Arkady Rothenberg - Biography, Photo, Personal Life, News 2021



Arkady Rothenberg is one of their richest people in Russia with a billionaist state. The entrepreneur owns the largest Russian company for the construction of gas pipelines and electrolytesis and is the co-owner of the Bank "Northern Sea Path". In addition to the business, the oligarch is engaged in sports activities - the International Judo Development Fund and holds the post of vice-president of the judo judo of Russia.

Rotenberg Arkady Romanovich was born on December 15, 1951 in the cultural capital of Russia in an intelligent family. Parents, Jews by nationality, the future oligarch became the firstborn. From the early years of the boy developed in the sports direction - in the preschool age, Rothenberg visited acrobatics, and already in 12 years he was recorded in the Judo section. This type of martial art was for a guy in passion and the main direction in the future career.

Entrepreneur Arkady Rotenberg.

In the Judo section, Arkady Rothenberg was acquainted with the future president of the Russian Federation Vladimir Putin, with whom the boy trained in a pair, as it was in the same weight category. Friendship swept through many years, and today Putin and his friend Rothenberg continue to maintain good relations.

About the biography of Arkady Rothenberg in school and student years there are no reliable facts, which was the "white stain" for society. It is known that after graduation, the billionaire was held in the army, after which he entered the Leningrad State University of Physical Education and Sports. Lesgafta. At the end of the university Arkady, 15 years worked as a sports coach. Judoist trained children, heading Leningrad Sports School.

Arkady Rotenberg and Vladimir Putin

Professionalism in Sport Rothenberg confirmed the defense of the candidate and doctoral dissertations. Throughout the career, Arkady Romanovich devoted part of himself a sport, which made it possible to become a well-deserved employee of physical culture and coach of the Russian Federation.


In the early 1990s, during the collapse of the USSR, Arkady Rothenberg took up the business, which was associated with the organization of competitions in combat martial arts. In addition, the judoist became a co-founder of a number of firms that have deliberate income to create a large-scale business.

Arkady Rotenberg

Along with the commerce, Rothenberg helped Putin, who by that time he was already held the post of heads of the CCC in the St. Petersburg City Hall, exercise Judo - Arkady continued training with the future Russian leader in the role of Sparring partner. Thanks to this, a sports club in Judo "Javara-Neva" appeared in the cultural capital of Russia, founded by Rothenberg in the idea of ​​Putin. Today, this club, honorable president of which was the President of Russia, is considered the most titled state sports club who won the European Championships six times.

In the early 2000s, the business Arcadia Rotenberg began to develop rapidly and largely. At that time, the future oligarch entered the leadership of the leading Russian companies and banks "Northern Sea Path", "Talion", Rostelecom, "Invest Building" and "Pipe Metal Rank". Commercial activity businessman carried out jointly with the younger brother Boris, who by the time also built a professional sports career in Finland in the same direction of martial arts as the brother.

Vladimir Putin and Arkady Rothenberg

By the mid-2000s, Rotenberg's brothers sent business to the gas sphere and engaged in development at the All-Russian level. To do this, the Gazprom corporation redeemed five construction firms, which by 2008 united in the company "Stroygazmontazh". At the same time Arkady Vladimirovich became a monopolist in the field of pipeline supplies to the Russian market and began expanding the business towards the development of gas infrastructure. The total annual turnover of Volgogradneftemash and four construction companies Arkady Rotenberg (LengazspetsStroy, Spetsgasrestroy, Krasnodargasstroy and Volgogaz) reached 43.5 billion rubles.

A year later, Rothenberg began to build a gas pipeline on the Black Sea coast. The pipe was laid through three settlements - Dzhubga, Lazarevskoye and Sochi. The contract was signed without a contest. During the same year, the wards Arkady Rotenberg began the construction of a gas pipeline on the Sakhalin Branch - Khabarovsk - Vladivostok.

Chairman of the Board of Directors of Stroygazmontazh ARKADIY ROTENBERG

Rothenberg also owns the insurance company SMP-Insurance. Together with Brother, Boris Arkady, becomes the main owner of the shares "Northern European Pipe Project" (76%).

