Irene Ferrari - biography, photo, personal life, news, "instagram", plastic operations 2021



Irene Ferrari (Irina Matsino) can be treated in different ways. The only thing is excluded is indifference. Little who manages to stay indifferent at the near future with this extraordinary personality.

Childhood and youth

Irina Matsino was born in February 1981 in the village of Ilinogorsk, which was located nearby Nizhny Novgorod. Nothing is known about Irina's parents. The girl tells only about his own uncle, who succeeds by the metropolitan lawyer.

As for the early years of heroine, Irina was an ordinary girl in childhood, which was not much different from the peers. Ira loved literature and hated physics with mathematics. And the girl attended the music school, which he graduated from the piano class.

After graduating from school, Irina Matsino entered one of the St. Petersburg legal universities. Practice The girl took place in the police. Already then Matsino first thought about creating its own network of cosmetic salons. The idea of ​​the change in appearance also came in St. Petersburg. According to some reports, Irina painfully survived parting with his beloved person. Perhaps the girl decided that nonideal physical parameters became one of the reasons for breaking the relationship.

After moving from Peter to Moscow, Irina got a new job. With the help of an uncle-lawyer, the girl took a minor position in the legal office. But soon I realized that it would not be possible to achieve significant success in the capital of essential success. Matsino decided that the bet must be made on the shock.

Plastic operations

In the mid-2000, Irina decided and for the first time he fell under a plastic surgeon's knife. Matsino increased the size of the chest from the 2nd to the 4th. Soon there were sponsors that helped the enterprising girl to open their own beauty salon in Nizhny Novgorod. At the same time, Irina continued to improve its own parameters.

The affairs in Novgorod went well, and in a couple of years Ira opened another salon, but already in the capital. And here business was going on increasing. The girl had tools for planned plastics. But this time Irina decided to make operations not in Russia, but in France. According to some reports, the second surgical intervention of the heroine survived in the clinic near Monaco. There the star "grated one and a half liters of silicone" into each chest, after which the size of the main dignity of the girl received impressive sizes.

Soon there was a few more plastic operations, in particular, rhinoplasty is a change in the shape of the nose, suspenders and other manipulations that can be attributed to aesthetic medicine.

During this period, the biography of a rapid star was started under the scenic name Irene Ferrari. The name of the heroine chose, taking a French porn actress and a dancer Eva Valua, who became famous for Lolo Ferrari. The Frenchwoman also artificially increased its bust to a volume of 180 cm, which came to the Guinness Book of Records. The girl was called the "eighth miracle of the world", but Lolo loomed. She was pursued by diseases associated with the high weight of the chest, and in 2000 Lolo died from choking in a dream.

After another number of operations, Irene Ferrari breast reached the 10th size. The other parameters of the outrageous star have changed. The girl reduced the size of the waist, following the example of the dimity of the background of the TIZ, and increased the buttocks so that they remind the same part of the body at Jennifer Lopez. Irina changed and data of passports, officially taking the name Irene Ferrari.


Adjusted exterior allowed Irene Ferrari to open the doors, about which the girl could only dream, working as a modest lawyer in the uncle's office. A shock star starred in a variety of photo sessions, including nude. The images appeared in glossy male tabloids. Journalists of yellow editions lined up for interviews.

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Irene Ferrari began to regularly appear on the screen. The star was invited to a talk show. She accepted the invitation of Andrei Malakhov, told about himself on the popular current show "Let them talk." Indeed, after that, Irene Ferrari spoke even more and louder. Someone condemned, accusing in oblivion and vulgarity, and someone called the standard of female beauty, but most importantly, that Iren said. In an interview with Malakhov, Irene Ferrari shared that the changes in appearance were worth $ 1 million.

Iren became famous and closed parties, which was invited to the VIP-public. Ferrari appeared on them nude. According to the celebrity, the topless disco it was arranged exclusively for girls.

Films and television

"Creative" Biography Irene Ferrari continued to be supplemented with new pages. The artist starred in a number of television serials and films. In 2005, Irene appeared in an episodic role in the criminal drama "Rublevka Live", in which it was about the upcoming Wedding of Larisa and Alik, residents of the Odintsovo district of Moscow. Ferrari appeared in the image of the Manyak victim. The film also starred by the artist Nikas Safronov, who played himself.

A year later, the star of show business lit up in the Sitkom "Happy together" about the family of the Bukina Genes, the seller of the shoe store. In 2007, the next episodic role of Irene Ferrari received in the comedy "Balzakovsky age, or all the men of his ... 3", in which the star cast was gathered: Julia Menshova, Lada Dance, Alika Storkov, Zhanna Epple, Vera Alentova, Andrei Sokolov. A year later, the comedy was published on the screens on the screens about the traffic police officers of the traffic police, etc., where Dmitry Nagiyev starred in the title role.

Irene Ferrari - biography, photo, personal life, news,

In the same year, Irena Ferrari appeared in the form of seductive beauty in the comedy series "Soldati-14", as well as in the episode of criminal melodrama "Bet for Life". The last work of Irene has become a role in the "partisans" comedy about eight stock officers who are leaving for retraining in Taiga.

Also, the celebrity regularly appears in popular TV projects - "called dinner", "Comedy Club", "Intuition", "12 evil spectators."


Irene Ferrari several times became the culprit of an accident. In 2012, she rammed the "Toyota Camry", as well as inertia, standing in Parking Hyundai Sonata. Two people got lightweight. The girl herself damaged the ankle and chest.

The resulting bruises Irene left to treat a private clinic, abandoning the services of state medical institution. Soon she collided on the road with trolleybus and remembered its own Lexus. On the latter case, the holder of lush forms recalled with humor with his own page in "Instagram".

Another nasalization of Irene with a flight to the USA. Being at the airport, she fainted due to the fact that one implant burst inside the chest. After the incident in the media, rumors spread that Ferrari died. Foreign press considered this news worthy placement on the front bands of newspapers.

Personal life

For many years, Irene led a free free lifestyle and adhered to the opinion that the marriage bonds would only damage her career. Therefore, her personal life was filled with rumors about the many novels. But the celebrity willingly talked about them, although rarely called the names of their own elects. Where in the tolded was true, and where the fiction, no one except her, is unknown. For example, Ferrari argued that she enjoys the services of men "on call". And he also said that among the beloved there are actors, directors and even one deputy who gave her Bentley.

At the end of 2020, the secular lioness in his instagram account began to specify the name of the man - Dmitry. Irene wrote the entry posts about him, confessed in love and thanked the fate for this acquaintance. Who is this mysterious stranger, the initials of which Ferrari so diligently removed on sandy beaches while traveling is unknown. But on the attempts of one of the fans to get acquainted on the web, she concisely replied that he was already married, and even showed a tattoo with the letter "d" on his hand.

A celebrity leads a blog in "Instagram", where there is a personal photo and communicates with fans. Favorite objects for Selfie Ferrari believes their breasts, as well as black spa, their own four-legged pets.

Irene Ferrari now

At the beginning of 2021, the actress performed a long-time dream and went to Baikal. There, in a red dress, which had to nail to the ice of the lake, she starred in a photo shoot.

Now Irene has become less to appear in public and stopped pleaseing the public with outrageous leavings. However, fans are guess if her phrase about marriage is not another trigger, then maybe Ferrari is trying on the new role of the chamber of the family hearth.


  • 2005 - "Rublevka Live"
  • 2006 - "Happy together"
  • 2007 - "Balzakovsky age, or all men of his ... 3"
  • 2008 - "Betting on life"
  • 2008 - "Soldati-14"
  • 2008 - "Traffic police, etc."
  • 2010 - "Partizans"

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