Maria Boltneva - Biography, Personal Life, Photo, Filmography, Rumors and Latest News 2021



Maria Boltneva - Russian actress of the theater and cinema, which has become famous in Russia and neighboring countries after filming in the criminal television series "Ceremc" and its numerous continuations.

She was born in Novosibirsk, in the hereditary family of artists. Her father is a famous Soviet film actor Andrei Boltnyev, the star of films "My friend Ivan Lapshin" and "confrontation". And Mom Natalia Mazets played on the stage of Novosibirsk theaters. The head of the family, because of frequent filming, lived in Moscow, but since he was not given to the capital registration, the wife and daughter remained for a long time in Novosibirsk, without the possibility of moving to the Father.

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From early childhood, Mary was brought up in the atmosphere of theatrical productions. She was hiding behind the scenes of the "Red Torch" theater, in which Mom played, and in adolescence and herself began to participate in performances. Of course, the girl even thought did not have to try themselves in a different profession, except acting.

After graduating from school, Boltneva enters the Novosibirsk Theater Institute, and in parallel continues to perform in the theater. Actually, because of the regular appearance on the professional stage, Maria remained in the capital of Siberia, and did not go to study at the Moscow university. She graduated from a red diploma with a red diploma, and soon received a proposal to join the Teathers' Troupe of the Vladimir Mayakovsky, which is based in Moscow.


The debut in the movie Mary Boltnye occurred in 2001, when she starred in the "smell of money" from the series "You decide", as well as in the drama about the backstage of the usual bar "five bottles of vodka". Then it was to participate in the episodes of the famous multiserial films "My beautiful nanny", "Failed beautiful", "Swaha", "silent witness."

But when the criminal series "Ceremak" came to the screens, the actress instantly received All-Russian glory. All the cast, including Maria Boltnyev, was awarded twice award "Teffi" award, and the popularity of the painting was so great that the directors became not only to shoot the following seasons, but also made a full-length film "Cormaria in Cinema", and festive scenarios were written for "Ceremonary. Come, new year! " and "Ceremonary. New again. "

The same role of Anastasia Klimenko Maria also played in branches from the main storyline - the militant "Department" and the criminal detective "Karpov", which, as it were, combined the series "Ceremak" and "Pyatnitsky". In addition, the actress appeared in the melodrama "Time of Happiness", the comedy "Stepping on a rope", the Drama "Time for Two", the "big game" detective.

I managed to try myself and as a director. She took off the psychological drama "Manicual manifestations of Miss Isolde K." And the monofilm "Seven I", and for the musical painting "Boomerang" also wrote the script and music.

Personal life

In 2010, at the premiere of his painting "Manic manifestations of Miss Isolde to" in the Cinema House, Maria Boltneva met with the actor "Satirikon" theater George lying. Young people began to meet, and in a year they had a triple born - boys Plato, Timofey and Andrei. The father of the kids did Mary's sentence several times to marry him, but Boltneva, wanting to remain independent, they rejected them every time.

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George continues to help with the upbringing of sons, often comes from Novosibirsk and grandmother Natalia. But Boltneva and Lyzhava still live separately, although a man does not stop doing attempts to establish relationships.


  • 2001 - five bottles of vodka
  • 2006 - silent witness
  • 2007 - house on the embankment
  • 2008-2011 - Ceremonary
  • 2010 - Cretaceous Cinema
  • 2010 - Division
  • 2011 - time for two
  • 2012 - walking on the rope
  • 2013-2014 - Karpov
  • 2015 - Transfiguration

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