Vladimir Potanin - biography, photo, personal life, news 2021



Vladimir Potanin is one of the richest people of the Planet, which for 20 years has been occupied by the leading position among Russian and world billionaires. Vladimir Potanin is the owner of the largest Investment company Interros in Russia, and also owns control packets of shares of the Mining and Metallurgical Company Norilsk Nickel, the Russian Media Holding "Prof-Media" and the ski resort in Red Polyana "Rosa Khutor".

Potanin Vladimir Olegovich was born on January 3, 1961 in the capital of Russia in the family of a sales representative of the USSR of the USSR Oleg Romanovich and the doctor Tamara Ananievna. Vladimir became the first and only son of his parents who had invested in his son all the best. In view of the work of the chapter of the Potanin family, Vladimir, according to the standards of Soviet times, referred to the category of "golden youth", but the troubles of their own parents did not deliver.

In childhood and youth, the future billionaire rose a comprehensively developed boy. The boy was fond of learning foreign languages ​​and sports, and at the school desk he behaved like an approximate student. This allowed Vladimir at the end of the school to easily enroll in MGIMO at the Faculty of International Economic Relations at the Commercial Branch. From the university, the young man came out with a diploma of "economist-international" and in the footsteps of the Father settled in the Ministry of Foreign Trade of the USSR, where he worked 8 years before the beginning of the 90s.


Vladimir Potanina's business career began to develop in 1990 - Vladimir Potanin founded and led the Interros's own investment company. In the same year, the businessman met Mikhail Prokhorov, who in the future became the main partner of the Potanin on business.

Mikhail Prokhorov and Vladimir Potanin

Together, businessmen founded the International Financial Company Bank, whose president was Potanin. This financial institution is considered to be the first license by the Bank of Russia, since all Soviet Avuara MBS were transferred to it in the amount of $ 400 million together with the banking clientele. Later, Vladimir Olegovich became president of Onexim's Akb, which today is included in the top 5 of the largest banks of the Russian Federation.

In 1995, Potanin bought the controlling stake in the Russian Mining and Metallurgical Company Norilsk Nickel, and in 1997 he created the "Prof Media" holding, which included the largest Russian media, such as Izvestia, Praisis, Komsomolskaya Pravda ", "Big city".

In 2007, Vladimir Potanin announced a business section with his long-standing partner Mikhail Prokhorov. This process was delayed for several years and resulted in a serious conflict. The "war" of Potanina with Prokhorov, other major businessmen of the country were connected, which resulted in a scandal between "friends" with a wide scale and illumination.

Vladimir Potanin, Norilsk Nickel

The main activity of Potanina's activities was the development of Interros and Norilsk Nickel companies. Also in the development of own business projects, Vladimir Potanin united with Alisher Usmanov, who owns the Holding "Metalloinvest". Businessmen are planning with the help of the "Tropery" Union of Compounds to create a global metallurgical giant, which will be the leader in the production of nickel, iron ore and aluminum on the planet.


In addition to the business billionaire, Vladimir Potanin, for his own career, regularly participated in the political life of the country. In 1996, Vladimir Potanin was appointed first Deputy Prime Minister of the Russian Federation. Then the responsibilities of the businessman included the coordination of the economic block of issues.

Vladimir Putin and Vladimir Potanin

At that time, Potanin also headed 20 federal, interdepartmental and government commissions on monetary and financial policy of Russia. Also Potanin became the manager of the Russian Federation in the IBRD and the Multilateral Agency for Investment Guarantees.

In 2006, Oligarch was part of the Public Chamber of the Russian Federation, where he became chairman of the Commission on Volunteering and Charity. Thanks to the initiatives of this commission, federal laws were adopted in support of the development of public organizations and NPOs, and individuals who carry out charity received tax breaks.


Charitable activities of Vladimir Potanin takes an important place in the biography of a businessman. For 20 years, the "Chariter Potanina Charitable Foundation" has been uninterrupted, which carries out activities aimed at the development of culture and education in Russia.

