Ilshat Shabaev - biography, personal life, photos, show "Dancing" on TNT, Achievements, Dancing and Latest News 2021



Ilshat Shabaev was born at the very beginning of 1978 in the village of Komsomolsky, in the Orenburg region. It cannot be said that initially dancing became a conscious choice of a 4-year-old boy. Most likely, it was the initiative of Mom Ilshat, who decided that the dances would call many wonderful qualities in her son, would teach discipline and hard work. Well, health promotion was of great importance.

Ilshat Shabaev

The little boy at first did not really like to dance: this occupation was associated with strict discipline and selected time on games with the yard guys and watching cartoons. At first, Mom even had to encourage young dancers with different sweets. But then Ilshat, as it is called, "drawn up" into the process and already gladly visited the training of the dance group "Chechelet".

It is noteworthy that in this children's team was a purely "men's company" - that is, it consisted only of boys. He led the "Chechet" the talented choreographer Viktor Yakovlevich Bykov, whom Ilshat Shabaev, after many years, continues to call the main teacher.

Ilshat Shabaev with mom

After graduating from school, Ilshat entered the School of Culture in Native Orenburg (the family moved to the city, when the son turned 2 years old). Shabaev chose, of course, choreography. He developed earlier skills in various dance directions. At the end of the school, Ilshhat Shabaev, no longer a thought of further life without going to the music, went to conquer Moscow.

He entered the metropolitan MGIK (Moscow State University of Culture). The capital gave the Orenburg dancer with great opportunities. Famous foreign choreography and dancers often arrived in Moscow. Visiting their master classes, Shabaev compiled everything new, honing equipment and developing. Seeing the talented and promising dancer, one of the visits of the stars of choreography suggested that he move to the United States. But Ilshat refused, preferred to stay in Russia.

Dance Career

Probably, the desire of Ilshat Shabaeva remained in his homeland was dictated not only by a sense of patriotism, but also by understanding that he could develop in the desired direction, without leaving abroad.

After graduating from the university, Ilshat decided to try his strength and get a job in one of the legendary dance groups of the country - Igor Moiseyev ensemble. The dancer managed to pass a hard selection and found himself as part of the team. Moiseeva Shabaev worked for a year. At the same time, he honed the skill, visiting the modern dance school, who was led by the famous choreographer Alexander Shishkin.

Dancer Ilshat Shabaev

Feeling that the skill grew up, the young dancer decided to try to get into the Moscow Musicals. At that time, Casting was announced on Notre Dame de Paris. To get into this famous performance, Shabaev passed the 3 stage of the casting, which lasted the whole year. The debut turned out to be more than successful.

After a while, the creative biography of Ilshat Shabaev was replenished with several more musical performances, the brightest of which "love and espionage", in which the main roles got Larisa Valley and Dmitry Kharatyan, and "I am Edmon Dantes," where Dmitry Pevtsov and Natalia Vlasov shone.

In addition to working in the musicals, Ilshat Shabaev worked as a choreographer with many pop stars, including Irakli, Alsu, Vlad Topalov, Sergey Lazarev and others. With these performers, the dancer toured around the country and abroad.

In 2006, Shabaev signed a contract and went to Israel. Here he spoke at the show program of the famous pop performer Rita. Then Ilshat signed a new contract and went to China.

Ilshat Shabaev

The talented Orenburg dancer, in the creative baggage of which many achievements and cooperation with the stars of the first magnitude, believes that he received the greatest experience during performances in the famous Musical "Chicago". Here Ilshat mastered the new genre "Fossi".

The following year after Chicago, in 2014, the choreographer continued to perform in musicals. In the formulation of "Once in Odessa", he was offered the role of a gopchik. Then there were "cats" and "Bombay Dreams".

Tele Show

Ilshat Shabaev was lucky to take part in the first large-scale dance show in Russia "Dance Plane". The project was embodied on the TNT channel. The young dancer passed a huge casting, which was going on more than 3.5 thousand domestic dancers. Of these, the selection passed only 80 strongest. Among them was Ilshhat Shabaev.

The reward for winning in the project was solid: a car and a tour to Los Angeles, where it was possible to learn from the legend of the world choreography Wade Robson.

Ilshat managed not to just go to the finish line, but also win the project in the first season. For the dancer, this experience turned out to be invaluable. At the end of Shabaev's show, he was able to become a teacher in the metropolitan dance school "Mainstream".

Another television project, which was attended by Ilshat Shabaev - "Dances" on TNT. The project started in the fall of 2014. Almost 300 dancers from 77 Russian cities took part in it. The main prize for the victory also turned out to be generous: 3 million rubles, to which the title of "Best Dancer of the country" was attached.

Ilshat Shabaev - biography, personal life, photos, show

Ilshat got into the team of choreographer Egory Druzhinin. On the eve of 2015, Shabaev received the best New Year's gift for all his life - winning the show. The winner determined the audience vote. 2nd the place went to Vitaly Savchenko, the 3rd - Adam, and the 4th - Alisa Dotsenko.

After the grand touring tour, which was attended by the best project dancers, Ilshat Shabaev began to give master classes in all major cities of Russia. The directions in which he teaches is "CONTEMPORARY" and "HIP-HOP CHOREO".

Personal life

The choreographer is in the Zenith of Glory. Its working schedule is painted by the clock. Probably, therefore, the personal life of Ilshat Shabaeva for a long time was moved to the background. But with such a position of things, the handsome man and the famous choreographer was not going to put up. While participation in the TV project, Ilshat announced that she intends to create a family soon.

Ilshat Shabaev and Alphia Murzakhanov

In one of the interviews, the dancer admitted that she had long been dreaming to return to a cozy pure house, where he was looking forward to the family and the aroma of fresh baking was waiting. Now Shabaev is happily married. His choices name is Alfia Murzakhanov. Their wedding took place on September 10, 2016 in Novosibirsk.

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