Alla Demidova - biography, photo, personal life, news, films 2021



Alla Demidova - Soviet and Russian actress Theater and Cinema, which was widely popular thanks to speeches in the theater on Taganka and entered the history of Russian art as one of the most stylish actresses. Even today, when Alle Sergeyevna is already under 80 years old, the actress retains the reputation of the symbol of intelligence and to some extent remains an icon of the style.

Alla was born in Moscow. Father Actresses Sergey Alekseevich was from the family of the gold miner. Sergey Alekseevich died at the front when the Warsaw was released and the daughter practically did not keep memories of dad. Girl was growing one mother - Alexander Dmitrievna. The woman worked in Moscow State University, where he was engaged in economic programming.

Actress Alla Demidov

Demidov already at 5 years old was sure that it would become an actress. To realize this dream, the girl performed in a school drama, where she played predominantly boyish roles. After receiving the Certificate Alla, she filed documents to the theater school named after Boris Schukin, but Alla was not taken due to bad diction - the girl slightly whispered.

In the upset feelings, the girl entered the Economic Faculty of Moscow State University and tried to forget about the children's dream with all their might. After the release of Demidov, even some time taught: conducted seminars on political economy. But then Alla decided on the second attempt and became a student of the Schukinsky school. Although this time, the actress's dictation was far from flawless, despite the long classes with a speech therapist.


Nevertheless, Alla Demidov's theater school graduated with honors and received an invitation to the theater on Taganka. But she herself sought to another team - in the theater named after Evgeny Vakhtangov. The second time in the life of the actress experienced the strongest disappointment: she was again denied, as once in the admission committee of the university.

Alla Demidova and Alexander Yatsko in the play

I had to agree on the Taganka. Perhaps it was the inner reluctance at that time to work with Yuri Lyubimov played his role, but debut on stage in the play "Hero of Our Time" turned out to be a real failure. Such a speech naturally affected the further creative biography of the actress.

After that, the director used it for a long time only in mass scenes. However, the audience, even in minor roles, began to notice an interesting manner of Demidova, celebrated her plastic, gestures and a look that loved the "well-worked expression of a tired irony in the eyes." Thanks to the talent of Alla Sergeyevna, theatrical awards for the roles in the players of the Peak Hour and Hamlet were obtained before the peak of its popularity.

Alla Demidova in the play

In 1986, differences begins in the team of the theater, and Alla Demidov decides to leave the scene, which has become native. For a long time, she cooperates with Roman Viktyuk, and in the early 1990s, it organizes its own "A" theater, which specializes in classics and especially on antique drama.


Cinema Alla Demidova took place in 1957. She starred in the Drama "Leningrad Symphony". But this work, as well as the next following, the actress itself calls "just inhibition", since Alla then treated with suspicion. And the full debut of Demidov considers shooting in the biographical melodrama "Daytime Stars" about the Leningrad Writer Olga Berggolts.

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After this film, the actress is already removed a lot and fruitful. On her account and life tragedies "You and I", and the detective stories of the "Baskerville dog", and the classic film "Seagull" and "Shield and Sword". A mansion in the filmography of Alla Demidova is the fantastic tape "Flight McK-Kinley", where she was able to play again with his favorite partner Vladimir Vysotsky.

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In the 1990s, Alla fell into the number of artists who were not very shot during the crisis of domestic cinema. The roles were offered to her, but she was not interested in playing mothers of new Russians. But in the 21st century, paintings with the participation of Demidov began to appear again on the screens. First of all, it is necessary to pay attention to its role of wealthy widow from the "Adviser" melodrama, the tragicomed "Russian money", which is the screening of the play by Alexander Ostrovsky, and the comedy of Kira Muratova "Eternal Return". In this film, the actress partner became the legendary Oleg Tabakov.

Personal life

Alla Demidova is one of the most mysterious actresses of past generations. Alla Sergeyevna is a strict woman, to which part of colleagues is elementary afraid of contacting once again. What to talk about male fans who are often just frightened by the spiritual strength of this amazing actress.

