Christian Klava - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, Films 2021



Christian Klava - the star of French cinema, the brilliant comedic artist, whose name is known to the audience around the world. Colleagues call him a storm of mind and sparkling humor. The performer himself does not like when he is counted for comedians, but the art of mixing people has become the matter of his life.

Childhood and youth

Christian Jean-Marie Klava, whom the audience know more as Christian Klava, was born in May 1952 in Paris. His parents worked in a bank. It was not interested in creativity and Christian himself: he was more fond of politics. Therefore, after the end of the elementary school, the young man went to Nyui-sur-Sen, the commune on the western outskirts of Paris, where he entered the prestigious Lyceum Louis Pasteur.

After the end of the lyceum, where the clab was carried away by political scientists and communist ideas (even entered into the ranks of the local Communist Party), the young man went to learn further. He chose the Paris Institute of Politics and was going to receive the profession of the political scientist.

After 2 years, interest in politics unexpectedly dried up. This liberated place was hurned by theater and hypocrisos. Christian, together with his wife and like-minded people, with whom it was close to the Lyceum, put his first play.

It was a comedy called "There is no Georges here." The premiere took place in the beloved Bogoe Theater Cafe "Column". Clause and his spouse Ann-Marie immediately called the "Blasting Pair", which appeared in the Cafe Theater in his entire history.

The creative debut was successful, and Klava decided to go further along this road. Christian threw the university and entered the acting school at the Tsille Chaille Theater, where the Secrets of the Museum was known for several years. Simultaneously with the study, the actor acted in the comedian troupe "The Magnificent Team" (LE Splendid), which was organized with several like-minded people.


Cinematic biography of Christian Klava began after a while after the formation of Le Splendid. At first, the artists put theatrical productions. The best of these criticism recognized the performances "The concierge fell on the stairs", "no, Georges, not here" and "I want a break !!!".

In 1972, LE Splendid miniature was decreed. The audience saw the comedy grotesque called "Santa Claus - scumbags." Christian Klava in this comedy picture played transvestite Katya. The film made an impression on the audience.

Since 1973, a group of artists under the leadership of Claus created more than 20 films. How successful these works were, it is possible to judge by the number of nominations for the most prestigious French premium "Cesar": 15 times Creation of Christian moved to this reward.

In 1975, the Cinematic Biography of Claus continued rapid development. The actor debuted in the comedy film "Do not be silent because there is nothing to say." It was no longer a LE Splendid project, but the director's work Jacques Bernard. From this point on, Christian began a scenario's career: the film's cruiser was based on the idea of ​​the actor.

After 2 years, the artist played the first time with Gerard Depardieu. It happened in a plenty thriller "Tell her that I love her" Claude Miller. The film received a number of nominations for "Cesar".

In the next 1978, the comedy "tanned" director Patrice Lekontta came to the screens. In this film, the actor played with his wife Marie-Ann Chasenel. The project was successful, so in 1979 received a continuation of "tanned skiing".

In 1982, the actor met on the set with Jean Renault. They played the main roles in the comedy film "Stewka" Operation. " This tape is notable for the fact that Klavier became co-author of its scenario.

To meet Renault Klava in the picture "Thirst for Gold". It cannot be said that the project brought a great fame to the act. It happened somewhat later, when the fantastic comedy "Aliens" Jean-Marie Poire came to the screens. Here again met a stunning duet of Claus - Renault. This time the project had a stunning success and brought two stars of French cinema on the "Cesar" award.

In the "aliens", Christian Klava appeared in the comic image of a medieval peasant-squirrel nickname Zhakui Podudha. His corona exclamation "Okkkkkkayyyyyy !!!" Immediately turned into a popular meme. Brilliantly embody this image on the screen, Christian was able to thanks to the recent hobby of social ideas. Zhakui Podudoka is a collective character of French commoners from the era of the Middle Ages.

Christian Klavier's Russian viewer was especially happy after the comedy films' screens about Asterix and Obelix. These heroes, as you know, played by Claus and Gerard Depardieu.

Bright dramatic work in the filmography of Klava became the main role in Napoleon mini-series. The choice of producers of the Project Christian perceived with surprise, but he was happy to work with joy. In addition to external similarity (the growth of the artist turned out to be almost the same as his character - 168 cm, the weight is 70 kg), it was necessary to recreate the personal qualities of the character of the hero. 2 years left for training.

When creating the film, cinematographers of nine countries were involved, and the budget of the drama amounted to € 41 million, which made Napoleon one of the most expensive European TV shows at that time. Isabella Rossellini became a partner for the work site of the actor.

Despite the scale of the project, many French were not able to appreciate the dramatic talent of Christian, as they perceive it primarily as a virtuoso comic.

Personal life

In early youth, the actor met his future wife Marie-Ann Chasenel. Together they made their debut on stage and were a bright pair for a long time.

In 1983, Christian and Mari Anne had a single daughter Margo. The second daughter was not destined to appear: the girl died during childbirth in 1999. The personal life of Christian Klava and Marie Ann Chasenel proceeded in one bed for 30 years, and in 2001 the couple decided to part.

Later, the actor tied himself to the bonds of marriage with Isabel de Araukho (Isabelle de Arahao). She works by an artist in her husband's films. Couple brought up two children Isabel from the first relationship. Photo of spouses rarely fall into the media. Klava himself does not use "instagram", so fans independently organized the artist fan page.

Christian Klava now

Now in the news of French cinema with enviable constancy, the name of Christian Klava continues to appear. In 2019, the premiere of the comedy "the most crazy wedding" took place with his participation, where the actor fulfilled the role of Father's four daughters whose husbands were Arab, Jew, Chinese and African.

In the summer, the show film "Ibiza" started, in which Christian also appeared in the image of the head of the family. This time, the Hero of Klava had to win the trust of the two adoptive children of his wife, for which the whole family went on a joint holiday. On the eve of the new 2020, Klava presented another job - a comedic film "Meeting with Malawi."


  • 1975 - "Do not be silent because there is nothing to say"
  • 1977 - "Tell her that I love her"
  • 1978 - "Tanned"
  • 1991 - "Stewka Operation"
  • 1993 - "Aliens"
  • 1999 - "Asterix and Obelix against Caesar"
  • 2001 - "Aliens in America"
  • 2002 - "Napoleon"
  • 2002 - "Asterix and Obelix: Mission" Cleopatra ""
  • 2006 - "Spy Passion"
  • 2017 - "If I were a man"
  • 2019 - "The Most Mad Wedding"
  • 2019 - "Ibiza"

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