Mihai Volontir - biography, photos, personal life, movies, death



Mihai Volontir - Soviet and Moldavian actor, singer and theatrical director, in 1984 he received the title of People's Artist of the USSR. Glory came to volunteer in a mature age thanks to the bright work in the sensational paintings "in the zone of special attention", "Gypsy" and "Returning Fauwly".

Mihai was born in the village of Gluben, which was then in the possession of the Kingdom of Romania, and later passed to Moldova. Father Yermolai Melentievich worked as a forester in the local commune. It is curious that initially the name of the family was a volintier, but when the documents change, the secretary was mistaken in one letter and the whole race was renamed voltic.

Full Mihai Volontir

Mihai from two years was accustomed to work. The boy independently cared for a plot of land in the field, where he grown her own garden. In the evenings, Mihai went with horses on water. In the youthful age, Volontir began to dream about a military career, but the Micah did not take in the school, explaining the reason for the failure of a flat-growing.

After school, the young man entered the pedagogical school and at the same time began teaching in a rustic school. Three years later, Michaya was transferred to the position of head of the village of Culture in the village of Lipheren of the Ruban District. There Volontir began to participate in self-identity competitions, where the young artist was noticed and invited to the Music and Drama Theater named after Vasile Alexandri in the Moldovan city of Beltsy. The meeting with the world of the theater predetermined the biography Micah.

On theatrical stage, the actor played over 120 roles, and also sang over 50 songs, many of which were popular among the spectators, including the romance "We do not need to regret", which later included in the soundtrack of the movie "Gypsy".

Mihai Volontir in youth

But the fame of Mihai who fell on the actor was always calm. Volontir did not move to Moscow, although the name of the actor repeatedly. Moreover, he refused even from life in Chisinau, and remained forever in his native theater in Beltsy. Mihai Ermolaevich not only played himself, but also performed as a director, putting, in particular, the music comedy on the play of Bogdan Hashda "Sleep to May Night."


In the cinema, Mihai Volontir began to be filmed, already reaching maturity, at the age of Christ. The first picture of the actor became the comedy "I need a gatekeeper", and an artist appeared immediately in the lead role of Ivan Turbinke. Then the romantic tape "This is a moment", the military drama "Men Severe Rano", the Social Story "Bridges", the household drama "Ten Wincies for one summer".

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Interesting was the work of volunteer in the historical and biographical film "Dmitry Kantemir", where the actor fulfilled the role of a philosopher and public figure. But the All-Union Popularity Artist brought the fighter "in the zone of special attention", in which Mihai Volontir and Boris Galkin created images of brave marines. The success of the picture entailed after four years continued - the military adventure tape "Response".

But between these films in 1979, the "Gypsy" melodrama managed to leave the screens, which made volunteer not just known, and one of the most beloved artists of the country. The image of the volitional gumption of the future, wandering around the world in search of freedom and happiness, and the love of the heroine actress Clara is absolutely just fan of fans of the cinema throughout the country.

With the name of the actress who will play a major role, the director Alexander Blanc decided at the beginning of the film process. Moreover, the writer Anatoly Kalinin insisted on Clara candidacy, on the work of which the series was created. But the actor for the role of Tsygan was not in any way, despite the fact that Nikolai Slichenko and Armen Dzhigarkhanyan passed the samples.

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Later, Clara remembered Moldavian, with whom they had to intersect on the film crew "Root of Life". On the first day of listening, Michai was approved for the role. The artist responsibly approached the work. In order to get used to the role as much as much as possible, Volontir took lessons from the Master's blacksmiths. As a result, it was so organically looked in the image of Gypsies that many knew the actors only by the name of the hero. In 1985, the long-awaited continuation of the multi-sieves film was "Returning Fauwly".

