Igor Korolnikov - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, Actor, TV presenter 2021



For the first time, spectators saw Igor Ugolnikov as a participant in the scandalous humorous transfer "Boe-on!" in the 90s. The artist immediately was remembered by courageous sharpness and the lack of fear to joke over things that until recently spoke exclusively in sublime epitheats.

Childhood and youth

Igor Galnikov was born in the intelligent Moscow family of engineers in 1962. The boy grew back and naughty and always did what he wanted, despite authorities. Therefore, at school, the squares took place near the door so that the way of hooligan to the exit from the class was minimal. In addition, Igor was always sitting in proud loneliness, in order not to disseminate the "infection of disobedience" on more disciplined classmates.

Parents applied maximum efforts to raise her son with a worthy member of society, but did it without inflection and in the intelligent intelligent manner inherent. So, Igor's father always called him by patronymic when it was necessary to influence the heir to morally.

School and tedious lessons Igor Galnik categorically did not like. Therefore, the student paid them to minimal attention and ignored with every opportunity. He liked to play hockey most of all and attend the theater studio. There was interesting and fun, no one swung for long hair and liberty in clothes.

After graduating from school, Igor decided to go there, where he felt most comfortable, - in art.

Galnikov was easily enrolled in Gitis, choosing the acting and directorial faculty. In 1984, taking a diploma, the artist received a place in the troupe of the Metropolitan Theater named after N. V. Gogol.

Personal life

Talking about the personal Igor Golnikov does not like. It is known that the actor married the second marriage. In the first wife, Natalia Shumilina became. I got acquainted with her an artist in youth. Wedding did not postpone. In marriage born the only daughter Igor - Irina. What caused the divorce of the couple is unknown.

Now the personal life of Igor Ugolnikova is his second spouse Alla. A little known about it. Alla is the former classmate of the artist, who observed the victim behind the turbulent school life of the Shebuutian peer. Husband and wife have long been working together, there are no common children from spouses. In secular events appear together. On the joint photo it is clear that the squares retain gentle relationships.

The houses of the satellites are looking forward to the four-liter lovers - the Yorkshire terrier named Zyama. The name of the four-legged friend received in honor of the favorite PSA Actor Zinovia Gerdt.


On the scene named after N. V. Gogol, the multifaceted creative biography of Galnikov began. Here he worked for 4 years and appeared in interesting innovative performances "And this fell out of the nest", "Decameron" and "Coast". Teathers of the young artist saw on the stage of other metropolitan cultural temples - in Mkate named after A. P. Chekhov, theater in the south-west and Moscow theater-cabaret.

Live and movable - both physically (growth - 178 cm, weight - 70 kg), and in nature, - Igor constantly sought to try a new one. Having learned from the inside the "kitchen" theatrical, the actor wished to get acquainted with television. Probably, it is this need that I pushed Ubernikov to see, "how they have there." He went to the USA and for 3 months attended Gregory Heins school. And with great interest watched Broadway productions. At the same time, the actor worked as a dishwasher in the bar to make a living in an expensive city.

Now the actor goes to the scene of the Satira theater. He plays in the production of "fools", "sad, but funny." In the theater of Russian songs, the premiere of the performance "Bad habits" took place.

TV shows

Upon returning home, Igor Galnikov starts a television career. The artist appeared on the screen and immediately loudly declared himself in the scandalous project "Farewell to the Anthem of the USSR". Here he acted as a scenario and director.

Later, Igor recalled that, having met for the first time with Vlad Leaf, received a proposal from him to become new to the project "Field of Miracles" from him. But the artist abandoned this role, as the transfer was not its format.

But in no less scandalous show "Both!" The audience saw the Galnikov also as an actor. The program has been broadcast from 1990 to 1995 and became the first laureate of the Golden Ostap humorous award established in 1992. After 2 years, awarding the team of the "Ovation" team in the nomination "Best TV shows" was followed.

Nikolay Fomenko and Evgeny Voskresensky became the first co-codnikov. When the artists left the project, he changed the name on "both! Corner-show. " The program gave starts to many movie stars and show business. Among the participants of the humorous transfer were Alexey Kortnev and Valdis Pelsh, Maria Aronov and Nonna Grishaeva, then still student student in the theater school.

In a new format, parody of the songs of popular Russian performers were added to the main humorous block. The star of each room became Igor Galnikov. The artist was remembered by parodies on the Lick Star, Oleg Gazmanov, a non-name group representing a heavy rock.

Innovation and acute humor, who was welcomed in the era of change, the audience met with a bang. The screens came out 3 transmission seasons.

In the mid-90s, Galniks together with Konstantin Ernst and Leonid Parfenov founded the master-TV studio, as part of which a new project was published under the name "Dr. Corner", broadcasting on NTV.

In 1997, the artist presented the audience a program called "Good evening with Igor Ugolnikov." The transfer was successful and went on the screens 5 years, until 2002. Forwarding became Levon Oganezov.

In the early 2000s, the wind of the change began to skip Igor Galnikov again. The celebrity left television and focused on cinema.

In 2008, on the channel, the Artist appeared in the role of a TV host show "Union Time". Later the squares became the face of the project "Star on the" Star "", which was published on the patriotic channel.

The artist and producer repeatedly got into the chair of the participant of the program "Who wants to become a millionaire?" In 2019, a couple in the teleigre made him a colleague Levon Oganezov, after six months of the squares played together with Vyacheslav Fetisov.


