Mikhail Kononon - biography, personal life, death, photo, filmography, theater work, rumors and the latest news



The main character of the wonderful tape "Big Change" - the teacher of the story Nestor Petrovich forever remained a "business card" of this artist. Favorite millions of compatriots Actor Mikhail Ivanovich Kononov was born in Moscow on April 25, 1940. He grew up in a simple family with modest income. There were no artists in his family or artists.

Mikhail Kononov in youth

But the "attraction" of the scene Mikhail Kononov felt already in early adolescence. Together with his friend and classmate Andrei Smirnov, subsequently became the director and withdrawn the legendary film "Belorussian station", he actively participated in school amateur.

The guys put beautiful amateur performances and prepared pop programs for school evenings. This first success and pushed Mikhail Kononov to the road on which he went after graduation. In 1963, a young actor received a diploma named after Mikhail Shchepkin and was immediately accepted into the small theater troupe. On this scene, the creative biography of Mikhail Kononov began.


On the stage of the Theater Kononov went out for 5 years. But more comfortable actor felt at the shooting site. Yes, and the demand of Mikhail Ivanovich in the cinema was huge. After the debut role in the picture of Ivan Pyrhev "Our common friend", who played a young artist in student years, proposals followed one after another.

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Mikhail Kononov's appearance often dictated role. He was offered to play prompt, simple and bright soul of heroes. Vitka in the melodrame "Our common friend", Kolka in the lyrical film "First Trolleybus", Alyosha Semenov in the military drama "There is no firefire", Lieutenant Malshkin in a military comedy "in the war as in war." All these images, though differed, but, nevertheless, were associated with one amplua. In all, tragedy, laughter through tears.

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Tragicomic images Mikhail Kononov was doomed to play all his life. Only small exceptions occasionally violated such an order of things. For example, in the drama Andrei Tarkovsky "Andrei Rublev" Kononov played a monk foma. This role of the second plan subsequently turned out to be one of the favorite roles of the actor. It was this work that he was proud, although not at all thomas, and other cinema images glorified the artist.

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Mikhail Kononov's tangible fame brought the tragicomedy "Chief Chukotka". Here, the audience saw the magnificent duet of two artists - Kononov and Alexey Gribova. But popular fame collapsed on the actor after the exits on the "big change" screens. This cheerful comedy, where the color of the domestic cinema is assembled, and today is loved by millions of television viewers. But when she just went to the screens, he had the effect of a broken bomb. The audience adored Nestor Petrovich and all his disciples.

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Oddly enough, Mikhail Kononov himself did not like his star roles. "Large change" and "Chief Chukotka" he recalled with reluctance.

In the early 1980s, the actor first tried himself in kindergarten. Films with his participation "Guest from the Future", "Rings of Almanzor" and "Finist - Clear Falcon" liked not to one generation of children. Despite the fact that Kononov's heroes were spelled out in the scenario as the characters of the second plan, thanks to the talent of Mikhail Ivanovich, they became quite equal with the main characters of films.

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But in the late 1980s, the world's world began to change rapidly. And these changes were not like the artist. Mikhail Kononov said that he was brought up in a different value system and belongs to that generation of the acting class, which cannot afford to be filmed in low-line projects for money. Therefore, Kononov refused many of the roles offered. It could not but affect his material situation. The actor sold the metropolitan apartment and built a small house in the waterproof village near Moscow.

During this period, friends and close actors recall that he was very proud of its achievements in the farm. He gladly worked in a garden, growing a wonderful crop of cabbage and watermelons. Near the house Ros grapes. Kononov grown the pig and dreamed of drooping the pond.

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But he could not boast of work in cinema. He refused the proposed roles, without agreeing to them for any money. After reading the next scenario, it was openly called the proposed role of anti-kettle and anti-source.

Kononov said that he was ashamed to be filmed in such a "ahine" before the dead comrades. As you know, Oleg Dal, Viktor Pavlov and Vitaly Solomin were classmates Mikhail Ivanovich in Pike. Therefore, in recent years, Mikhail Kononov appeared only in several pictures. The audience saw his favorite artist in the tapes "Pirs Valstasar, or Night with Stalin", "Ryaba's" church "and" in the first circle ". In the last film, the actor was shot, overcome the disease.

Personal life

With his wife, Natalia actor lived for almost 40 years. There were no children from a couple, so Mikhail Kononov's personal life is his little family and creativity.

Mikhail Kononov and his wife Natalia

Shortly before the death of Mikhail Ivanovich wrote a book of memories. But memoirs did not accept any publisher, asking huge amounts for printing a book. And the artist's own money did not have. As loved friends, Kononov dreamed to see his work to see contemporaries, especially young actors. He wanted to tell them the "whole truth about his life" and share the secrets of acting skills.


The artist did not live to the 70th anniversary of 3 years. Recently, he dreamed of playing in a good picture, for which he would not be ashamed before the dead comrades and his conscience. A earned fee to spend on the publication of memoirs. But life ordered otherwise.

Mikhail Mikhail Kononova

In the summer of 2007, Mikhail Ivanovich Kononov came to the hospital. Diagnosis "Pneumonia" against the background of thrombophlebitis and the previously transferred infarct sounded as a sentence. For more than two weeks, doctors fought for his life. But on July 15, 2007, heart failure developed against pneumonia. After a day, the artist was not. Mikhail Kononon is buried in Columbia Vagankovsky cemetery.


  • 1961 - "Our common friend"
  • 1966 - "Chief Chukotka"
  • 1966 - "Andrei Rublev"
  • 1967 - "In the fire of the fodder there is no"
  • 1968 - "In war as in war"
  • 1972 - "Hello and Farewell"
  • 1973 - "Big Change"
  • 1979 - "Taiga Tale"
  • 1981 - "Vasily and Vasilisa"
  • 1984 - "Guest from the Future"
  • 2006 - "In the first round"

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