Yulia Mayboroda - biography, personal life, news, photos, movies, actress, "instagram" 2021



For the audience, Julia Mayborod - the ideal of aristocratic, beauty and tenderness. As the press writes, the actress distinguishes from colleagues a serious attitude towards heroines, penetration into their souls, inner purity that is felt through the screen. Yes, she is the serial star, but "if they are removed, it means that it is necessary for someone. This is a sought-after genre. There are people who are interested in the day after day to trace the fate of a person, to learn philosophically to treat their lives, watching someone else's.

Childhood and youth

Julia was born in 1980 in a creative family. Mom is an artist, in his youth starred in the film "Tabor goes into the sky." Father graduated from the Faculty of Philosophy, enjoys inventory. Steph, also writes pictures. Grandma was a journalist, and grandfather taught in Madi.

About nationality actress is difficult to judge. Surname, according to her, Ukrainian - great-grandfather on the father's line from Poltava. Prabaato from the mother's side - Greek, and the second great-grandfather is Russian.

At the end of the Mayborod's school, he entered the Schukin school, with the first attempt to pass the competition in 360 people in place. The spark of talent in the girl of fragile build and medium height (165 cm) saw Marina Pantleev, who studied Natalia Antonov, Anton Makarsky, Maxim Averin, and Olga Pogodina and now recalls a mentor with shudder. The fame of a hard teacher Marina Aleksandrovna acquitted: from the 38 received diploma received 25 students, including Julia.


In 2002, the Mayboard began climbing the career ladder. In search of a "own" scene for 10 years, the girl changed several theaters. The first was "tragifars". Soon the actress was translated into the theater Mark Rosovsky, and then Konstantin Raikina.

In Satirikon, Ey offered a small role in one play, but after the start of rehearsal rehearsals, Julia went to the Drama Man Ruben Simonov. In addition, she played in the center of the "Act Sacramentalis" and in the "Nikitsky Gate" theater.


The mining cinematic biography takes the beginning in 2005 with a black goddess melodrama, immediately with the main role. At the same time, the shooting of the historical project "Adjutants of Love" began. Here, Yulia got the role of the daughter of Josephine Bogarne. At the same time, the criminal tape of Peter Mattein "Zone", based on real events. The girl appeared in a lawyer.

The following were the comedies of "movie passions" and "Who is the owner in the house?" The actress was approved on the main role in the film "By the Law of Attraction", the mystical militant "Kill the Snake". She lit up also in the series "servant of sovereigns," where she reincarnated in the court lady. Then the "Two Colors of Passion", Cream, "Further Love" filmography appeared in Yulia filmography.

In 2009, Mayborod played a stellar role in the Tango with Angel's Master Serial. For the role of the artist who won cancer, she had to spread with her hair. But the victim turned out to be justified - the short haircut was used for the military drama "the war ended yesterday." Here, Julia, who convinced the director who gathered to give the girl episode that no one would cope with the central character, reincarnated to the chairman of the collective farm.

In the first ranks of the heroine Mayboration in the TV shows "Moroi" and "Non-Severe Bride". At the expense of the actress of work in the melodrama "Serious relations", the medical sitcom "Interns", the spy film "Motherland".

The new wave of popularity around the name of Yulia Maybooda rose after the yield on the screens of the criminal project "Karpov". In 2015, she fell into caste detective "Last Ment" with Gosha Kutsenko in the lead role.

With the participation of Mayboration in 2017, a show of the television series "Diamonds of the Cyrcese" about the missing rarity, after the theft of which a series of murders survived. Julia appeared in one episode of the film. In the detective melodraman of the "young lady and hooligan", the actress appeared in the image of Ella, the spouses of the club owner (Maxim Mitya).

In 2019, Julia pleased the game fans in the Military Drama "Unlimited Kubina" in the same name Boris Vasilyev's story. In the film about the former front-line, happiness to a peaceful life, Daniel Strakhov, Elizabeth Arzamasov, Alexey Kravchenko, starred.

Melodrama "Teachers" revealed the side of the relationship between children and teachers, which is not accepted about. The map of the Mayborod appeared in the form of a teacher algebra and geometry. Among her screen colleagues, the daughter of the Deputy Minister of Education, which was not wishing to use a preferred position.

Personal life

Julia does not like to reveal the secrets of personal life. "Instagram" here fans are not an assistant - in the account you can find photos of actresses in a swimsuit or spicy underwear, but there is no hint of a romantic relationship. By the way, it refuses to shoot in nude scenes, believing that a certain mystery is lost, inherent in every woman.

Rumors about marriage, which appeared in 2018, the Mayboard itself denied. The future spouse, she told in an interview, it should not be a colleague. The main thing is to find time for my wife and children, possessed a strong character.

At one time, Julia had a pet - dog breed Dalmatian, then a cat appeared. As for reading, it is basically a scenario on the bedside table. But it happens to contact both the classics and fantastic novels.

"I sometimes go to the theater, although to the detriment of myself, because it is also necessary to think about the role, and midnight then do not sleep after the performance, and the next day to run to the rehearsal. People who want to succeed in their profession must be grabbed for everything and live on a complete coil. I try to do it. Stop it - and everything will be collapsed, you do not have time. "

In childhood, Mayboda was engaged in horse riding, dancing and drawing. At the last passion of the actress still finds time. This is how to remove the voltage and switch. Another way to get relaxes - watch cartoons.

Julia Maybooda now

In the company Andrei Chadov and Alexander Nikitina, the Artist worked over the series "Bailiffs", telling about the weekdays of debt recorders. The plot of ribbons was partially based on the events that had a place in life.

Another premiere, which was planned for 2021, - the series Nikita grammatkova "Themida sees", in which Julia Mayborod is involved, as well as Alexander Polovtsev and Dmitry Mazurov. The film spoke about the policeman, dreaming of playing a movie. Director, by the way, the representative of the third generation of a creative family: the son of High Grammatikov and grandson Vladimir Grammatikov.

In the spring, the premiere of the "policeman from Rublevka" started on the TNT television channel. In the draft director, Polina Anufrieva Julia not only demonstrated its acting actor, but also quite good vocal data, Svet song American Boy.

The directorial talent of the Mayborod used in the production of the web series "School Geishe". Maria Baeyeva, Vinichenko Olga, Julia Akimova, Yulia Serina and other rising stars of domestic cinema and other rising stars of domestic cinema were made by the leading roles in the work of the Schukinsky school.


  • 2005 - "Black Goddess"
  • 2005 - "Adjutants of Love"
  • 2006 - "Who is the owner in the house?"
  • 2007 - "servant of sores"
  • 2010 - "Yesterday the war ended"
  • 2011 - "Moray"
  • 2012 - "Non-Rigeon"
  • 2012-2014 - "Karpov"
  • 2015 - "For the sake of love I can do everything"
  • 2015 - "Last Ment"
  • 2017 - "Diamonds of Circiers"
  • 2019 - "Unhalyable Kupina"
  • 2019 - "Teachers"
  • 2021 - "Bailiffs"
  • 2021 - "Themis sees"
  • 2021 - "Policeman from Rublevka"

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