Igor Dmitriev - Biography, Personal Life, Death, Photos, Filmography and Latest News



Viewers called Igor Borisovich Dmitrieva "the real aristocrat of the Soviet Union." His manners, appearance and behavior were immaculate, like a man of "blue blood". Few people know that this aristocracy is not talked, but the most real one. Igor Dmitriev - The Rights of Freillana Anna Shersher. That very, which served by Empress Maria Fedorovna. This scene begins "War and Peace" of Lion Tolstoy.

Igor Dmitriev in childhood and youth

In his memoirs, Dmitriev opened the veil of his pedigree. It turns out that the great-grandfather Igor Borisovich was an illegitimate child of the courtyard of Avdoti and the son of the very Freillana Anna Shersher, Adam. When the boy was born, the imperial Freillus "bought" an avdot of his grandson. She presented her fortress free, and she left the baby grandmother-aristocrat. She called the grandson by Adolf. Grandmother of artist, Alexandra Shersher - Adolf's daughter. When she grew up, the party was Petr Dmitriev, an officer of the Tsarist Cavalry.

The future artist was born in May 1927 in the city on the Neva. His father (it was according to him a connection with Tsarist Freilina) Boris Dmitriev was a yachtsman. But with Mom, Ballerina, Elena Tauber, he dreamed very early. The son did not even have time to remember the face of the Father. The boy brought up mom with grandfathers and grandmothers.

Igor Dmitriev in his youth

From the young age, Igor Dmitriev grew in the world of art and accustomed to the scene. Mom spoke in Music Hall and Circus Ballet. Already at 7 years old, the boy participated in school amateurs. His successes were seen and Dmitrieva took on the ensemble of songs and dances at the St. Petersburg Palace of Pioneers. This ensemble was known to the fact that they were led by Isaac Dunaevsky.

After the war, Dmitriev went to Moscow with a solid desire to enter one of the theater universities. Preference gave the MHAT Studio School. Having received a diploma, the young artist returned to his hometown and was adopted in the troupe of the Leningrad Drama Theater.


On this scene, Dmitriev made his debut in the form of a sailor Goshev in the play "in the open sea". It must be said that the experience of speaking on theatrical layouts of Igor Borisovich has already been available. He first went on stage during the war years, when his family was in evacuation in Perm.

At the stage of St. Petersburg Dramaater, Igor Dmitriev played many wonderful roles. The play "On all sages of pretty simplicity", the play "On the Open Sea", the water house "Lev Gurych Sichkin" - everywhere young artist demonstrated excellent skill.

Igor Dmitriev in the theater

In 1967, Igor Borisovich left the theater. It happened unexpectedly. He received a tempting offer from his friends who invited him to swim in Italy. And although the actor takes care that Dubler was replaced, the director got excited and dismissed Dmitrieva. Then he changed his mind and offered the artist to return. But now the Dmitriev himself got excited and refused.

Later Igor Borisovich repeatedly regretted the pride. In fact, he really liked to go to the theatrical scene ..

Igor Dmitriev

At the end of 1984, Yuri Aksyunov - the main director of the Comedy Peter Theater, offered Dmitriev to play Chinzanov in the production "Everyone can Kings" on the eponymous play Sergey Mikhalkov. After the premiere of the play, critics broke out enthusiastic reviews. Then there were no less successful work in the "Night in Venice", "mad money" and "Victory Day among the war."


Having lost its place in the beloved theater, Igor Dmitriev did not stay without work. Soon he was invited to Lenfilm and played many roles in cinema, according to which the whole country learned about the existence of a wonderful artist. Although the sake of justice should be noted that Dmitriev also appeared on the screen. In 1957, he played Lotnitsky in the Quiet Don of Sergey Gerasimov.

Igor Dmitriev - Biography, Personal Life, Death, Photos, Filmography and Latest News 19774_5

Then there were Colonel Geraldine in the series Eugene Tatar "Adventures of Prince Florizel", where the main role was given to Oleg. Then the inspector in the "The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes and Dr. Watson".

To understand what kind of successful, Igor Dmitriev film engineer was, you can only list the directors, in whose projects he worked. Gregory Kozintsev, Jan Fried, Leonid Bykov, Emil Lotanu - just some of the Masters series. At the same time, all the directories celebrated the extraordinary conscientiousness of the actor and his dedication to art. For example, if Igor Borisovich played a cellist, he considered his duty to learn to play on this tool.

"Dog on Seine", "Silva", "bat", "star of captivating happiness" - in all these tapes Igor Dmitriev was great.

It must be said that he is one of the few lucky-colleagues who are lucky to play with Hollywood stars. His partners on the shooting platform were Elizabeth Taylor and Ava Gardner. Igor Borisovich Dmitriev was elected academician, a member of the English club and several theatrical unions.

Igor Dmitriev - Biography, Personal Life, Death, Photos, Filmography and Latest News 19774_6

The 2000th year turned out to be very generous for the artist. Igor Dmitriev celebrated his 50th anniversary of service in the theater. And he also played several wonderful movie roles. The most vivid of them were Frederix in the historic drama "Romanovs. Ventance family "and Obolensky in the popular TV series" Poor Nastya ".

Personal life

Larisa's wife, with whom Igor Dmitriev lived for many decades in love and harmony, was his first and only love. They studied together at school. Moreover, were classmates. Igor often visited Lara's house. For a long time they were separated by the Great Patriotic War. But after a few years they met again and never parted.

Igor Dmitriev and his wife Larisa

The personal life of Igor Dmitriev and his beloved Larisa joined the southern Dagomis. Loves walked the embankment. Look at the tire. When the girl got into all the targets, Dmitriev - as a reward - offered her his hand and heart. Together they lived 30 years. In this marriage, the son of Alexey was born.

Larisa Dmitriev did not become in the late 1990s. The artist was very hard survived the loss of his beloved woman. It was she who supported him for many years and did not let me break when he left the theater. Igor Borisovich confessed that the pain of loss did not weaken over the years, but became stronger.


In 2006, misfortune happened. Igor Dmitriev survived the stroke. But the effort of will, he managed to overcome the consequences of the disease and returned to the profession. The artist continued to go to the scene and film to the movies until the last day.

Grave Igor Dmitriev

Igor Borisovich died on January 25, 2008 after a re-stroke. For his life, the best doctors of the country fought. But, alas, the great artist did not. Igor Borisovich buried in St. Petersburg, at the Serafimovsky cemetery.


  • 1958 - "Quiet Don"
  • 1975 - "Star of captivating happiness"
  • 1977 - "Dog on Seine"
  • 1978 - "Bat"
  • 1978 - "On the streets of the Dresser drove ..."
  • 1979 - "The Adventures of Prince Florizel"
  • 1979 - "Glass of Water"
  • 1980 - "Perfect Husband"
  • 1980 - "The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes and Dr. Watson"
  • 1981 - "Silva"
  • 2001 - "Romanovs. Venetian family "
  • 2003 - "Poor Nastya"
  • 2005 - "Far from Sansset Boulevard"
  • 2006 - "Golden Challenge"

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