Oksana Grigorieva - biography, personal life, photo, news, Mel Gibson, Timothy Dalton, children 2021



Oksana Grigorieva - Russian singer, pianist and songwriter who immigrated to the United States. Oksana's name was popularly popular when she moved to live abroad and tied her life with Hollywood star with Chalk Gibson.

Childhood and youth

Oksana Petrovna Chernuha, namely, she wore such surname in her childhood and his youth, was born in Saransk in February 1970. In addition to Oksana, another, younger daughter Natalia grew up.

Parents were professional musicians. They were taught at the local music school. Love for music, as well as good hearing and voice got Oksana from parents. The girl made the first attempts to learn how to play the piano when she was barely 3 years old.

In the music school, Oksana Chernukhu was taken at 6 years old. At the same time, she already knew how much, because Mom regularly practiced with her. After graduating from a musical and secondary school, the girl decided to continue musical education. She entered the Kazan Conservatory, which successfully studied until 1990.


Since music and vocals turned out to be the only occupation, which attracted Oksana, the girl decided to go on this path on. But I decided not to build a musical career of Chernukha in Russia, but abroad. At 20, she went to the UK. There, in the Royal College London, Oksana continued to improve his musical talents and knowledge.

To earn money for life, she was taken for different work: she taught the children to the piano, gave chamber concerts in churches, playing classic works, cared for older people and worked as a waitress in bars.

It was there, in one of the bars, a pretty girl noticed the famous photographer Patrick Ansen. He is known not only to the fact that it makes professional pictures of the members of the royal family, but also falls by the cousin of Prince Charles himself.

After several pictures of Patricks, other colleagues of Ansen drew attention to Russian beauty. Soon the girl earned a living by no music and supervision behind the old men, but as a model. It was then that she changed the surname of the Father to the more sonorous mother's - Grigorieva.

Model Career Oksana Grigorieva developed successfully. Her pictures appeared in fashionable glossy magazines.

In 1995, the cinematic biography of Oksana Grigorieva began. The girl received an offer from Nikita Mikhalkov to work as a translator at the Film Festival in London. This work helped Oksana to get acquainted with many famous person from the world of cinema.

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Thanks to one of them, the actor Timothy Dalton - Grigorieva starred in a low-budget tape "A to Zen". In the image of the Russian girl of Kati, a beginner actress appeared on the screen in 1996. The picture was shown at the Festival in Edinburgh.

Those who look this film now will be quite difficult to learn today Oksana Grigoriev. After several plastic operations, the appearance of the singer has undergone changes. At the same time, the fans of the girl argue - whether plastic went to Oksana for the benefit or not.

In 2005, a beginner actress and singer moved to America. Here, in Los Angeles, Oksana Grigorieva continued to develop his musical career. She managed not only to become a successful teacher and patent the original teaching technique, but also debut as a composer. In 2006, Grigoriev wrote the song "Un Dia Llegara". This composition fell into the album "Awake" Josh Goban.

Successful debut wrapped Oksana Grigoriev. Soon she becomes known not only as a composer, but also as the author and performer of several popular songs.

In 2009, together with Charlie Midnight Oksana Grigorieva managed to write its album "Beautiful Heartache". This collection, which entered 11 compositions, is known for the fact that Helm Gibson became his producer.

Oksana Grigorieva and Oksana Samoilova (similar)

One of the songs was written by Oksana with chalk. The composition was called "Say My Name" and was selected by the soundtrack for the film "Retribution". The remaining ten songs of this album Oksana Grigorieva wrote independently.

Also, the record has entered the Russian song "Other black". Another sign of this album was the song "Angel", which is dedicated to the Son of the singer Alexander, who was born in 1997 with Timothy Dalton.

The album Oksana Grigorieva was quite warmly met with musical critics. ABC News reported that the title song "Beautiful Heartache" album received "enthusiastic reviews" of musical critics.

Oksana is engaged in patronage. In 2010, she created the Chernobyl Kids Assistance Fund. For the purpose of charity, the actress has repeatedly leaving the cities of Russia and Belarus with concerts. The first speech took place in Moscow. For help in organizing a tour, the celebrity appealed to the Foundation "Give Life" Chulpan Hamaya and Dina Korzun.

In 2019, Oksana Grigoriev surprised fans of the new premiere of the song Pissed and the clip on her. Directed by Video - Russian Alexei Figurov persuaded the artist to appear before the camera in a naked form sitting on horseback. The audience was able to appreciate the appearance of celebrities, which does not lose attractiveness over the years. Its weight does not change from young age and is 60 kg with growth of 173 cm.

The roller of the singer posted on the personal channel "Yutyuba". Oksana leads the active life of the blogger. In "Instagram" it places not only a photo related to work, but also family pictures. In 2019, the performer showed his subscribers of frames with a matured son. Through the social network, the singer congratulated him with the 22nd Bldis.

It also became known that Hit Pissed, whose arranger was Lloyd Tolbert, who previously worked with Diaan Ross, Lionel Richie, Stevie Wander, and the author of the text - Tony Haynes, brought the artist's recognition of musical critics.

In 2020, the singer continued experiments in the music direction. She writes songs in the style of blues. On the page of the personal "Instagram" Oksana promotes the cosmetic line and shares its model pictures.

