Leonid Kanevsky - biography, personal life, photo, news, "Corollary led", age, movies, transmission, investigation 2021



Leonid Kanevsky - Soviet, and later the Russian and Israeli actor and movie actor. Despite the fact that in the artist filmography, there are dozens of roles, the Russian-speaking viewer loves Leonid Semenovich for the image of the investigator, which is on the shoulder any mystery. The acquired role is not released by Kanevsky to this day.

Childhood and youth

The future actor was born in Kiev in May 1939, in a friendly Jewish family. Parents had only distant attitude towards the world of art. The father worked by a technologist, and the mother provided her husband to her husband and two sons - Leonid and Alexander (the last older for 6 years). In his youth, a woman studied at the conservatory. His school led the whole and completely devoting himself to the home hearth.

Perhaps the mother genes caused the sons to rushed to the world of art. Alexandra discovered a literary talent (brother grew by a Satyrian writer), and Leonid from childhood insurmatimately attracted to the world of cinema and theater. The boy did not miss any filmmakers in his hometown, without regret, spending pocket money on a counter.

In high school, when it was time to be determined with the place of study, Kanevsky told his parents that he plans to enroll in one of the Moscow theater institutions. First, adults accepted the news skeptically, but they realized that the Son was determined, and did not speak the actor. The only condition that was put to the son - a parent will go with him.

Moscow was not too hospitably accepted the young man. Nor at MCAT, nor in the Shchepkinskaya school Leonid did not take due to the Ukrainian accent. Try to enter the "Pike" persuaded mother. The face of Kanevsky was not hoping for success, but under the pressure of the parent set off to experience the last chance. And won. The student was enrolled on the court of Faith Lvov. As it turned out, there was a legendary course. Future stars of cinema Andrei Mironov, Olga Yakovleva and Vasily Livanov studied with the Kiev resident.


At the end of the Schukinsky Kanevsky took the name of the Lenin Komsomol theater in the Tepper. Anatoly Efros made mentor and teacher Leonid Semenovich in Lenkom. For 7 years, the actor has made a maximum effort to deserve the right to play the main roles and get into the ranks of leading troupe artists. But then luck did not want to smile by the artist.

Kanevsky switched to the famous cultural institution on a small armor. Here, Leonid Semenovich finally received what was counting on: interesting characters, respect for colleagues and the love of viewers. The young man participated in such performances as the "auditor" and "Late Love".

It is believed that the actor moved to Tel Aviv, disappointed in domestic cinema. But Kanevsky argued in an interview that everything was arranged in Russia, Evgeny Arieu influenced the decision. The director lit a friend of the idea of ​​creating in Israel the Dramsteater "Gesher". The name is translated as a "bridge", which corresponds to the concept. The scene played people from the Soviet Union. Yes, and in the hall, mainly repatriates were present.

But I could not forget about Zlatagovoy Leonid Semenovich. When the artist was offered roles in Russia, Kanevsky agreed. Therefore, the life of the artist has become permanent flights from Tel Aviv to Moscow and back.


The cinematic biography of Leonid Semenovich started in the early 60s. The debut in the painting "Forty minutes before dawn", where the actor played the shop head, turned out to be unlikely. After a few more episodic characters followed, the most noticeable of which is a smuggler in the comedy of Leonid Guidai "Diamond Hand". It is not surprising, because the project had a stunning success and glorified the participants.

Directors liked Kanevsky, but the growth of the artist (168 cm) was long an obstacle to the central heroes. Perhaps the only film of those years, where for Leonid Semenovich found a noticeable image, became the "city of masters". In the tape, the performer played the chief of the secret police. The work received positive feedback. Soviet critics separately celebrated the color decision of the fairy tale.

Star role and all-union popularity came to Kanevsky in the early 70s. Director Vyacheslav Brovkin, who was looking for actors for the television series "The investigation is conducted by experts," saw Major's Semenovic at the low Leonid. When the first 4 series came out on the screens, it became clear that the plot liked the audience. Because of the popularity of the project, it was necessary to return to the shooting process to 1989 inclusive.

During these years, Kanevsky managed to appear in other paintings, where it was embodied in second-terrain, but very bright images. So, in the film School "D'Artagnan and Three Musketeers" Leonid Semenovich played a haberdasher Buonas. The phrase "Galanaser and Cardinal is power!" turned into a winged expression. The tape attracted attention and musical accompaniment. All songs are well acquainted with several generations.