Nevertheless, with his own sole husband Alla Sergeyevna lived for more than fifty years. Spouse actresses is also a very famous person. Vladimir Valutsky sign in filmmakers as the author of the scenario of famous paintings "Winter Cherry", "Mary Poppins, goodbye!", "The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes and Dr. Watson", "Admiral" and others.

Vladimir Valutsky and Alla Demidov

Demidov herself does not consider his own personal life too happy, because the spouse more than once was fond of other women and even had a daughter's daughter Alexander from the actress of hope of Rimin. But Alla said goodbye treasure and kept the family until the death of her husband, although his own children, unfortunately, did not give birth.

Today, the fans of the Yaros actress are discussed, Alla Demidov made plastic operations or not. The actress looks young and fashionable, and some of the viewers are confident that without aesthetic medicine it did not cost, but the actress itself does not comment on this issue. But no matter how such changes in the appearance of the actress, fans make sure that in the end Alla Demidov lost his own individuality.

Alla Demidova now

In 2016, Alla Demidov became the winner of the Star Theater Prize in the Honorary Nomination "Legend of the Scene".

In June 2017, Alla Demidov appeared as Baba Yagi in the Drama Drama, the premiere of which was held at the Moscow International Film Festival. The film was removed based on the novels of Ryunca Akutagaba "in more often".

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The film is removed by the structure of the picture in the picture. The action of the first layer unfolds when the country rules Russian Emperor Alexander II. The princely courtyard Freillus tells the fairy tale, in the fantastic world of which is the main story about the mystical murder of Tsarevich in the forest. Events from the story of Freillan allegedly occur in the 13th century and focus on the testimony of eyewitness of the crime, whose words differ from what happened.

On November 16, 2017, the actress became a guest of the studio of the TV show "The Fate of Man" with Boris Korchevnikov, where it shared with the TV viewers details of their own life.

On November 24, Alla Demidov received the Grand Program, the Prize of the Snob magazine "Made in Russia-2017" for Cyril Serebrennikov.

The artistic director of Gogol Center, Kirill Serebrennikov, was at this house arrest at this time. Cyril Serebrennikov is accused of organizing the embezzlement of 68 million rubles, allocated founded by the artistic director of the Seventh Studio from the budget to create a project "Platform". Alla Demidov said a speech on this occasion, in which he called what was happening a tragic mistake.

On November 28 and 29, the BDT named after Tovstonogov passed the play "Anna Akhmatova. The poem without a hero "in the formulation of the famous actress Alla Demidov and director Kirill Serebrennikov, in which the actors of the Gogol Center played. Setting is timed to the festival "Golden Mask".

The performance was created in poems of Akhmatova, the fermented "Requiem" and "poems without a hero", as well as on the book of Alla Demidova "Akhmatov mirrors", published in 2004.

Alla Demidov

The visual component of the new formulation is taken from ideas expressed in the book of Alla Sergeyevna: Echo, the appearance in the twin mirrors, scraps of papers, shadows and images of those who became part of the "poems" of Akhmatova.

It is also worth mentioning that the book dedicated to the work of Akhmatova is not the only literary product of the authorship of the actress. Thirty years of Alla Sergeevna pays attention to literary creativity. From under the pen, the actress came out 14 books in which Alla Sergeyevna recalls the past and reflects on theatrical life and acting skills. In 2016, Alla Demidov published the book "Nostalgia is a memory" and wrote a preface and amounted to the collection from the poems Anna Akhmatova "Wild Honey". The last books of Alla Demidova were "Italian travels" and "My Vysotsky" today.


  • 1966 - "Day Stars"
  • 1970 - "Seagull"
  • 1971 - "I go to you"
  • 1975 - "Mr. McKinley's flight"
  • 1981 - "Baskerville Dog"
  • 1981 - "Starfall"
  • 1984 - "Rest time from Saturday to Monday"
  • 1985 - "Children of the Sun"
  • 1997 - "Little Princess"
  • 1998 - "Invisible Traveler"
  • 2004 - "Admitter"
  • 2004 - "Death of Tairova"
  • 2006 - "Russian money"
  • 2012 - "Eternal Return"
  • 2017 - "Bag without the bottom"

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