In 2010, Arkady Rotenberg's assets were replenished with shares of road companies who received serious state order for the construction of the Moscow-Saint Petersburg paid road. The route passed through the Khimkinsky forest, despite the public protests about the inadmissibility of the violation of environmental equilibrium in the area due to the deforestation of the forest massif.

The entrepreneur also participated in the construction of roads related to the preparation of the Winter Olympic Games in Sochi.

Arkady Rotenberg

In early 2010, the gas-tube magnate took up priority for himself in the field of oil and gas construction. The entrepreneur also expanded assets in the companies of the largest Russian manufacturers, among whom ten enterprises of the alcohol industry belonging to Rosspitprom.

In 2015, the Rothenberg Stroygazmontazh Holding received a general contract for the construction of a Kerch bridge through the strait, which became the largest project of the Russian Federation in recent years. The cost of the project amounted to 230 billion rubles.

Chairman of the Board of Directors of Stroygazmontazh ARKADIY ROTENBERG

Arkady Rotenberg defended his doctoral dissertation in the field of pedagogy. A businessman, being a professional athlete, wrote 30 educational and scientific works, which affected the organization of the training process. Since 2013, Arkady received a place in the Board of Directors of OJSC Publishing House Enlightenment. A year later, Rothenberg became the owner of the controlling stake in the Red Square Television Companies Group.

Personal life

Personal life Arcadia Rothenberg is not so successful as his business. It is known that the entrepreneur was twice married, but the family life did not become happy in one marriage, as families collapsed, despite the presence of children.

From the first wife of Galina, the oligarch had three children - the sons of Igor and Paul and the daughter of Lily, who gave the father of three grandchildren. The son of Rotenberg Igor also, like the Father, is engaged in business, being the owner and co-owner of road construction, gas and energy companies. And Paul mastered the profession of hockey player and already stands for the junior team of Russia in hockey.

Arkady Rotenberg

In the second marriage with Natalia Rothenberg, the billionaire has two children were born - Barbara and Arkady. In 2013, having lived 8 years in marriage, the spouses divorced. The second family of Rothenberg settled in the UK. Natalia Rothenberg continues to engage in charity in the field of supporting children's sports and choreographic schools, tournaments and competitions. The headquarters of the organization is located in London, but it does not interfere with Natalia to provide meetings with compatriots.

Thanks to the NR FUNDATION Foundation in 2017, choreographic classes were restored in the Kurgan School of Art. Such attention of the ex-wife of the oligarch to the needs of the provincial town is explained by the fact that in 1995 Natalia She graduated from the choreographic department of the Kurgan school.

In 2014, the billionaire in connection with the situation in Ukraine fell under anti-Russian sanctions, so the monetary assets in the EU were frozen. Rothenberg lost the opportunity to pay the alimony of younger children, who remained only on the guardianship of the mother. Against the background of the current situation, Natalia nominated property claims to the ex-spouse.

State assessment

According to experts, the state of Arkady Rothenberg for 2016 is $ 1 billion in the list of the richest businessmen of Russia according to Forbes, the entrepreneur takes 75 position, dropping up 15 points of rating compared to last year.

Arkady Rothenberg now

Western sanctions did not prevent Arkady Rothenberg to develop a business. Firms registered at the British Virgin Islands, the entrepreneur rejected on the Son. In 2016, Arkady became the founder of the National Gas Group LLC together with Artem Obolensky. In 2017, on behalf of its own companies acquired shares of the sports and entertainment quarter "Park Legends".

Arkady and Boris Rothenberg

Now with the light hand of Western media and Alexey Navalny, who regularly posts on the Internet of real estate photos of the oligarchs, Arkady and Boris Rotenberg are called the "kings of the state order", as the brothers get top applications on behalf of the state. Putin's friends clan in 2016 entered the top three most wealthy families in Russia. The family of Shamalov and Gutseriev also fell into this number. The Rothenberg clan, which, in addition to the brothers, includes their elder sons - Igor and Roman, owns a state of $ 2.8 billion.


  • Honored Trainer of the Russian Federation
  • 2005 - Honored Worker of Physical Culture of the Russian Federation
  • 2013 - Order of Friendship
  • 2013 - Honorary Mission of the President of the Russian Federation
  • 2015 - Order of Rev. Sergius of Radonezh I degree
  • 2016 - Gratitude to the President of the Russian Federation

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