Elena Uronic - biography, personal life, photos, news, ex-wife Bari Alibasova, Son, Age 2021



Elena Uronic - the former civilian wife Bari Alibasov, who erected his son. The producer in his youth led a stormy personal life and stated that in every city where he toured, people called themselves who called themselves from the walled children, but only this child a man agreed to admit.

Childhood and youth

Elena Uronic was born in 1962 in Saratov, she lived with the mother of Emma Ivanovna. About the early years of her biography is only known that the girl was a fan of the "Integral" group.

Elena Uronic - biography, personal life, photos, news, ex-wife Bari Alibasova, Son, Age 2021 1989_1

Personal life

Alibasov argued that in 1985, during concerts in Saratov, they and other Sergey Yankin met with two girls named Elena opposite the Europe Hotel, both were given by Bari. Alibasov-Jr. Alibasov told another story: his mother left the man with whom he was gained, it was a man close to the "Star" Tusovka.

Uronic confirmed this version, mentioning the administrator of the Integral Group, with which she got close to get to the producer. Some Sergey Lokkin, who studied with the lady in the same school, argued that at that time he had a novel with her, and Alibasov Jr. - His Son, but the DNA test did not confirm this information. Also, Lokkin said that Elena was married to a man who suffered alcohol addiction, but it did not interfere with their meetings.

According to the official version, Elena has met two years with the leader of the "integral", but he at first did not want to admit the son and persuaded to make an abortion. Since 1999, Uronic has been treated in a psychiatric clinic, where she was diagnosed with schizophrenia. Saratovchanka ran with a knife for friends of Bari Jr. and a poker distilled the spirits from his bed. The boy was hungry, at the age of 7 sold stolen apples on the market, even local gangsters regretted him and did not touch him. Becoming older, the guy handed over the colored metal. Alibasov Sr. sent a family for a year ahead, but the mother was lost or gave scammers, and once their apartment robbed.

Elena Uronic and Son Bari Alibasov - Junior

In the end, Bari Alibasov - the younger could not stand and persuaded the father to take him to Moscow by car. He agreed, after which Elena wrote a letter to the governor of the Saratov region, accusing the producer in pedophilia and intent to seduce his son. The scandal managed to lean, and the father of the boy admitted him officially and arranged to the English school.

Bari Barievich did not hold evil on his parent, but he almost stopped communicating with his mother. In December 2019, a businessman posted on his page in the "Instagram" photo from the Saratov Regional Psychiatric Hospital of Hagia Sophia, where the Uronic was after a meeting with Alibasov-Elder on the broadcast "actually". According to the Son, since that time the disease aggravated, once the lady called all relatives and reported that he was on the floor all in the blood, and when no one came, was going to swallow the bank of the sleeping pill.

Elena Uronic now

In September 2020, Uronic appeared again in the program "In fact." Alibasov Jr. assured that the mother sent to Italy to the fashionable resort of Montecatini Terme, where accommodation cost € 2500 per month, and for the sake of this journey it was necessary to sell a family apartment in Saratov. Then Barim Karimovich appeared on the air, which said that the son is lying, and his PR director Vadim Gorodekin said that the woman was in Moscow, she was not allowed to wash and hold the injignment. Elena herself passed the check on the detector of Lie, which confirmed this version.

In October 2020, Alexander Nadkin, a 25-year-old man from Tambov, who suffers autism, came to the Studio Transmission Studio "Direct Ether". Up to 18 years old he studied at the boarding school, where he learned from the music teacher of Faith Maltseva, which is the extramarital son of Alibasov. Uronic told that she was really pregnant from the producer again in 1995, having met him in the Tambov restaurant, where he dined with Lydia Fedoseeva-Shukshina. Bari Karimovich, having learned that the child was born with developmental impairment, persuaded a woman to pass it in the orphanage. But the DNA test showed that there is no kinship between him and there.

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On February 27, 2021, Alibasov Jr. brought Elena to Kaliningrad, where he lived with his father and daughter Amelia. Barim Karimovich lay with a broken foot and a spinal injury after fell out of the window. The former civilian wife and son calmed for the creator of the group "on-on", which moved in a wheelchair and struggled to his feet with difficulty.

On May 13, 2021, Uronic appeared in the Studio of the Transmission Studio "Direct Ether" to protect the Son from the attacks of aunt Rosa Karimovna, who accused the owner in the rough handling of his father. Elena also reported that he never had complaints about Alibasov, because deliberately chose him as a "male producer."

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