Personal life

It is known that Oksana Grigorieva's personal life is 4 marriage. The first one happened in 1989, when Oksana turned 19. Oksana, a conservatory student, married a student of the Law Institute of Igor Baranova. But the couple lived together only 3 months and broke the relationship.

The second husband of Oksana was the artist Nicholas Rowland. Lovers met when Grigoriev studied in the London Music College. What was the reason for the dispractability of this union is unknown. Couple divorced quietly and without scandals. Nicholas allowed the former spouse to stay in England.

In 1995, the personal life of Oksana Grigorieva again underwent a change: the singer and the model broke out a novel with Actor Timothy Dalton. The singer and the actor got married. After 2 years, the joint son of the couple Alexander appeared.

However, a designated crack in the relationship of a couple, a joint child "glue" could not. Spouses divorced. Son stayed with mom. It is saying that the reason for the spoiled relations of Timothy and Oksana was the novel of the singer with a Swedish entrepreneur named Peter Blomkovist.

Marriage and divorce with chalk gibson

In the mid-2000s, both Russian and foreign press "exploded" reports about the novel of Oksana Grigorieva and Mela Gibson. It is noteworthy that at that time the chalk was married. Whether the scandal has broken down, or the romantic feelings towards Russian beauty forced Gibson to leave the family and marry the singer. For the sake of Russian beloved Gibson threw his wife Robin Moore, who was together with the actor 28 years and gave birth to seven children.

In October 2009, the chalk and Oksana had a girl who called Lucia. But in the summer of 2010, the pair spoke again. And again in connection with the scandal. In July of this year, Grigorieva appealed to the police with a statement on the spouse. As it turned out, Gibson beat his wife. An investigation was started against him. These peripetias are in a detailed manner in the press.

After the investigation, the fact of aggression from the actor was confirmed. Guardianship Gibson was banned from approaching the Grigorian and joint daughter of spouses. Gibson and Grigorieva came to the settlement agreement, so in March 2011, the court sentenced Gibson to three years conditionally and fine at $ 400.

In August 2011, the court ruled on the payment of Gibson alimony and the inheritance of Lucia. In the fall of the same year, Grigoriev demanded from Gibson to half a million dollars for the moral suffering of the Son, who witnessed physical violence. Instead Oksana promised to withdraw his own lawsuit.

In August 2016, the trial was completed, which put a point in the scandalous joint biography of the actor and singer. Initially, when the conflict only unfolded, the man suggested a former spouse $ 15 million, but Oksana refused to hope for a more impressive amount.

The court, examined the case file, came to another solution. Upon completion of the hearing, the actor was supposed to pay the singer three times $ 750 thousand. Plus $ 20 thousand per month on the content of the Joint Lucia's daughter.

Oksana Grigorieva was unhappy with this solution and filed on appeal. The court, having considered it, refused Grigorieva. By this time, the actor paid only $ 250 thousand former wife, after which the court canceled payments, and the singer lost the promised $ 500 thousand.

The cause of such a decision of the court was the behavior of a woman. In 2013, at the TV show, Howard Stern Oksana Grigoriev lived in direct air told TV viewers about their own relationships and scandals with Gibson than violated the non-disclosure agreement, which the actor made Oksana back in 2010.

The singer remained unhappy with this state of affairs and hoped for the continuation of the trial. Grigorieva receives $ 20 thousand (according to other sources - $ 60 thousand) alimony, but, according to lawyers, it has no place to complain about it. Also, the actor paid the house in which Oksana lived with her daughter, but she still complained that he was led by "Nishchensky existence."

The new judicial claim of Oksana against the Hollywood actor contained the requirement to increase the ex-spouse costs for the daughter's maintenance of up to $ 100 thousand. According to Grigorieva, she lacked money for additional spending on providing girls with everything necessary.

Later, the Grigorieva began litigation with the advocate of White, Zuckerman, Warsavsky, Luna & Hunt. Lawyers had previously defended the interests of Oksana and her daughter in court. According to a new case, she owed the company to pay the amount to $ 108 thousand. Grigorieva explained that he was in a critical situation, as it was also lost at home in which she lived with her daughter: Gibson sold it.

In 2018, a brain tumor was diagnosed against the background of stress from the artist. About his shameless health Oksana reported in an interview. According to the singer, the physicians have diagnosed by the pituitary adenoma, which required immediately expensive treatment. During the conversation with journalists, Grigoriev provided medical documents confirming the rightness of her words.

Oksana Grigorieva now

Now the ex-wife of the Hollywood actor continues the musical career, releases new tracks and removes clips. Whether she supports relationships with chalk gibson, it is unknown, but paparazzi has repeatedly found a man for a walk with his daughter Luce.

At the beginning of 2021, Grigorieva presented a new clip to the Lemonade composition. And in the spring, shared the shooting of the video Thunder. In the production of the latter, Alexey and Anna Figurov were involved, as well as Alexey Vorobyev.

As for the personal life of the singer, it is a mystery for fans. Mergoreeva's subscribers pleased with his daughter photographs - the girl demonstrates art talent.


  • 2006 - Un Dia Llegara, from Josh Goban Album Awake
  • 2009 - Beautiful Heartache
  • 2019 - Pissed.
  • 2021 - Lemonade
  • 2021 - Thunder.

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