Vladimir Litvinov - Biography, Photo, Personal Life, News, Filmography 2021



Vladimir Litvinov - Soviet and Russian actor, Honored Artist of Russia. He was famous for his works in the television series "Gangster Petersburg", "Prince Siberia", "Secret Guard. Deadly games. "

Vladimir was born and grew up in St. Petersburg. The boy turned out to be a late child - Mom gave birth to Vladimir, when she was already 46 years old, and his father was sixth ten. Dad soon left his life, and the burden of upbringing fell to the mother. The boy was often granted to himself, but at the same time was not "street split". Litvinov formed the worldview independently, with the help of adventure books. Especially the young man attracted the romantic heroes of Jack London.

Full Vladimir Litvinov

Since the clear plan "Whoever be" from Vladimir was not, the young man entered the Polytechnic Institute. After the first year, Litvinova called on the army. The military unit, where Vladimir gave the duty to his homeland, was in the north. In the service, the young man revised life and realized that he wanted to be an actor. After the demobilization of Litvinov, the Polytech throws and becomes a student of the Leningrad State Institute of Theater, Music and Cinematography, in which he studied dramatic art at the acting faculty.

After the university, Vladimir Litvinov served in a number of St. Petersburg theaters - the Tzuy, "on the foundry", the comedy theater. But on the stage, the artist did not find himself and went to the cinema in search of his own personality.


Vladimir Litvinov began to film in 1976 and has since registered in 109 films. The first role got an artist in a psychological drama "while there are mountains ...". Then there were episodes in a detective "Golden Mina", tragicomedia "about the poor hussar will silence the word", the film "Woman in White". The main role of the artist was received for the first time in 1980 in the "Anxiety" melodraman on the life of border guards. The film of Litvinov appeared in front of the audience in the form of Starley Maximov.

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In the state and properly folded Vladimir Litvinov, the directions saw first of all the positive heroes - military, workers, doctors. In 1985, the actor tried on a new image, fulfilling the role of Heroine Svetlana (Irina Alferova) in the melodrama "Snow Maiden called?" Hero Litvinova is a self-confident representative of the younger generation.

Because of the independent nature, Vladimir refused to go through the castings, and waited when he who knows his abilities director will offer to participate in the shooting. After a number of episodes in 1988, Litvinov got a significant role.

It was the drama "for everything paid", which became one of the first who showed the war in Afghanistan. While working on this picture of Litvinov, a fatal wound was obtained - the actor ran to the antenna of the armored personnel carrier, which entered the body by 15 centimeters. Vladimir had to postpone several operations to stay alive. While in serious condition, the artist courageously completed shooting, allowing the director to the director.

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In the same year, kinocartins created earlier - the social drama "Do not forget to look back", in which the actor played the chairman of the collective farm, and the historical film "Past to return," where Litvinov appeared as a professional revolutionary Meshcheryakov.

In 1989, the household drama "Harem Stepan Huslyakova" was released on the screens, telling about the "Swedish family" in the Russian village. In the same year, the actor embodied on the screen the image of a town-dweller, who moved to the village, in the melodrama "I want to make a confession."

The actor continued to appear in the cinema over the 90s. But truly folk love Nastagla Litvinova in 1991 after work in the film "Bodyguard", where Vladimir played the employee of the KGB of Pavel Selikhov. A film about the events that took place in the 70s in the dungeons of the special services became a blockbuster of the 90s.

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Two years later, the creators of the criminal film decided to repeat success and released the second part of the story about Pavel Selikhov called "Gold Party". The life of Major, who has been in prison of 6 years, is complicated by the fact that now the beloved face (Tatyana Kosach-Bryddina), the daughter of a high-ranking official, has to defend.

Then the ribbons filmed abroad appeared in the artist filmography - Italian criminal picture "Mission", Japanese detective "Receiver". An actor appeared in the costume paintings - "Roman Emperor", "Petersburg Secrets". In 1998 he was awarded the leading role of Valery Zverev in the fifth series of the first season of the ranking series "Streets of broken lanterns".

You can also distinguish the films that appeared in the 90s: a plenty film about the Billiard "Classic", the Detective "Code of Break", the historical picture of "Thunderstorm over Rus." During this period, Vladimir tried himself in the director, but he filmed basically documentary tapes and commercials.

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In the XXI century, a new stage began in the artist's creative biography associated with projects on television. Litvinova has episodic roles in the popular TV series "Gangster Petersburg", "Russian Special Forces", "Turkish March", "Code of honor". The attention of the audience was attracted by the melodrama "Two Fates", the adventure TV series "The Secret Guard", the military drama "Hunting on the Werevolf", the Saga "Vorotila". From the work of the actor, an adventurous comedy "Prince Siberia" is allocated, the biographical drama on the legendary hockey player Vyacheslawe Fetisov "Glory", the mystical series "Juna".

Personal life

The first time Vladimir Litvinov married in young years. The daughter of Anna was born in this marriage. With his wife, who at that time, he already taught in the Gnesin school, the actor did not hold the relationship: the woman was jealous of Vladimir to work. After the break, Litvinova's personal life has not been folded for a long time, and the first spouse did not get married at all, but at the same time he did not allow Vladimir to communicate with the girl. She went to the capital of Estonia to parents. Only after the majority of Anna, the actor was able to meet his daughter.

Third spouse Vladimir Litvinova Elena and their son Arseny

Now Anna lives in Talina, married to Estonian, raises two sons - Frank and Ferdinand. Litvinova-younger is a successful artist, her work is highly appreciated among professionals and fans of painting.

The second spouse Litvinova, a doctor by profession, did not live with the actor. The woman immigrated to Germany, where Vladimir did not want to move. Unlike the first union, Vladimir supports friendly relations.

With the third wife, Vladimir met in Kiev on the set. Elena by education economist. Despite the fact that it is 19 years old, these two people quickly found a common language and soon began to live together. In 1992, the son of Arseny was born in the family, in 2009 another child appeared - the daughter of Aksinya. Litvinov rejoices that at least the younger girl can devote to the maximum of attention, which were deprived of the first children due to work. Vladimir Litvinov without fanaticism refers to social networks and is not fond of communication with fans on the Internet, so the photo of the artist appear only due to the few interviews.

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Despite age, the actor looks much younger than its own years. Vladimir daily makes a jog in the fresh air. The taped form allowed the artist to participate throughout the three years in the Dance Dance project. The spectators of the artist remembered the numbers performed in a pair with a multiple champion of Russia and the world on sports ballroom dancing Elena Asspenskaya.

Vladimir Litvinov now

Vladimir Litvinov retains an impeccable acting and continues to appear on TV screens. In 2016, the actor lit up in the next season of "youths" and became closer to the audience TV channel "STS". In 2017, Vladimir fulfilled the role of the director of the enterprise in the detective series "The one who is not sleeping."


  • 1976 - "While the mountains are"
  • 1980 - "Clear the word about the poor hussar.
  • 1989 - "Garem Stepan Huslyakova"
  • 1989 - "I want to make a confession"
  • 1991 - "Bodyguard"
  • 1993 - Gold Party
  • 2002 - "Code of Honor"
  • 2008 - "Craobiles"
  • 2008 - "Heavy Sand"
  • 2014 - "Father Matvey"
  • 2016 - "Irckka"
  • 2016 - "youth"
  • 2017 - "The one who is not sleeping"

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