In 2009, the artist appeared in the series "Semin", where he fulfilled the main role of the principal investigator, which is fear of both criminals and high militia ranks. In 2011, Kanevsky returned to the character in the project "Semin. Retribution". The continuation turned out to be no less exciting, because now it was brought on Boris Semin himself.

In February 2018, Leonid Semenovich appeared in the comedy "What Men talk about. Continued ", filmed by the Quartet with the support of the movie Foundation. Mikhail Prokhorov participated in the film. The millionaire played himself for the symbolic fee of 1 rub.

"The investigation was"

A kind of continuation of the famous series was the documentary tape "The investigation was ..." TV channel NTV. For the first time, the transfer went to the screens in 2006 and immediately received high ratings. In this program, Leonid Semenovich is busy now.

"The investigation was led ..." - the author's project of Kanevsky, which is a cycle of documentary novel, devoted to the famous crimes and loud detective cases of the USSR. The films covered the entire period of the existence of the Soviet Union from 1917 to 1991.

The transmissions showed both the investigations of maniacs and serial killers, such as chikatilo, and the daily lives of the country's average citizens, against the background of which terrible crimes took place. At the same time, the TV host also explained the features of Soviet time, which may be incomprehensible to young spectators: filling the product basket, leisure features, availability and inaccessibility of certain books and other points.

The approach gave a complete and bulk picture of what is happening and immersed in the atmosphere of the investigation. Such lyrical retreats have earned discontent with ill-wishers, and part of critics saw the demonization and separation of Soviet power in these descriptions of the USSR, others found excessive lunizing and idealized idea of ​​the period.

But, in spite of everything, the project continued to receive high ratings. The role was played by humor of the TV presenter. One of the favorite issues that the transmission fans with pleasure are reviewed, devoted to the celebration of the New Year in the Soviet Union.

Personal life

At the beginning of the 70s, the actor met the future wife. Choosen was the charming girl Anna Berezina, translator. Anna Efimovna - the daughter of the famous comedian Efim Berezina, whom the audience knew as a plug from the popular Soviet humorous duet of the plug and a cockroach.

Leonid Semenovich's personal life was happily formed. In a strong alliance in 1977, Natalia daughter was born. Initially, creative Kanevskaya dreamed of acting profession, but the designer work was closer. Studying in the Israeli school, the heir was met with the young man Ido Nativ, also a Jew for nationality. A year later, the future son-in-law called Kanevsky on a male conversation and asked Natasha's hand before he voiced the desire of his beloved.

Natalia and Ido presented the Kanevsky two grandchildren - Amalia and Mikael. Grandfather and grandmother indulge children who are happy to stay with older relatives for the weekend.

Leonid Kanevsky now

Leonid Semenovich continues to live on 2 states, being in permanent tour. The main case of the actor remains the transfer "Corollary led", new issues of which can be seen not only on TV, but also on the Yutube-channel NTV.

Does not forget Kanevsky and about the scene. In 2021, with the stage of the theater on the small armor "Late Love", the artist traveled in Russia. The performance distinguished himself not only by entertainment and wit, but also a star composition. In addition to Leonid Semenovich, Daniel Spivakovsky, Sergey Dorogov and Clara Novikov participated in the project.


  • 1963 - "Forty minutes before dawn"
  • 1967 - "Spring on Oder"
  • 1968 - "Diamond Hand"
  • 1969 - "Every evening at eleven"
  • 1971 - "Physics in the midst of the tenth"
  • 1971-1989 - "The investigation is conducted by experts"
  • 1979 - "D'Artagnan and Three Musketeers"
  • 1983 - "Mary Poppins, goodbye!"
  • 1984 - "Peppy Long Stocking"
  • 1994 - "Master and Margarita"
  • 1995 - "Judean Vendetta"
  • 2002 - "The investigation is conducted by experts. Ten years later. "
  • 2009 - "Semin"
  • 2011 - "Semin. Retribution"
  • 2017 - "Pure Moscow killings"
  • 2018 - "What are men talking about. Continuation"
  • 2019 - "Heat"
  • 2019 - "Women's version. Mystery party cottages "

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