The cinematic biography of Golnikov began when he was a boy of kindergarten. Actually, Igor and played himself in the legendary film "Gentlemen of Good luck". Little Igorek, whom Yevgeny Leonov, Head of the garden, teaches the fierce wolf correctly, is actor Igor Galnikov.

But if the first role was unconscious, then in the 1990th, the artist is already quite consciously and the masterfully performed the second in the picture "Walk so much. Shoot so shoot "Mikhail Ashumov. Hero Igor goes to Moscow for a medicine for the mother. The road becomes a real adventure for a young man.

In the early 1990s, the artist appeared in a number of episodic roles in the parody comedy "We will meet on Tahiti" and the drama of Ivan the Dykhovichny "Breakfast" about the life of the top of the NKVD.

Then one after another followed comedy images. Pictures "Shirley-Merlya", "Carnival night - 2", "it is non-serious" and "Funny things, family matters" the audience saw in the second half of the 90s.

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In the new century, the artist also found a place. In 2004, the Galniks lit up in the episode of the film "Blind", a year later, work was followed by the series "Aleksandrovsky Garden". In a mystical thriller "Nine Unknowns", the actor transformed into a lawyer Rostislav Divova. In the film, we were talking about the friendship of richer Sevidov (Valentin Gaft), which owns the artifact, with which you can treat people, and the Russian Aventurist Methodius (Egor Beroev), who issues himself for psychics.

From the mid-2000s, the filmography of Igor Ugolnikova is replenished with paintings "In the Circle of the First", "Zoward", "man in my head". In the film "Stories", the Contractor appeared in the president's image, in the Comedy "Ghost" - as Polzunova. I visited the artist and in the image of the deputy, the father of Heroine Nastya (Natalia Rudova) in the TV series "Thin ice", the shooting of which was completed in 2015.

In 2000, Igor Galnikov tried himself - and very successfully - as a producer. The audience was brilliant to work in the sensational dramatic paintings "Casus Belli", "Rescuers. Eclipse "," In June 41 "and" Brest Fortress ". The last drama is in the number of the top 10 military films. The producer is confident that the victory in the Great Patriotic War claims to be considered a national idea for Russian citizens: it united people of many nationalities against the general enemy.

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In 2015, the film "Battalion of Death" was released on the screens, which caused a huge interest among the public. Galnikov is the author of the idea and the general producer of this military drama.

In 2016, the artist performed the dramatic role of Mikhail Gorbachev in the biographical drama "so the stars" about the fate of the Kazakh head of state Nursultan Nazarbayev.

On October 5, 2017, the showing of the Salute-7 catastrophe film was started about the docking of the spacecraft with rescuers and the failed station of the same name. The main roles in the film, based on the real events of the 1985, played by Vladimir Vdovichenkov and Pavel Derevyanko. Galnikov appeared in the frame in the image of Boldyrev.

As a film producer, Igor was engaged in the shooting of the "Caspian 24" detective, talking about the crime, in which the closest people are involved. The development contains a scenario of a military film about Ilyinsky turn.

In 2017, the Contractor headed the international teleconception "Teffi - Immortal Regiment", stood at the helm of the Board of Directors of the International TV channel Tvorrix.

In December 2017, the Arkhangelsk Earth started the ARCTIC Open film festival, which was planned to make an annual. Igor Galnikov was invited to the position of President of the Jury. In addition to Russian filmmakers, colleagues from Norway, Great Britain, Canada, China and Georgia participated in the competitive program of that year.

In the last month of the year of the Galniks, along with the actor Yuri Solomin, director Karen Shakhnazarov, the National Prize "Man of the Year", who received from the hands of President Vladimir Putin received from the hands of President Vladimir Putin.

The next year was not less fruitful. The director began shooting the drama "Ilyinsky frontier" dedicated to the military feat of young residents of Podolsk. Galnikov called this film by the "People's Project", as each wishes could participate in it or financially, or as an actor of the Mass. Together with Vyacheslav Fetisov Igor Stanislavovich visited Podolsk, where he submitted to local students a new project. Later, the film was called "Podolsk cadets". The premiere took place in November 2020.

Igor Golnikov Now

In 2020, the shooting of a new project was started with the participation of Igor Ugolnikov. This is a comedy road Movie "Heart and how to use it", where Sergey Chirkov, Sergey Belov, Nonna Grishaeva and others will perform in the acting ensemble with the famous comic.

Another acting producer is a role in the comedy Mikhail Sigala "deeper". The picture was discussed about the young director of the Roman who, being unemployed, agrees to become a film director for adults. In this sparkling project, Alexander Pal, Lyubov Aksenova, Sergey Burunov appeared. Photos of billboards Film Artist placed in his account in "Instagram".

In addition to the main profession, now Igor Stanislavovich is also implemented as a public figure. In September 2020, he became one of the participants of the Forum "History for the Future. A new look ", dedicated to the day of the memory of the Podolsk cadets.


  • 1990 - "Walk so much. Shoot so shoot "
  • 1991 - "See for Tahiti"
  • 1992 - "Bug"
  • 1995 - "Shirley Merly"
  • 1996 - "Funny cases, family matters"
  • 2005 - "Nine Unknown"
  • 2007 - "Man in my head"
  • 2014 - "Ghost"
  • 2015 - "Thin ice"
  • 2015 - "So the stars have developed"
  • 2017 - "Salute-7"
  • 2018 - "Eternal Life of Alexander Khristoforova"
  • 2018 - "Year of Culture"
  • 2018 - "Sleeping-2"
  • 2019 - "Woe from Wit"
  • 2020 - "Deeper!"

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