Coco Chanel - Biography, Career, Personal Life, Photo, Cause Of Death, Rumors and Latest News



Female legend, a woman era, Coco Chanel's icon, appeared on August 19, 1883 in France. She was the second child Zhanna Devol and Albert Chanel. Koko's parents were not officially married. Mother died at childbirth, and the girl was named Gabriel in honor of the nurse, which helped her appear on the light.

Coco Chanel

Gabriel did not like to remember his childhood, because there were few happy moments in it. The family lived poorly, the children were not needed by the Father: when Gabriel was 11 years old, he threw them. For some time, the sisters were redeemed by relatives, and then girls got into the orphan shelter during the monastery. More Coco his father never saw.

She understood that she would not have any future after shelter, but still dreamed of a brilliant future, rich life. Becoming the famous, Gabriel Bonor Chanel somehow said that he hated the shelter uniform, which she had to wear, in it all the girls were faceless. Then her dream originated - beautifully put on women.

Coco Chanel in childhood

The monastery gave Shanel recommendation, and she settled an assistant to the seller to the laundry store, and sang in his free time in the cabaret. The girl dreamed of becoming a ballerina, a singer, dancer, walked around the castings, but unsuccessfully. She received his nickname "Coco", because the song "Ko Ko-Ko" sang in a cafe.

At 22, Coco Chanel moved to Paris, she dreamed of becoming a modist, but she did not have experience. After five years, the girl met like-minded people who helped her make the first steps in his career.


Arthur Drops was a young and successful businessman, the ideas of Chanel interested him. In 1910, Coco had his own ships store in Paris, and in 1913 she opened the second store in Deauville. With the advent of your own business, the girl gave the will of fantasy, no experience was confused. She became a designer, and an entrepreneur.

Coco Chanel in youth

At first, Gabriel Bonor Chanel came up with the hats and sold them famous Parisians. The number of its clients grew every day. Soon she already entered the aristocratic society, rotated among the famous directors and artists, writers, actors. Probably, therefore, its corporate style in clothes, accessories and perfume was elegance.

The famous pearl thread is an elegant decoration out of time, the fashion for which I established Coco Chanel. In 1921, she released the famous perfume "Chanel No. 5". The Russian emigrant Ernest Bo worked on the aroma. These were the first perfume with a complicated smell that even remotely did not remind the smell of famous colors.

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Two years later, Coco introduced the fashion on the tan. She rested in a cruise, and then demonstrated his beautiful tan in Cannes. Social society instantly followed its example.

Her little black dress and today enters the basic wardrobe of any woman. Chanel's first suggested women's trouser costumes and showed that the male style looks feminine and elegant. She herself rarely appeared in trousers, believed that the dresses better emphasize her perfect figure. And the figure and appearance of the fashion designer were indeed perfect.

Black dress Coco Chanel

By the age of 50 she was rich and famous. Collections created during this period are distinguished by freedom and the game of imagination. When the Second World War began, Chanel closed all the salons, because in the war, people were not up to fashion. In September, the 44th they were arrested for supposedly communications with the officer of the German army, but after a few hours released.

Coco Chanel went to Switzerland and lived there for 10 years. Her glory went into the past, the collections of new designers appeared on Paris's podiums. The fashion house "Dior" used stunning success and did not leave Chanel's chance. But Coco decided otherwise. In 1953, she opened the salon in Paris.

Fashion designer Coco Chanel

At that time she was 70 years old, and a few months later Chanel house appeared in the fashion capital. Critics did not spare a fashion designer, she also ignored their lunges. In 1954, Koko presented elegant rectangular handbags on a long chain handle, stating that we were tired of wear Ridiculi and constantly lose them. Three years needed Coco Chanel to return to the trendy Olympus and make his style dominant.

Personal life

There were many novels in her life - fleeting and long, but Coco never married, did not give birth to children, although he dreamed of it.

At 22, she became the mistress of Etienne Balzam - the officer retired, besides very well. He bred the thoroughbred horses. Chanel lived in his castle, enjoyed luxury and hesitated over what to do. Then she met an Englishman artero drop, they had a novel.

Coco Chanel and Hugh Grosvenor, Duke Westminster

In 1924, the fate of Coco Chanel with the Duke of Westminster, the richest man of England. Their connection lasted 6 years, during this time the duke married twice and divorced. He offered Chanel hand and heart, to which she replied:

"The dukes and duchess in the world are a lot, but Coco Chanel is one."

The status of a mistress pursued the fashion designer all his life. She survived all his lovers, but never became happy in his personal life. The meaning of its life was the work. Coco Chanel saw the ideas of new costumes in a dream, waking up and was accepted for work. Woman to deep old age was hardworking.


Coco Chanel died from a heart attack on January 10, 1971 in the suite of the hotel "Ritz", in front of Chanel's famous for the whole world. She was 88 years old.

Tomb Coco Chanel

By this time, her fashion empire annually brought 160 million dollars of income, but in the wardrobe of the famous designer only three outfits found. These were such outfits, which would envy the Queen. The famous fashion designer was buried on the Cemetery of Boua de-V (Switzerland, Lausanne).

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