Vladimir Potanin

Potanina Foundation offers scholarships for talented students. The Foundation features an official website where the Fund's details are posted and requirements for assistance recipients. The charitable program really helps students and teachers. The foundation of the Foundation see the creation of "conditions for the disclosure of creative potential, the development of creative thinking, expanding the possibilities of professional and creative implementation." For 20 years, grants and scholarships received 26 thousand students and 2 thousand teachers from 83 universities in Russia.

In addition, the charity fund is conducting events to support cultural initiatives and philanthropy. The site announced lectures and seminars on the work of NGOs in Russia.

Vladimir Potanin entrepreneur

Since 2003, the billionaire has become the head of the Board of Trustees of the State Hermitage, which invested $ 5 million from its own funds. In 2006, Potanin took the guardianship of his native MGIMO, whose endaument was donated by $ 6.5 million.

In 2013, Vladimir Olegovich joined the philanthropic campaign "Oath of Darment", than agreed to transfer at least half of his state for charitable needs. He became the first Russian businessman decided on such a bold step.

Personal life

Vladimir Potanina's personal life has always been the subject of widespread public interests. The first time he married his student years at his childhood friend Natalia, who lived in marriage for more than 30 years. During this time, three children were born in the Potanin family - Anastasia, Ivan and Vasily. The older children of the billionaire are champions of Russia and the world in Aquabike.

Vladimir Potanin with the first wife

In 2014, a strong and large family of the oligarch broke up, Vladimir Olegovich became the initiator. According to the wife of a billionaire, for her it became shocked by his statement about divorce, but the marriage could not be preserved. Potanin's marriage process was held long and loud. They still did not solve all financial issues, as the wife of the businessman insists on the section of the property, nizhnaya in a joint married life.

Vladimir Potanin and his wife

After the divorce with Natalia, Vladimir Potanin married the second time. His wife was the youngest for 14 years old Catherine, who at the time of marriage brought up a three-year-old daughter Barbar. The father of the girl, according to open sources, is the Potanin. In 2014, Forbes magazine reported that the fifth child was born at the oligarch.

Vladimir Potanin now

By January 2016, Vladimir Potanina's condition was rated $ 12.1 billion, which allowed him to take the fourth position in the ranking of the richest people in Russia. Compared to 2015, the oligarch lost $ 3.3 billion, at the expense of which he was the leader among Russian billionaires and the richest man of the country.

Vladimir Potanin

In 2017, Forbes magazine placed Potanina on the 8th line of the Russian ranking of billionaires and the 77th position in the world. The state of the businessman was rated at $ 14.3 billion.

However, part of his own revenue Vladimir Potanin spends on charity. For example, a businessman sacrificed $ 5 million to the Ermitage Endaument.


  • 1990 - President of the Foreign Economic Association Interros
  • 1992-1993 - President and Creator of the Bank International Financial Company
  • 1993 - President AKB "ONEXIM Bank"
  • 1995 - the owner of the controlling stake in Norilsk Nickel
  • 1996 - Member of the Board of Directors of Svyazinvest
  • 1997 - created a holding CJSC Prof-Media ("Izvestia", "Komsomolskaya Pravda", "Poster" and "Big City")
  • 1998 - Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Interros holding company (Interros FPG, Norilsk Nickel and Sidanko)
  • 1999 - established a non-profit charitable organization "Potanina Charitable Foundation"
  • 2000 - began the construction and development of ski slopes in the Red Polyana area, which subsequently became part of the sites of the XXII Winter Olympic Games
  • 2001 - Member of the Board of Trustees of the Fund of Solomon Guggenheim
  • 2002 - Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Hurmitage Huggenheim Charitable Foundation
  • 2003 - Chairman of the Board of Trustees of the State Hermitage
  • 2006 - He headed the Commission on the Development of Charity, Mercy and Volunteering
  • 2008-2010 - headed projects to improve the legislation on NPO
  • 2013 - the first Russian entrepreneur who joined the philanthropic campaign "Oath Darment"

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