In the 80s, the actor filmography was replenished with the works in the military drama "from Bug to Vistula", the film "The only man" film is filled with "deer hunting". The main roles were followed by one by one: Anton Greek in "This Male Friendship", Sergey Skiba from "Case in Square 36-80", Rada from "Be happy, Julia!". In 1986, the artist was invited to the Joint Soviet-Argentine project - a political thriller "Foots of the Werewolf". The Mihai film was transformed into the South American millionaire Hugo Vinchero, which is found dead after meeting with the Soviet photoconduct Aleshin (Sergey Shakurov).

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After 1992, Mihai Volontir appeared on the screen just once - in the Candra Social Drama, raising the national question. The artist fulfilled the role of a single film mechanic, in love with Indian culture, whose residence was kinobudka.

Personal life

Mihai Volontir attracted the attention of the female half of society before he became famous. And when the actor began to show in the cinema and on television, there was no penalty from the fan.

But the personal life of the artist at the same time remained stable. Mihai belonged to the type of people called alolyubs. There was still no young man for 20 years when he met Efrosin Lidea, too, actress, and married a girl. By the way, Efrosinia Alekseevna is familiar to the audience thanks to the episode in the Roma Melodrama, but in the future Volontir's wife devoted the lives of the family.

Mihai Volontir with his wife

Soon they had a daughter of Stella, who refused to go in the footsteps of the parents, although it was still small in the famous movie film along with Mom and Dad. The girl graduated from the Faculty of International Relations and became a diplomat. Now Stella is a representative of Moldova in France.

In the early 1990s, Volontir was carried away by politics and violently supported the disconnection of Moldova from the Soviet Union, a lot made a lot to popularize the Moldavian language. The actor talked for the accession of Moldova to Romania. About Russia, Mihai Volontir responded as about the invoice. But the anger of the artist was replaced by mercy, when Mihai saw the devotion of the Russian audience, who were the first to have material assistance. Thanks to the assembled amount, it became possible to carry out the necessary operations in St. Petersburg.


For many years of life, Mihai Volontir suffered from diabetes mellitus. Due to illness, the artist Oleks and for 20 years suffered dozens of operations. The actor lived Powa, so the volunteer was the financial support from the devotees of talent admirers, as well as from the Moldova government.

Funeral Micah Volontra

The last two months, the actor was constantly on inpatient treatment in the Beltsi Hospital, and at the end, when the state of the artist worsened, the actor was transferred to the clinical hospital in Chisinau. September 15, 2015, Mihai Volontir died.

The death of the actor became a real national tragedy for Moldova. At the meeting of the government, a minute of silence was announced, after which three days of official mourning began. At the civilian memorialist in the Nikolai Sulaca National Palace near the artist's coffin was built by the Honorary Guard.

Politicians of the country, creative intelligentsia, fellow villagers arrived at the funeral. To honor the memory of the future arrived and the Gypsy Baron Arthur Cherar. When it was time to go to the cemetery, the funeral procession stretches for several quarters. The grave of the actor is located at the Central Cemetery of Chisinau.

Mihai voluntera grave

About life, creative and difficult fate of the famous actor, a documentary film "Gypsy love was shot. Mihai Volontir. " The memory of the artist was reflected in the work of Russian executive authors. In 2017, Vladimir was converted by a clip on the song "Topolina Purga", which entered the frames from the film about Bulia and portrait photos of the actor Micah volunteer.


  • 1967 - "Need a gatekeeper"
  • 1972 - "This is a sweet word - freedom!"
  • 1973 - "Dmitry Kantemir"
  • 1976 - "Do not believe the shout of a night bird"
  • 1977 - "In the zone of special attention"
  • 1978 - "Secret Service Agent"
  • 1979 - "Gypsy"
  • 1981 - "Returning"
  • 1981 - "The only man"
  • 1981 - "Deer Hunting"
  • 1982 - "This Men's Friendship"
  • 1983 - "Be happy, Julia!"
  • 1985 - "Return to Fauy"
  • 1986 - "Werewolf trails"
  • 1989 - "knock on the door"
  • 1992 - "Is I guilty ..."
  • 2003 - Candra

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