligence officer, Odintsov (Alexander Golubev), reported disguised tanks in a hundred kilometers from this village.

The Motherland is suspected of a betrayal and awareness of the Germans and arrest. But thanks to a friend, Colonel Aleshina (Dmitry Shevchenko), who tries to help a friend, one more group is sent to the village and discovers find.


  • 1997 - "Cottage"
  • 2004 - "Cadets"
  • 2007 - "Liquidation"
  • 2008 - "Once upon a time in the province"
  • 2009 - "Brothers Karamazov"
  • 2009 - "Pelagia and White Bulldog"
  • 2010 - "Smile when the stars cry"
  • 2011 - "Yalta-45"
  • 2013 - Sherlock Holmes
  • 2014 - "Inquisitor"
  • 2018 - "bad weather"
  • 2018 - "Satan Operation" "
  • 2019 - "Mosgaz. New thing Major Cherkasova "
  • 2020 - "Katran"

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